Opinions on My Art

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Phelps .... I am so excited !!
That is madness it the best possible way !!
Good on you SIR !!

On top of that PVD ... nice nice !!
My Frequency !!


Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Madness all around haha.

Im getting some good idea's though for yours... Especially as i was laying in bed spinning around the other night ;)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Ohh I am not talking about that at all ..... as this thing can not be rushed.
I just love your talent .... and vision.
Super cool art.
Have you ever played with Glow in the dark paint ?
Uv reactive canvas ?


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Well .... think of painting in glowing 'Paint' ....
You can certainly see that in the dark ....
With your abilities !!



Active Member
Ya, as I found I'm the type of red-green color blind that sees less green in colors so I see more of red, hence why brown looks red to me. I went to a light show (Led Zep) last night so I'm going to see if I remember some of it and translate the lights to drawings.


Active Member
And tonight I'm doing shrooms and toking at a bonfire I'm hosting. I'm half inclined to bring some drawing supplies, only problem being some people don't do drugs and there are 1 or 2 that believe drugs are the devil.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Funny .... You know what we do here at bonfires ... ?
Fire Poi .... but you could go to the local store and get some
glow sticks and string ... voila.
ALL entertained .... high or not ... !!


In terms of ART Projects involving your close friends ...
Consider making an intricate rendering ... on white canvas.
Work on detail in black ....
Invite your friends to a close and intimate party ....
Get them high .... and have them color it for YOU.
As You work together !!


Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ohh I am not talking about that at all ..... as this thing can not be rushed.
I just love your talent .... and vision.
Super cool art.
Have you ever played with Glow in the dark paint ?
Uv reactive canvas ?

Well thank you puff, im glad you can find some appreciation in it.

I actually have played with glow in the dark pain a little bit, mostly while tripping. One time me and a buddy ate 500-600ug's of needlepoint and went down their and painted the universe... It was such a cool feeling, just splashing glow sticks all over the place while painting black holes, shooting stars etc. I had a very eye opening perspective as well, im sure at one point or another you have heard that quantum physic's suggests that we only perceive it time as being linear when in fact the past, present, and future happen simultaneously. Anyways at that moment of spraying glow sticks on the walls i thought about the possibilities and planes of existence and how interesting it is to think that at that moment i was exerting energy which in many ways is the our life force and considering that everything happens at once i felt like i was the big bang/god of that universe... It was a very eye opening revelation that's for sure.

Once I get a job and some cash I'll look into getting some water color supplies. Someone I know paints water color: http://web.mac.com/lilianparks/iWeb/Site/Gallery.html
I was never very good at art, but I'm taking a second look at it.
Damn those water color paintings are fucking awesome, thanks for sharing!

I think a lot of people like yourself get discouraged on art because it doesnt come super easy, to be honest it doesnt come super easy for most, yes some have more artistic ability then others, but any artist will tell you the more energy you put into something the more energy you will get out of it.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
you know what you might want to look into to aid with art. maybe some type of computer aided drafting type of program or something. not speaking for you but speaking for myself i have insane imagination but am unalbe to get my hand to translate that in anyway to paper


Active Member
2011-05-08 04.28.36.jpg2011-05-08 04.28.18.jpg2011-05-08 04.29.08.jpg2011-05-08 04.27.42.jpg2011-05-08 04.26.52.jpg2011-05-08 04.31.20.jpg2011-05-08 04.29.32.jpg

I'll be retaking the pictures, stupid lighting... I'll work on using my scanner tomorrow. I'm not sure if I want to color some of these or leave them as is to honor the shroom trip.


Active Member
I think a lot of people like yourself get discouraged on art because it doesnt come super easy, to be honest it doesnt come super easy for most, yes some have more artistic ability then others, but any artist will tell you the more energy you put into something the more energy you will get out of it.
Well, saying art isn't easy is subjective to what easy and what art is. To me my drawings are easy, spontaneous, yet have a complicated simplification to them in that people enjoy them as art, see the effort, and recognize it for what it is. I'm not doing this to wow spectators, well maybe my good tripping buddies, I'm doing this as an outlet same as a piano.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I enjoy your drawings .... from the latest entry ... as I follow the pics .... it looks like it depicts an Alien Abduction .... through a warm hole !!



Active Member
Ha ha, I see it. I had a picture in my head of the figure moving and so I started drawing lines coming off him. Then my lines started swirling. Then I started remember some of the lights from the lights show, and the wierd swirly picture that is first was suppose to be a brain, don't remember why. Then I started to remember a vortex I had seen which is the third and last pictures, the first vortex was small so I wanted one a little bigger. The forth picture is just random lol, when you're on shrooms and a tote what isn't though. And the artist was a name I came up with when I wrote a poem to a girl I was trying to ask out but then the semester ran out.

There is trip report if you're interested, the fact I remember it enough to write was surprising for me lol.


Active Member
So I had my first day of school for the summer today, got bored and started drawing... this will be one interesting picture... thinking of turning it into a tatoo for myself