Please Help! PPP Drooping @ 1 Month?


Well-Known Member
This is a bad pic but shows the leaves drooping.

This is what she looked like on the 2nd. The leaves are still just as green, just all drooping.

200w Feliz 2700k, constant circulation fan, 6" pot with MGMC. 18/6.

Today before the light went off I decided to flush this plant due to the drooping, and I haven't done a first-flush for salts yet, so I'm hoping I did the right thing.

I've ph'd to 6.5 and haven't done a ppm check recently though. I cannot transplant into bigger pots as I don't have any more room. In the last 2 days I did increase the height of the plants to be closer to the light, they're at least 6-8" away, and this plant was the only one showing negative signs.

The only other possibility I can imagine is overwatering, so I was thinking I should probably wait like 3 days till I water it again instead of every 2 days. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
it's hard to see the 1st pic, kind of a white look
i did use MGMC for my 1st grow, not a good experience - some seem to have good luck with it
you may not have a good result from flushing it, that can release too much nute from the time release pills


Well-Known Member
ah yes...the white is from the LED flash on my camera phone, it's just as green as the 2nd pic which was before this showed up.. I looked at pics of "overwatering" and this appears to be it...I'm probably going to need to wait until Wednesday-Thursday until the top quarter-half inch of soil is dry.

This is a pic from another site that mentions overwatering, this is almost exactly what my plant looks like right now....


Well-Known Member
it does look limp, even with the white, so it could be over watering
my guess is that's not just over watering, something wasn't looking good so you gave it the heavy watering?
but letting it dry for a bit is probably as good as anything you can do for the moment


Well-Known Member
well I've been told at one month it's about time to flush the soil to flush out salts that get locked up in the soil inhibiting growth. Is this not the case with the MGMC soil? So what I did was pour about a half gallon through and let it drain real really mixed up the soil really well, looks like maybe it wasn't mixed very well from the bag. Most other plants look like the top of soil is all bark chips, now this one shows more of the perilite and whatnot.


Well-Known Member
well I've been told at one month it's about time to flush the soil to flush out salts that get locked up in the soil inhibiting growth. Is this not the case with the MGMC soil? So what I did was pour about a half gallon through and let it drain real really mixed up the soil really well, looks like maybe it wasn't mixed very well from the bag. Most other plants look like the top of soil is all bark chips, now this one shows more of the perilite and whatnot.
that makes things a little clearer, and you're right you do want to prevent salt buildup
it's better to water enough each time so there is some outflow, 1/4 of the water coming out as outflow is often recommended
the perlite and whatnot could be some of the time release stuff, but it could be mostly perlite, that would be tough to guess
that the soil wasn't as well mixed as it should have been doesn't sound good - i think the bag of MGMC i had was very well mixed, but that was quite a while ago


Well-Known Member
Yea, it's perilite, the bag says there is perilite, does say like 50-60% sphagnum peat moss too. The time release are like little clear plastic balls, you can squeeze them and they burst. There's also solid-dark-gray ones too.


Well-Known Member
if you have a larger proportion of perlite, over watering becomes a bit less likely, perlite tends to dry things out(improved drainage)
there are good grows with the time release soils, but they are trickier soils
less new grower friendly, they seem to have a narrow zone where everything is happy


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I realized this. I'm probably gunna go with the MG organic and do the 50% perilite as others have good results, but i'm planning only using soil for mothers after this grow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I realized this. I'm probably gunna go with the MG organic and do the 50% perilite as others have good results, but i'm planning only using soil for mothers after this grow.
deja vu, i use the MG organic(that is the organic garden) - not a bad soil at all
i will suggest you treat for it fungus gnats, they seem pretty prevalent in this soil
but the gnats are very killable, some use mosquito dunks, i pasteurize at 180 degrees(which kills all pests)


Well-Known Member
The gnats don't bother my veg box conditions seem to keep em from hatching or surviving. Maybe that was because 24/0 gives no darkness necessary for that to happen possibly?

I also forgot to post I phd the runoff after waiting to dump extra after half hour or so. It phd between 6.5 and 7. TDS tested 228ppm which is higher than the 99 I got from a week and a half ago, however the water I flushed it with is 28ppm filtered through a britta only took like 2ppm out to 26. I think britta only takes out chlorene which I don't think gets measured right? Since its liquid.


Well-Known Member
The gnats don't bother my veg box conditions seem to keep em from hatching or surviving.

