Wtf is up with britney spears

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Perhaps she saved her head for this exact reason - we are all talking about her. Just like emo's, it attension - it doesnt matter if it's negative or positive


Well-Known Member
You have to say on thing for her former hubby at least when she was married she didn't act like a meth whore.


Well-Known Member
i am from hollywood. in the business we call this a publicity stunt.

then again they could be drug testing her and its a last ditch effort.. LMFAO she look like one of the SNL Coneheads.

LOL little monkey ears!!


Well-Known Member
You have to say on thing for her former hubby at least when she was married she didn't act like a meth whore.

actually if you saw hs home movie of them in a you guessed it a 'motor home' and she was a fukindrunk coked out idiot. and he (kevin fetterline) just talks shit to her goofy ass for litterally 20 kmin straight.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
She got what she wanted out of it...publicity. Career was failing, so why not add a new twist.
Fed-X is looking alot better these days. Personnally, I think he's the brighter of the duo.


Active Member
so what i was thinking is even if you ARE genetically predisposed to getting cancer, you only have two choices. you will get it, or you won't. therefore everything is 50/50. therefore we are all equally as invincible as the next person. everything is just 50/50