Opinions on My Art


Active Member
I could never draw before, but since I was looking for ways to procrastinate/burn time I started about a week ago. Wondering what my third-eye crowd thinks =)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I thing that it is definitely going places ... and you should continue this thread !
With many updates ...

Please allow me to ask you a question ....
How did IT feel when YOU Brought this to Life ?
If You enjoyed it .... do it again !



Active Member
Funny enough, I'm color blind so those reds and greens are pretty much one color to me. But I just started drawing, would see something I liked then continued drawing variations of it. For coloring I just picked up which ever color came to mind and tickled my fancy. I like this now as much as I do playing piano or smoking, its just so stress-releiving and carefree. When I get more colored/drawn I'll post here.

You should post some of your drawings sven.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hey is there a way for you to scan these in .... perhaps we can start a 'Joined-EFFORT Art Project'
And Join all these together .... in marriage OF Color !
Your Geometry is very GooD !!
As also the intricate patterns developed in the detail !



Active Member
Hey is there a way for you to scan these in .... perhaps we can start a 'Joined-EFFORT Art Project'
And Join all these together .... in marriage OF Color !
Your Geometry is very GooD !!
As also the intricate patterns developed in the detail !

I do have a scanner in house that I think works if that is what you mean. If I can find a way to crop out the white space and make a collage I'll try to make it work.

very amateurish...but if u enjoy it good for u :) its relaxing & therapeutic
That would be because I'm an amateur lol. My grandma is a watercolor artist though and has paintings in some places.


Active Member
One of my friends wanted me to try "blending the colors together." Here is the result:

2011-05-05 17.46.03.jpg2011-05-05 17.45.08.jpg

I think the term bleeding might be better.

Sorry about the horrible lighting.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I actually find this very interesting.... as you are color blind.
So what you perceive is something that I do not tap into directly.
(Taking into consideration that there actually is ..... something .... like a shared/common reality.
How do you select the colors .... do you do it ...according to
Hue and saturation ... or tone ??

Very interesting ...


Active Member
As a brief note, when I say brown or red I mean the same color for this picture.

I decided to start off with 5 colors so I chose blue, yellow, orange, green, and what I thought was red but apparently is brown (I only have a box of 12 color pencils and 3 are green apparently lol.) I had started on the outside edge before friend mentioned "blending." I wanted to do some symmetry and the brown was appealing so I chose that as one of the corner colors. I didn't want to use orange or green because I figured they were too close to the brown in color and I wanted to start with some contrast so I decided on yellow as the other color. So I did my red/yellow pattern.

I had the little "hats" to put on top of the red/yellow and the "nose." I figured red + yellow = orange so I made that the "nose", but I wanted to keep the alternating them going so I used blue also. That left me with green which I decided to alternate as the "hat", once again keeping with the alternating theme adding blue in.
(I'm into patterns a lot now, I think it may have been tickled with my 2cp trip which I saw the field I usually play frisbee on. The footprints in the field, probably 25 yards across and 60 long, made one giant pattern. Then I had my lucy trip which may have triggered something in my noggin to start drawing. But this is all speculation.)

Then it came time for the outer drawing of the inside. I decided a little more orange was needed so I made the corners between the alternating red/yellow orange. I don't know if you can see it but I messed with bleeding the colors over by coloring over the lines into the red/yellow and coloring the orange red/yellow. Then I just started doing this rainbow thing that merged the colors.

The next pattern was the inner which just sort of became the box you see. I decided I wanted to continue the blending but wanted to make a contrast so I went from my rainbow in which the last rainbow was green/orange to doing the outer layer of the box black. Followed by a dark blue, light blue, etc. so that it melted but had the lines of black/dark blue to separate.

Overall it was a mix of sporadic coloring decisions and some contemplating. The eyes thing was random, I saw something I liked and left it. I also did some light shading of black over the the rainbow and box to help it blend.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
i say you draw like as in the way that neither us should quit our days jobs. my artistic ability ends with color by numbers. but dont take this the wrong way i am not bashing you i cant draw a staick fig


Active Member
I can draw a stick figure, but anything besides 5 lines and a circle turns out like a mix between a hunchback and frankenstein. Seeing as how I don't have a day job, yet, I guess I can't quit it ha ha

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Thank you for your description of thought process at hand ...
As I look at the image I see a distinct 'portal' ..
The use of 'Blue' diamond ... in the middle .... choosen for contrast as you put it ..... gives the 'portal' a sense of depth ...
The lines in front .... drawn in pencil (mesh like) ....
Communicate ... 'Do Not Enter'
As the Middle ... pulls me in ... !
Inviting my eyes ... to follow ....

Very cool !
I am happy that you are ... communicating in Art !!
At the end of the day .... this is what art is about ....
Communication ...
And YOU clearly are doing that.



Well-Known Member
Nice work and mb you stumbled onto something that can be developed into a career? Think graphic arts or tattoos even

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Very interesting patterns sir. Keep it up! As they say practice make's perfect so if you enjoy it just keep on doing it...

My first painting

A more recent one... Actually painted this for the Paul Van Dyke rave out here...

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Also may i recommend something... Try some water colors for the fill then use a fine point black sharpie to outline it. I promise it will make it POP!