The Quest for a Better Aero!

Gaddamn man. That sounds like one hell of a setup. Is there anything you haven't thought of? So I made one of th hardest, yet probably wisest purchases in the project in the JG fittings/tubing. They should rename HPA to JSACH. Just spent another couple hundred. Or more like thousand in Bob Smiths case. :)

I will be able to see what kind of psi I can get tank upto in a couple of days. Should help me decide on misters/pressure switch, or if I'm just gonna need a new pump.

I also inserted a vinal ring into the styrofoam at the inside diameter of the bin. So that the styro-top fits into the bin, and will prevent water from leaking from the top. I'll attach a pic when I get time.

So when wiring the flip flop timer to the solenoid... Does the timer require it's own power, or does it use the 12-24 volts from the solenoid. Trying to picture it. I am really more of a hands on learner, and am doing my best to try & imagine how to get this all working...
Hi Mike
The 422 can use any voltage between 24v ac and 240v ac or 24v dc to power the timer section, the relay output can switch whatever voltage you like. It really boils down to what voltage solenoid you plan to use and whether you want protection from power outages.Is your pump 12vdc or mains powered?
ok im going to chime in here and ask a few Q!

I run lp aero and im not happy with how the root are so long almost 3ft long wtf! and the roots have no real fine hair type roots.
just real long! so im reading this thread and I think I understand that if you have hp aero you wont get long roots? and you will
get more fine hair type roots?
what it gives me is "PAUSE" as if I didn't already have enough concerns. Keep in mind the distance from res to mist head is less than 5 ft, with an inline filter and pump in between. Seems like I would need another ice bucket to stick the tank in.

The Reflectix warp around the pod has not solved the temp issue. I have a fan blowing directly at the pod, it also blows across the top, gently ruffling the lower leaves. Probably not enough air movement up high where the heat vent elbow was, so I lowered the top of the vent stack. Prior to this change, temp is low 80s, RH is now in the low 40s.Since losing my root hairs, I have upping the DM Zone to 10ml/4 gallons.

FYI: The piles of roots gathering on the grid are very fluffy (different than any I've grown), but still haven't gotten the hairs back, and I may not during the warm months as I have no way to cool down the room.

Atomizer: I went with the 2 x 12v solenoids that TF recommended. 9th one down. I was thinking I could bridge them, and use 24v??? Is that the right way to go about it? My pump is AC. I don't have power outages and I think my accumulator would save me if I did. :)

I also found this pressure gauge that came with JG fittings attached for $20 shipped. Even if it turns out the gauge is a POS, it's almost worth it just for the fittings.

Here's what I was talking about with the lids...


I plan to run two thin strips of wood or something across the span for the lids to rest on. Hope to be able to collapse a bin & check out the action.

I get paid on Friday, and should be able to buy everything else I need. :) ....just don't go tellin my woman. I waaay understate the costs of my projects.
ok im going to chime in here and ask a few Q!

I run lp aero and im not happy with how the root are so long almost 3ft long wtf! and the roots have no real fine hair type roots.
just real long! so im reading this thread and I think I understand that if you have hp aero you wont get long roots? and you will
get more fine hair type roots?

The people in this thread are all about the roots, so how far down the rabbit hole do you wanna go? It's kinda crazy, but I am more obsessed with roots than weed. I feel like if I get the roots right, the rest will follow. It's fun as hell too!
ok Im a never leave a stone untured kind of guy! I believe in GO BIG OR GO HOME! so I thought I had a good aero system but I got mile long roots
and transplanting to a bucket system was a bitch! and it sounds like HP solves this? and I love DIY anything guess its the hobby asspect of it.
so to answer your Q I want to find the end of the rabbit hole! :)
I was wondering if anyone has tried these pumps.
They're high pressure pumps used in espresso machines and various other items. I managed to find a low pressure 1 bar pump at work but it would only push the easy clone low pressure sprayers, and it did it quite well I might add.
They put out anywherer from low pressure 1 bar which is about 14.5 lbs and up to 25 bars. There is one site I found which a guy did an experiment growing tomatoes and almost succeded but he really didnt go into the set up pf the equipment and what cause his experiment to fail. anyways check it out here I think its a great alternative to high flow, high pressure, high heat pumps. And if your REALLY doing aero you would need something high pressure and not necessarely high flow since your high pressure fogger/misting heads would only produce up to 3 gallons an hour. Anyways just curious.​
Atomizer: I went with the 2 x 12v solenoids that TF recommended. 9th one down. I was thinking I could bridge them, and use 24v??? Is that the right way to go about it? My pump is AC. I don't have power outages and I think my accumulator would save me if I did. :)

