And So The Hysterical Bullshit Starts Again


Well-Known Member
I see the problem being that the story only gives part of the information.

And based on the slant of that part of the information many people here are making ASSUMPTIONS... about the situation.

I would like to know why the pilot wanted them off the plane before I came to conclusions.

But you armchair quarterbacks feel free to scream racism and demand his firing without all the evidence. Go you....
if there was a legitimate reason like a knife or bomb, im sure they would have mentioned it


Well-Known Member
if there was a legitimate reason like a knife or bomb, im sure they would have mentioned it
Yes, because we know all journalism is complete, professional and has no bias.... Riiiiight...

P.S. I never said knife or bomb. Maybe the pilot overheard them saying something, etc.

My point is that just like on a ship the captain has the ultimate authority and should not be 2nd guessed. If the pilot has a pattern of this behavior then I am sure they would have mentioned it in the article ... Right?


Well-Known Member
Yes, because we know all journalism is complete, professional and has no bias.... Riiiiight...

P.S. I never said knife or bomb. Maybe the pilot overheard them saying something, etc.

My point is that just like on a ship the captain has the ultimate authority and should not be 2nd guessed. If the pilot has a pattern of this behavior then I am sure they would have mentioned it in the article ... Right?
just because the pilot can kick them off, doesnt mean he should. the pilot doesnt need a pattern of previous behavior. he already showed how he thinks


Well-Known Member

You can't handle the truth!

Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You?

and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives.

I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
just because the pilot can kick them off, doesnt mean he should. the pilot doesnt need a pattern of previous behavior. he already showed how he thinks
Yeah, for some reason he thought they may be a danger to the passengers and crew. Fuck, I didnt think of that... Of course he should be fired!!! That kind of thinking should not be tolerated in the new PC world of today!!

ink the world

Well-Known Member
poor fellas were nine hours late for the prayer meeting with other cavemen who probably support terrorists too. pity.

by the way, my kids are not free to wear the tee shirt they want too PUBLIC school for fear it may be a bad influence on the other kids. but mr muslim is allowed to board PUBLIC transportation wearing an oversized bed sheet, a backpack, a towel on his head, and smelling like plastic explosives.....

allah achbar can suck my balls

Only a completely ignorant redneck would refer to scholars as "cavemen."

Hey Jeffo, recognize any of these people?






Hmmm, notice anything in common here Jeffo? Yep, they are all Americans, white and guess what Christians to boot. Jeff, Muslims hardly have the market cornered on terrorism, but you are getting their in the ignorance department.


Well-Known Member
Only a completely ignorant redneck would refer to scholars as "cavemen."

Hey Jeffo, recognize any of these people?

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Hmmm, notice anything in common here Jeffo? Yep, they are all Americans, white and guess what Christians to boot. Jeff, Muslims hardly have the market cornered on terrorism.

All the 9-11 highjackers were Scholars?

There are countrys FULL of Muslim terrorists actualy at war with us, Who pray to there false god for the wepon to kill us all.
Not like the ocasional crazy white guy who kills some people. Its a WHOLE FUCKN RELIGON OF EVIL.

Ask the Branch Davidians from Waco how easily "white terrorists " are treated.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
All the 9-11 highjackers were Scholars?

There are countrys FULL of Muslim terrorists actualy at war with us, Who pray to there false god for the wepon to kill us all.
Not like the ocasional crazy white guy who kills someone.

Ask the Branch Davidians from Waco how easily "white terrorists " are treated.
As a country we have been attacked more by White Christians than by Arab Muslims. To answer your question no the terrorists from 9/11 werent scholars. The men we are discussing are though.

Your use of the term "false god" is part of the problem. How the fuck do you KNOW that the god you worship is the one true god? Your attitude is THE SAME as the Muslim extremists..."my god is right and yours is wrong"

All of you are funny, and have 1 thing in common: Fanatical belief in a superstition


Well-Known Member
All the 9-11 highjackers were Scholars?

There are countrys FULL of Muslim terrorists actualy at war with us, Who pray to there false god for the wepon to kill us all.
Not like the ocasional crazy white guy who kills someone.

