Ok.. My Attemption to document my trip.. definitely Aced this par3!!
Started with 150mg, then laid back and tried to keep still, as to avoid my prone-ness to nausea with K. The plan was to give the 150 about 15 minutes to settle, then consume more if need be. For the most part, eyes were kept shut to perserve the internal visionz. But every once in a while I peeled my lids back to peek around the corners, and reveal the strange wonders of what used to be the bedroom. It was all the same, in essence, at this point.. but a slight tweaking had been made to everything. Someone or some
thing had been messing around with my stuff.. altering everything and changing them, only minutely though. The stucco ceiling was the same, except that it looked like the one belonging to my childhood room, my old room as a toddler. Mine, but
not mine, ya know? I brought my hands up to give myself a quick facerub, only to discover a disconnection .. "These are my hands and arms, but from a distance" or something like that.
Time was being stretched thin. The fifteen minutes passed with a snail's pace. Each perceived '10 minutes' was like, 2 minutes. It was time to compound the dose. I rose from the bed with ease, and I found standing to be quite pleasant too. Each step towards the pre-fabbed 250mg rail was pleasant as well, but not particularily easy, nor hard. The steps
just were

It's the best I can explain it. I stared at the rail, contemplating the business at hand. ..And
fwaapp.. I regained my senses.. Apparently I stood for some time, nearly twenty minutes, to the best of my recollection. Stunned when I looked at the clock, I decided to buckle down and put that 250 down. Fumbling with the straw, I did just that, and made my way back to the bed.
It was no time at all until it all went digital.. The best way to explain it is this:
With my eyes closed, the familiar view up at my ceiling was still present, very clear. But then my '16x9' field collapsed vertically in on itself and pixelated. As quick as it collapsed, it expanded and reconstituted to completely surround me.. and from my percerption, I pulled back, as in zooming out or going 'wide' (as pertaining to video cameras) to reveal a nearly 360 degree view of everything. Almost as if I was an orb floating above myself, viewing every angle of the space I occupied at once. This all with the eyes closed. I remained here for quite a while I think.. I find it difficult to recall the thought process at this point.
A while later, when the orb-view had subsided, I was engulfed by an unbelievably vivid vision. Non-specific, and seemingly without a clear motive, I was dropped into a 'theatre box seat' with a bird's eye view of a strange mechanical world veiled in a light fog. With a blue hued atmosphere, a landscape full of pipes and wragged metal was observed, almost as if it was the rotting ancient plumbing of some city of the future. Not a sewer, but a place where 'people' would still inhabit. These people would be the sort that society would forget. This place was a refuge for lost souls, I think. The final destination for the bowels of humanity. I tried to magnify and investigate, but as quickly as the vision appeared, it dissapated.
At this point, I had been gone for about 40 minutes after the last 250mg was insufflated, and while I was dropping back to earth, or climbing back up, whichever.. I was still sufficiently konked, but now with some of my wits about me. This is when some of the fear boiled to the surface. I needed to keep reassuring myself it was only anasthetic, I was fine. I don't know if it the fear of coming back, or the fear that I may
never come back to my earthly body. It passed eventually, as my senses regained, and the bricks and mortar of the house pieced themselves back together around me.
A wicked tiredness befell me.. I succumbed and fell fast asleep.
A few hours later I awoke with slight vertigo, but nothing unmanageable. Like a hangover from a moderate night of drinking. Truthfully, I am pumped for my next trip.. thinking of consuming 500mg at once.. I should think I'll drop off that cliff quite rightly
Oh yes, and a BIG handshake and a wink is due to my Pal and fellow Adventurer.. Thanks Brother.. For the BleSSing