As tempting as it is to start Flowering them DON'T DO IT JUST YET!! .. Wait until the Un-topped plant reaches 13" tall....Then Top it! Let the topped plant grow to about 15" THEN PUT THEM IN FLOWER !!!

I guarentee you'll thank yourself for waiting
You could still hold an experiment.. Comparing the difference in topped height and final out-come

Trust me man! "Its always better to top" (at least once).
Upon Harvest you'll thank me for asking you to wait.. and you should..all things going well, have a very impressive yield!!! Always aim high - and you'll 'Get High (Sorry for cheesy pun!

Stick to CANNA's guide but use HAMMERHEAD instead of Canna's PK
I look forward to seeing your latest pics, and how things are coming along
* Remember your Grow-Cab is bigger than mine so 40" Beastly Plants are very in range for you

VEG: To a max of 22" before switching to 12/12. If you top your ladies..and 'Lolly-Pop' them and allow them to finish at around 40" tall you'll have Monster Buds.
You have Ultra Powerful LED Panels that will easily look after bigger plants, make use of this !! Defo. don't switch to FLOWER just yet... its to soon!
Personally I think topping your last girl at 12" is a good idea

Then continue to VEG them all until they are all roughly at least 18" then push them into FLOWER!!
The plants will have very thick stems and a huge bundle of white roots down below..These roots are in large DWC buckets nealy 3 times the size of mine..So alot more air can pass around/through your free hanging roots, This means your plants will perform better. You have a very nice amount of potential growth heigh,t and the big strong stem's/branches will be capable of holding up some very large bud's...
Bare this in mind, I pray you do


.. Hope that helps - STELTHY