Does My Sprout Look Normal To You? Please Help!


Active Member
Looks normal too me, if it's been that way for awhile. I might think it could be to bright or bulb heat.


Active Member
I have a technique I do, dont know if any1 else does it.. when the plant is that big i kinda pick off the outer layer n straighten it out a bit.. I find it really speeds up the process and doesnt stunt them at all.. just did it on 30 of them and left one untouched the untouched one is alot smaller than the rest.. anyways peace


I have a technique I do, dont know if any1 else does it.. when the plant is that big i kinda pick off the outer layer n straighten it out a bit.. I find it really speeds up the process and doesnt stunt them at all.. just did it on 30 of them and left one untouched the untouched one is alot smaller than the rest.. anyways peace
Could you please explain a little better what you mean? The seed casing is already gone so I'm not too sure what you mean.



Active Member
Could you please explain a little better what you mean? The seed casing is already gone so I'm not too sure what you mean.

That is what he meant but in pic looks kinda still there. Should turn upright in a day or so otherwise its DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED. lol.


So I just woke up and checked on it and it hasn't changed it's shape yet it's getting a little greener on the bottom but on the top still yellowish brown?


Well-Known Member
It's only been a day so leave it alone for a few days. If there is something wrong with it there is nothing you can do to "Save" it. Touching, straightening etc. will just end up damaging it... If you don't have the patience to let a seedling do it's thing how can you get through a whole grow... Patience is key...
Good luck with your grow....


Active Member
I just took some pics of sprout again is this ok it looks kind of like purple on the leaf or brownish yellow its hard to say am I watering too much or was my light too close?

Thanks again
I think you got it figured, let the soil dry out a bit and give yourself another couple inches until it opens. If it's still like that tomorrow, you may need to take a closer look.


Active Member
I have a technique I do, dont know if any1 else does it.. when the plant is that big i kinda pick off the outer layer n straighten it out a bit.. I find it really speeds up the process and doesnt stunt them at all.. just did it on 30 of them and left one untouched the untouched one is alot smaller than the rest.. anyways peace
Ya, i do the same thing. I kinda work the seed off, then pick the outer shell off. You just have to be careful to not completely pull your seedling out.


Active Member
Looks like there is no shortage of water... "hint" as stated above just let it dry out for a couple few days weeks lol and it should be fine. The top pics look like a monsoon hit it. All that water will surely slow it down. Give it time. The first few weeks seem like it takes forever but during that time they will pretty much take care of them selves, especially in them big pots.


Looks like there is no shortage of water... "hint" as stated above just let it dry out for a couple few days weeks lol and it should be fine. The top pics look like a monsoon hit it. All that water will surely slow it down. Give it time. The first few weeks seem like it takes forever but during that time they will pretty much take care of them selves, especially in them big pots.
Thanks bro yeah it seems like it's taking forever but I am stoked on the outcome and what I can learn too. I calmed down on the watering haha paranoid first timer u know how it is lol

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