The easiest way is to feed the timer with 120v ac and use 12v dc for the solenoids. I wouldn`t series wire them for 24v because if one coil goes, you`ll lose them both. The accumulator won`t help in a power outage if your timer is out of action as the solenoids wont open
The espresso pump will be limited by its response time, hp aero is all about controlling the mist delivery and not just generating mist. You don`t necessarily need high pressure but generally it is the cheapest method of getting the correct droplet size range.

with the 422 timer as atomizer pointed out you can use 2 different voltages . a timer like this is basically just a switch but instead of flipping a mechanical switch you flip the switch by appling voltage. this voltage can be anything from 24vac-240VAC and up to 24VDC. you wire the the part of the timer that does the repeat cycle timing with whatever voltage you want and then the timer will switch a circuit that causes power to flow to the selonoids. the power that flows to the selonoids doesnt have to be the same as the power that gives power to the timing circuit. these 2 are indepentant of each other thats why you can use 2 different voltages or you can use the same voltage that you power the timer circuit with to power the selonoids.

if you have 12 vdc selonoids you will need either a 12vdc transformer(to convert 120v to 12vdc) to power the selonoids or you will need a 12 vdc battery. you could power the timer cuirut with 12vdc and the selonoid circuit with 12vdc or as Atomizer said use 120volt for the timing circuit and 12vdc for the selonoid power. if you use 12vdc for the timing ciurcut and 12vdc to power the selonoid circuit and you are using a 12vdc battery then in the event of a power outage your rig would continue to go for days as everything is being run off the 12VDC. now if eventually you get a different pump then that also could be 12vdc and then the entire system could run off a 12vdc battery that gets charged with 120volts constantly. this would be the ideal situation as you would be running 12vdc to everything. low voltages are safer to use unless you are familiar with electrical wiring
cost is no prob!

Its nice to be in that position but it doesnt have to be mega expensive. This is one of two 180gal outdoor chambers i threw together, they are both supplied by a single 6800 pump, pressure switch and accumulator combo.
Ok, so I need some help. I pumped my accumulator upto 75 psi, hooked up the pump with the switch bypassed, and fired it up. I let it run open to get out air bubbles. When I close it up, the system pressure jumps to 60 psi in seconds, and just holds there, and doesn't appear to be taking in any water. I was expecting a couple gallons at least. It's more like 2 cups???

I let some of ther air out of the accumulator to 60 psi, and tried that. Same, just a little lower system pressure. Am I missing something?

Hi Mike
What pressure can the pump manage? If its only 60psi then the pump won`t be strong enough to force water into the tank against the 60psi air precharge. Try reducing the precharge to 40psi, if its a 19gal accumulator you should be able to put ~5gal in there from 40psi-60psi.
I decided to take a peek at the manual for the accumulator, and saw that I was charging it too high. I dropped it to 40psi, and it took up 5 gallons, but wouldn't get over 60 psi. Looks like a new pump is in my future.

I'm shooting for 60/80 psi cut in/out, thought that might not be enough for the biocontrol nozzles, I have not yet purchased nozzles for this reason. Would the .025 orifice work better for this psi? The .025 has double the flow rate, but same psi requirement as the .016 (80-100 psi)

Could I set a pressure switch to do 70/80 cut out/in?