Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

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I wonder how many of you who got the spam ordered from the Anniversary promotion in march
You are kidding?......right?...........OR........you believe that one of the many forms of "leo" out there actually has the interest or man hours to monitor the plethora of canna-forums, each with 1,000's of post HOURLY!???
And with the current economy causing "leo" layoffs at many levels, (my community of 200,000 just lost 60 police officers), I feel your concerns, but I'm thinking "leo" just isn't going to be gleaning internet cannabis forums.
Good luck & good grow.......BB

BTW: If they WERE to be curious about the volume of seeds coming into the country, they would most likely discover the true nature and size of the "flood", and just walk away muttering...fuck this!....NO way to stop it!

I think they have a pretty good idea of how much comes in but they are not interested in a few small seed orders. All they do is send a blue letter. It is not worth a fed's time.
When they start compiling data and send it down the chain to local LEO in the interest of better law enforcement then there is cause for major concern. That day will come.
I am simply saying that it is really easy to see who is growing by who is freaking out in this thread.

If you havent given out any other info you are safe but people probably are not thinking about this angle.

ANYONE posting to a cannabis forum or thread is SUSPECT! Again I refer you to the 100,000's of cannabis threads ongoing 24/7 as I post this appeal for common sense....BB
I am simply saying that it is really easy to see who is growing by who is freaking out in this thread.

If you havent given out any other info you are safe but people probably are not thinking about this angle.

i have posted this before, but seems appropriate for the thread
the tale of Elite Genetics,and his 'bank' was much discussed here, plenty of links to it
Elite was operating in the USA, not only the USA but in Indiana - one of the worst states for MJ law
and his business address, was his grow address, he was taking seed orders at his home, and growing
got nailed about 1 1/2 years back, but operated(pretty much blatantly in the open) for 2 years or so
he got busted when some kid who was stealing money from his mother's purse to order seeds, set events in motion when she filed a complaint about a USA seed bank
if DEA watches the site, their performance is not high(or maybe it is)
ANYONE posting to a cannabis forum or thread is SUSPECT! Again I refer you to the 100,000's of cannabis threads ongoing 24/7 as I post this appeal for common sense....BB

Chill out dude.. I just find it funny that people seem to be worried about their contact information and while being worried about that are blatantly posting how many times they have ordered from attitude.

Not exactly stealthy eh?
i have posted this before, but seems appropriate for the thread
the tale of Elite Genetics,and his 'bank' was much discussed here, plenty of links to it
Elite was operating in the USA, not only the USA but in Indiana - one of the worst states for MJ law
and his business address, was his grow address, he was taking seed orders at his home, and growing
got nailed about 1 1/2 years back, but operated(pretty much blatantly in the open) for 2 years or so
he got busted when some kid who was stealing money from his mother's purse to order seeds, set events in motion when she filed a complaint about a USA seed bank
if DEA watches the site, their performance is not high(or maybe it is)

Thank you for YOUR apparent common sense, and a little + rep for it........BB
I just found this thread. I'm glad to see others got the same email as me. I was shocked when I opened the email and they had my exact location. I have ordered from Attitude before, but just recently bought some more seeds. Then this email appears out of no where. I figured either attitude sold my info or it got hacked. Either way, I deleted the email. No fucking way am I ordering from a seed bank that spams me.
I just found this thread. I'm glad to see others got the same email as me. I was shocked when I opened the email and they had my exact location. I have ordered from Attitude before, but just recently bought some more seeds. Then this email appears out of no where. I figured either attitude sold my info or it got hacked. Either way, I deleted the email. No fucking way am I ordering from a seed bank that spams me.
might want to over look a few comments here and read all the posts here...its not attitudes fault. a few people seem to not understand that which is fine...more seeds for me :)
HighLifeSeeds.com to me
show details 2:23 AM (7 hours ago)

We have seen a copy of the email that had been sent. It appeared to be sent from an independent email
Software company and also all links within the email were to some free hosting page I believe that is not
Online when I visit the links.

