i label terrorists as terrorists...doesn't matter what color they are or were they came from. To say there is countries full of muslim terrorists is pretty retarded. If thats the case then why were lybian, iranian, afghani, pakistani, ETC passports found in insurgents when the Iraq war started? Ill tell you why...becuase its called a Jihad....which means these hadjis will come from anywere in the world to wage war against the infidel which is us. They are also called extreme muslims because their beliefs differ compared to your everyday avg muslim arab. Im not supporting muslims..i personally dont like them for my own personal reasons..and im not a racist bigot.
Look up the deffinition of terrorist, yul find that it applies to alot of situations. Not just arabs.
Some people tend to forget the christian crusades..were hundreds of thousands of people were slain in the name of god. call it what you will.