Ask the Branch Davidians from Waco how easily "white terrorists " are treated.
FULL? care to show me some statistics, demographics, anything to confirm this?

or do you want to back down from your ridiculous statement and say there are muslim countries that have some terrorists in them?

and 'muslim terrorist' is a stupid thing to say. once you pervert the teachings of religions to commit an act of terror, you lose all right to cover yourself in the banner of that religion. you are simply a terrorist.

same goes for 'christian terrorists' or any other religion. no religion allows for terrorism. they pretty much all say the same thing: treat others as you would like to be treated. anyone who commits an act of terror is clearly not abiding by that near universal teaching of religion.


Well-Known Member
catholic priests have likely amassed more molested children than the terrorists of 9/11 accrued in dead americans.

do we label all catholics as pedophiles? when you walk down the street and see some straight edge looking dude with a bible, do you shield your child from possible molestation?

i'm pretty sure the KKK has amassed a body count equal to the terrorists of 9/11. do we label all white christians as terrorists?

this is fucking RICOCKULOUS.


Well-Known Member
You guys are jumping to a lot of conclusions. People get refused air travel every day. The only reason this made the news is that it was Muslims heading to a Muslim convention.

It's called spin. Make folks call the pilot racist without knowing any details whatsoever.

I have seen folks who were escorted off airplanes, mostly for being too intoxicated or chemically "enhanced".

There are many reasons I would keep a plane on the ground until I was satisfied with the safety of all personnel under my responsibility. Race isn't one of those factors.

Why don't we think before we start calling folks Hitler or redneck?

The redneck cracks are offensive to some of us. Claiming bigotry while being a bigot is a bit like pots calling kettles black IMHO.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
catholic priests have likely amassed more molested children than the terrorists of 9/11 accrued in dead americans.

do we label all catholics as pedophiles? when you walk down the street and see some straight edge looking dude with a bible, do you shield your child from possible molestation?

i'm pretty sure the KKK has amassed a body count equal to the terrorists of 9/11. do we label all white christians as terrorists?

this is fucking RICOCKULOUS.

LOL reminds me a funny moment from my past.....When my wife and I were planning our wedding my mother asked why there was no church or priest involved in the ceremony. Out of respect to my mother I sinply said "we dont want to get married in the church, its not part of my life anymore."

That didnt cut it for my unrelenting mom, so I finally snapped back "if I want a child molester to oversee my wedding I'll go down to the jailhouse and bail one out, it would cost me less and Id probably have a better person."....that went over like screen door on a submarine for my mom.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
You guys are jumping to a lot of conclusions. People get refused air travel every day. The only reason this made the news is that it was Muslims heading to a Muslim convention.

It's called spin. Make folks call the pilot racist without knowing any details whatsoever.

I have seen folks who were escorted off airplanes, mostly for being too intoxicated or chemically "enhanced".

There are many reasons I would keep a plane on the ground until I was satisfied with the safety of all personnel under my responsibility. Race isn't one of those factors.

Why don't we think before we start calling folks Hitler or redneck?

The redneck cracks are offensive to some of us. Claiming bigotry while being a bigot is a bit like pots calling kettles black IMHO.
No where in the article does it say the Muslim scholars were belligerent, drunk, or high....they were guilty of being Muslim, nothing else. Theres no other explanation, if there was you could damned well bet the airline would have offered it.

I refuse to apologize for calling Jeff an "ignorant redneck"....He is. His racist and bigoted posts here are the reasons I called him that....lemme ask you , have you read ANY of Jeffos posts here? If you spent 5 minutes reading his hate filled posts you too would come to the same conclusion I have. He is a hate filled and ignorant person.


Well-Known Member
I see the problem being that the story only gives part of the information.

And based on the slant of that part of the information many people here are making ASSUMPTIONS... about the situation.

I would like to know why the pilot wanted them off the plane before I came to conclusions.