The affiliate we believe the one to have sent the email had their account terminated immediately when
We received a complaint of spam. We have emailed them for an explanation but are yet to receive one

The affiliate in question is located in New Delhi, India from there registration details provided to us so
There is time difference of some 9+ hours. When (or if) we get a reply i will of course forward it to you

I must re-iterate that we do NOT send email marketing. We do not even email our own customers
With marketing offers as the majority of our customers use the guest checkout feature which
Means we do not store any of their information. The only advertising we engage in are online banner
Advertising on selected websites.

We do not hold nor have seen any of your information or anyone else’s that is not a direct (bought from
Our website only) customer of High LifeSeeds.

We do not like being caught in the middle of the an incident that is not our doing as it reflect badly on us.
People who send spam usually ‘harvest’ email addresses or buy databases online and have no care
About peoples private data. We receive 100+ spam emails daily to our various email accounts promoting
All items. Some emails contain personal info as in name, city etc while others are generic.

We are a small honest company who cares about its customers. Our policy is NOT to store customers
Information unless they expressly wish us to. We believe in privacy & respect our customers. It
Concerns us that we are being made the target of a negative campaign for something which is not our
fault. It someone has a copy of the attitude seed companies database that is an issue for them. We have
NONE of anyones data other than our own customers who purchased directly from our website.
As stated above we do not store customer data. In fact from our many customer only a small handful
(approx 5%) register an account to store there info on our site.

I hope this clarifies our position. It is concerning for us that someone has either used our company as
some sort of scapegoat or that just some unscrupulous person has been trying to cash in on a database
they shouldn’t have by using it to promote the products of a legitimate & unknowing company like us.
It could have happened to any other seed bank that operates an affiliate program as there is nothing
stopping any person from joining an affiliate program and promoting it any way they like, it’s the
affiliate program operator who has to take immediate action if an affiliate is caught promoting the
affiliate program in a way which violates policy. This we have done immediately. From the time we
were notified of a complaint/problem it took us only an hour to terminate the affiliates account.

Thank you for your email & for allowing us the opportunity to provide our feedback. We have tried
To register an account on Rollitup as we are not members, so that we could post an official reply
as I have to you here yet their website is not allowing registration, we have tried several times. So
The best we have been able to do is to reply to anyone who emailed us with their questions.

I wish you a good weekend


Customer Support
When only the best is ever enough!

this is what I just read from Highlife....

The Attitude SB to me
show details 2:10 AM (7 hours ago)
Hi There,
Thanks for forwarding this. We are saw all the posts on the forums and are aware of what ‘Highlife Seeds’ are doing and we are looking right into this. We wish to apologise to you for any inconvenience caused by this and we will get this sorted out as quickly as humanely possible.

Many Thanks,
Have a great day,
Jodie @ The Attitude

And there's Attitude's response....

You are not appealing for common sense, you are downplaying the threat of law enforcement caring about illegal grows, regardless of the size.... I think it is more of a disservice than a service in my opinion....

you can't be too careful.... NX is right, many of you are giving out valuable information about your ordering practices and frequencies....

ANYONE posting to a cannabis forum or thread is SUSPECT! Again I refer you to the 100,000's of cannabis threads ongoing 24/7 as I post this appeal for common sense....BB
What do you mean it isn't Attitude's fault? Every person that received an email has placed an order with Attitude using that same email address. their names and locations are compromised..... While Attitude may not be complicit in the spam, they are the one's that we hold responsible for securing customer data.....

If you don;t get that, keep on ordering up their seeds, you can have them...

might want to over look a few comments here and read all the posts here...its not attitudes fault. a few people seem to not understand that which is fine...more seeds for me :)
might want to over look a few comments here and read all the posts here...its not attitudes fault. a few people seem to not understand that which is fine...more seeds for me :)

I probably didn't get my message across clearly. I will order from Attitude again, just not the seed company that sent me the unwanted email. There is something that i just don't trust about them.
You haven't read much of the thread... it was determined that High Life seeds did not send the email.... that much was obvious to anyone that actually inspected the email.

I probably didn't get my message across clearly. I will order from Attitude again, just not the seed company that sent me the unwanted email. There is something that i just don't trust about them.
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