I also forgot to post I phd the runoff after waiting to dump extra after half hour or so. It phd between 6.5 and 7. TDS tested 228ppm which is higher than the 99 I got from a week and a half ago, however the water I flushed it with is 28ppm filtered through a britta only took like 2ppm out to 26. I think britta only takes out chlorene which I don't think gets measured right? Since its liquid.
water sounds fairly good, might be better if the outflow ph was a bit lower, but not sure what it should be with this soil
i did read all I could on this stuff in trying to save my 1st plant
best i can tell, there is a ph zone that MGMC likes, get outside of it, and things unravel
but not sure what that ph is, and moved on to the MG organic after that


Well-Known Member
what are the temps at the top of the plants
ah sorry for the late reply on this, got distracted...temps are between 68 and 80F around middle/base of plants...I upped the lower end by turning up the heat in my room to stay around 72 at "night" which is 11-5pm. Having the light off during daylight will help hopefully during the summer when it gets hot if we have 100 degree weather this summer.


Well-Known Member
So I checked out the PPP today and the leaves are starting to pick back up. I've got another plant (Brazilian Amazonia) that's about a week behind which is growing nice full, strong leaves and they were sortof cupped in a v shape, was drooping about 4hrs into the 6hr dark period, I'm gunna check it later on today to see what's happening, I might have to flush this one a bit early though :( .

I think the reason for the early flush is likely due to letting the runoff wick up into the soil rather than dumping it...even sometimes adding not enough water to have runoff.

I mixed up my first real batch of nutrients(Last time was just Thrive Alive B1 Red AND Green adjusted to 6.5 and only used about once per plant). I got the Technaflora recipe for success. The instructions (for normal soil) say 3 tsp boost, 1.5 tsp grow, 2tsp sugar daddy, 1/2 tsp Thrive Alive B1 Red. 1/2-1 tsp MagiCal (can't remember right now, but I didn't use it). Since I read on the MGMC package I can add MGMC plant food for better results, so I'm hoping that adding 1/2tsp boost, 1/2 tsp grow, 1/2 tsp suggar daddy and 1/2 tsp Thrive Alive to a gallon should be fine, and added about .75ml-1ml Ph UP to adjust to 6.5-7. I'm expecting to add this at my next feeding for all plants AFTER the flush. This mixture brought the water ppm upto 206, and the runoff from the flush (with 26ppm water) was 226 but that was with soil matter mixed in and tested with an electronic TDS. So should I maybe start with this 206ppm solution at even half & half with my 26ppm waters? or am I okay since it's already about 1/4 strength or less for most ingredients to use it the way I mixed it? The sugar daddy has 0-0-0, Thrive alive is 1-1-1, Grow is like 1-3-6, and boost is 3-0-2. The MGMC states concentrations of .24, .07, .14 and the time release concentrations state much lower than this.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you've done your homework, i'll only add that using somewhat less will not cause problems
so a bit of shock occurred, which may not be unexpected with that soil
watch the leaf tips carefully for any browning, that's where any nute burning will show


Well-Known Member
i'll only add that using somewhat less will not cause problems
You mean less nutes, right? This will be my first time adding any real nutes to the soil, as I've been told not to add nutes to MGMC, but I'm growing less than optimal pot sizes due to my grow box size.

I still dunno weather or not to start flowering when they're all around 8" or 12"...I've got total of 24" of height from floor to the light, and the pots are like 4" tall. I know PPP can quadruple in size, but the rest state about 200%, so 12" for the others and just keep LST'ing my PPP to stay no more than around 8" until flowering? Or should I grow them out to like 15-16" and expect them to stretch less due to my pot size?


Well-Known Member
You mean less nutes, right? This will be my first time adding any real nutes to the soil, as I've been told not to add nutes to MGMC, but I'm growing less than optimal pot sizes due to my grow box size.

I still dunno weather or not to start flowering when they're all around 8" or 12"...I've got total of 24" of height from floor to the light, and the pots are like 4" tall. I know PPP can quadruple in size, but the rest state about 200%, so 12" for the others and just keep LST'ing my PPP to stay no more than around 8" until flowering? Or should I grow them out to like 15-16" and expect them to stretch less due to my pot size?
yes, meant less nutes, it may let you gauge how the plant reacts
understand the pot size, i've had bad luck with small pots myself, but that was with organic soil
guessing this is nirvana PPP? can't recall if that was mentioned - i have grown that PPP, and it can be very compact, didn't stretch much at all, bud producing machine, but i had the indica pheno


Well-Known Member
Yeah I do believe nirvana, brazil amazonia is world seeds and exodus cheese is green house. I got a big kahuna seed which is soma...I think the greenhouse one is the least well known for quality seeds and is my least speediest grower...havnt germed the bk.

My ppp seems slightly more indica from the fat leaves so maybe ill not worry so much about that one stretching


Well-Known Member
I just picked up my best amazonia and holy cow was the pot light, its no wonder they were starting to droop it must have been some underwatering actually. I think with mgmc it needs to keep completely moist at all times. That plant then some of the others started to develop yellowing and random brown crusty spots on the lower leaves.

Edit: The yellowing wasn't from the tips, it started to "bleach" yellow from the outer half of the leaves...and this is happening with just the leaves just above the cotyledons. And the yellowing is separate from the brown crusty spots.