But you armchair quarterbacks feel free to scream racism and demand his firing without all the evidence. Go you....
Since the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden by U.S. forces in Pakistan last week, U.S. government officials have warned that al Qaeda may attempt retaliatory attacks.

the above sentence in the article was probably the info that gave these lilly-livered pilots the heeby-jeebys.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i label terrorists as terrorists...doesn't matter what color they are or were they came from. To say there is countries full of muslim terrorists is pretty retarded. If thats the case then why were lybian, iranian, afghani, pakistani, ETC passports found in insurgents when the Iraq war started? Ill tell you why...becuase its called a Jihad....which means these hadjis will come from anywere in the world to wage war against the infidel which is us. They are also called extreme muslims because their beliefs differ compared to your everyday avg muslim arab. Im not supporting muslims..i personally dont like them for my own personal reasons..and im not a racist bigot.

Look up the deffinition of terrorist, yul find that it applies to alot of situations. Not just arabs.

Some people tend to forget the christian crusades..were hundreds of thousands of people were slain in the name of god. call it what you will.


Well-Known Member
I worshiop no god, all are false to me especially theres!
We Should we talk about how Peacefull Muslims treat there women.
Or mentoion how Most still pracitce slavery, ( although saudi arabia outlawed it in 1976).

I do believe that most muslim countyrs are full of evil muslims.
Just as I believe Germany was full of evil Nazis. I have no proof.


Well-Known Member
catholic priests have likely amassed more molested children than the terrorists of 9/11 accrued in dead americans.

do we label all catholics as pedophiles? when you walk down the street and see some straight edge looking dude with a bible, do you shield your child from possible molestation?

i'm pretty sure the KKK has amassed a body count equal to the terrorists of 9/11. do we label all white christians as terrorists?

this is fucking RICOCKULOUS.

I would say KKK is terrorist.
If they started crashing planes into buildings an showing up at the airport dressed As KKK, then I would expect the pilot to eject them.


Well-Known Member
I worshiop no god, all are false to me especially theres!
We Should we talk about how Peacefull Muslims treat there women.
Or mentoion how Most still pracitce slavery, ( although saudi arabia outlawed it in 1976).

I do believe that most muslim countyrs are full of evil muslims.
Just as I believe Germany was full of evil Nazis. I have no proof.
while you may have no proof, you should know that there is proof to the contrary on both counts.
sometimes not being able to prove what you believe is right is a symptom of it, in reality, being wrong.
the rest of the time it's a symptom of intellectual laziness... yours is one of the cases where both intellectual laziness
and being plain wrong are both in effect.


Well-Known Member
No where in the article does it say the Muslim scholars were belligerent, drunk, or high....they were guilty of being Muslim, nothing else. Theres no other explanation, if there was you could damned well bet the airline would have offered it.

I refuse to apologize for calling Jeff an "ignorant redneck"....He is. His racist and bigoted posts here are the reasons I called him that....lemme ask you , have you read ANY of Jeffos posts here? If you spent 5 minutes reading his hate filled posts you too would come to the same conclusion I have. He is a hate filled and ignorant person.
I grew up on a farm. I've hunted my whole life. I'm retired military. I've had to deal with folks like you throwing around the "redneck" term most of my life. Normally, they have been the same folks who demand equality for everyone. You can't have it both ways.

Your post exhibits a blind trust in media outlets. Press releases are not all inclusive. Damage control is very important. Selling newspapers and getting clicks on links is a method for generating capital.
Your perspective on this appears to be limited. Jumping to conclusions without including all of the facts (which we do not know) is akin to jumping out of a plane with a backpack full of silverware.


Well-Known Member
I grew up on a farm. I've hunted my whole life. I'm retired military. I've had to deal with folks like you throwing around the "redneck" term most of my life. Normally, they have been the same folks who demand equality for everyone. You can't have it both ways.

Your post exhibits a blind trust in media outlets. Press releases are not all inclusive. Damage control is very important. Selling newspapers and getting clicks on links is a method for generating capital.
Your perspective on this appears to be limited. Jumping to conclusions without including all of the facts (which we do not know) is akin to jumping out of a plane with a backpack full of silverware.
just because someone wants equality is no reason not to push back against ignorance. there are few things more dangerous.