Just did Dease


Well-Known Member
So im really fucked up, cant realy see !!??WTF???!just the small letters.


Also, i smoked of course :!::!:

Dude, you do know that's a toxic effect from the plant known as Fish Eye... deliariants of these magnitude should only be taken on a deserted Island far away from any sharp object :lol:

An all sand atmosphere would be of great delight ;)


Well-Known Member
never heard of it. It's legal? From the sound of it...it shouldn't be, lol.
This lovely creatures to sight are in fact legal... they've grown in many front yards. Just tempting stupid ass kids to pull and boil and consume. If you see a freakish adoulescent screaming obscenities to a light post 9 times of 10 he's on hell's bells :lol:


Well-Known Member
who da fuck boils it..real men eat it raw !!!
Hey hey hey don't get all high n' mighty with me :lol:

Just cracking your balls bro ;)

Only had a small encounter with these type of deliriants... it was hidden in cool aid... what was worse it had no taste and I drank two cups of it. Then they told me what I drank... doom feel over me after I googled the effects! Although all I got was fish eye vision... I opened up a book and couldn't read a single word... So I slept off it! No ill or manic effect. Thank God :D


Well-Known Member
oh, sorry, do not now who that is...This is just good old grow space right here dudes...:peace:
its probly cause ur avatar is one of his shroom grows.

anyway, ive eaten the datura raw and boiled down a shitload of leaves till all the water was gone and had this brown paste like stuff. i smoked it and ate some, the smoke had a peanutbutter taste. never got any effects besides my vision fucked up.


Well-Known Member
its probly cause ur avatar is one of his shroom grows.

anyway, ive eaten the datura raw and boiled down a shitload of leaves till all the water was gone and had this brown paste like stuff. i smoked it and ate some, the smoke had a peanutbutter taste. never got any effects besides my vision fucked up.
See. Only if that hold true for the chick that drank two cups too :lol:

Next day she wasn't present at school. Word went around she was walking the city in a full blown manic stupor. Her identity was of no intrinsic value to her conscious self...cops stopped her and in the looney bin she went. A week later she came back with scratches from her knee caps up... she was a fighter alright :lol: