And So The Hysterical Bullshit Starts Again


Well-Known Member
just because someone wants equality is no reason not to push back against ignorance. there are few things more dangerous.

You can't call someone a racist while using a racist slur. If you kids don't understand this simple concept then your future is bleak.


Well-Known Member
You can't call someone a racist while using a racist slur. If you kids don't understand this simple concept then your future is bleak.
redneck isn't racist, little buddy. no more than retard is. just because it's derogatory doesn't make it racist.
or... are rednecks a race unto themselves? no? alllll-rightee-then.


Well-Known Member
redneck isn't racist, little buddy. no more that retard is. just because it's derogatory doesn't make it racist.
or... are rednecks a race unto themselves? no? alllll-rightee-then.
those poor, discriminated, persecuted, white people.

always getting shat on by society.

let's all have a group cry for girdweed and how tough it is to be white in america.

man, life is a bitch, ain't it?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
catholic priests have likely amassed more molested children than the terrorists of 9/11 accrued in dead americans.

do we label all catholics as pedophiles?
We can label the catholic church as accessories to the crime.

when you walk down the street and see some straight edge looking dude with a bible, do you shield your child from possible molestation?
and brain washing.

i'm pretty sure the KKK has amassed a body count equal to the terrorists of 9/11. do we label all white christians as terrorists?
The difference is christians will go after the KKK and keep them in check.

Islam is more comparable to the catholic church. The leadership in Islam and Catholicism do not do enough to bring the criminals in their ranks to justice.

When was the last time you heard about Islamic religious leadership turning in terrorists? I've never heard about that happening. They may publicly condemn it, but they don't seem to take much action against the terrorists. Public condemnations are easy. The catholic church publicly condemns pedophiles but at the same time their harbor them as well as hide them from criminal prosecutions.

When major Islamic institutions actually go out and make an effort to fight terrorism, then there is a case to be made for discrimination. Right now it's all lip service. They denounce terrorism publicly, but look the other way when it comes to the extremist wing of their religion.


Well-Known Member
Thre is Racism aginst whites.....
They call it "Afermitave Action"
please explain how that is racism against whites.

i'm also interested in hearing how you think affirmative action works, as most people describe it to me in some wildly inaccurate way.


Active Member
what tee shirt cant your kids wear? id like to see it, or know whats on it.
to be quite honest, im MUCH more scared of dumbass ignorant fucks like you than these muslim guys. i dont want people like you taking their freedoms away, just because you have false beliefs they are a terrorists. did u not read that they got searched like 3 times, and nothing was found? but somehow they have special muslim superpowers that can overpower everyone on the plane, right? wtf could they possibly have done on that plane?
not only that, but they were going to a lecture about the very subject. this shows how prevalent this ignorance is nowadays.

if there was ANY reason to believe they could harm the passengers or the crew, i would side with the pilot. but the fact is that they were just muslim, and the pilot was afraid of them. even after going through multiple security checks, he STILL thought they were a threat. thats ignorance, and should be looked down upon in america

the pilot was not afraid of them, the PASSENGERS were.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck, thanks for the topping trick. I don't need pity.

It's almost time to fuel up the Maule and go scout some fishing spots. Yep, I'm another one of those damned rednecks. If not, I would move to a major city, live in a shitty neighborhood, and bitch about how a couple of people were delayed for a few hours.

Until then, good luck with making the world one by dividing it into as many pieces as possible.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
To all those who are comparing discrimination of Muslims to racial discrimination think about this:

Religion is a choice. Race is not. Is it really wrong to treat people differently based on the choices they make? When you see a tweakers on the streets do you avoid conversations with them? If you see one hanging out in a parking lot do you look for another spot to reduce the chances they will break into your car? Not all tweakers steal stuff, so is it ok to judge them on the choices they make because you know that even though not all of them steal, the odds of them stealing your stuff is increased?

Well personally I don't want to park my car next to tweakers, I wouldn't leave kids unsupervised with a catholic priest, and I don't want to fly with muslim clerics. All for the same reason. The choices the make single them out as populations more likely to engage in certain types of behavior. Tweakers are more likely to break into your car, catholic priests are more likely to touch your kids, and muslim fundamentalists are more likely to hijack your airplane.

There, I said it. I guess I'm a bigot.


Active Member
However, we have virtually no background on the pilot, nor his reasons for refusing to carry the passengers.
yes. we do. the reason he refused to take off AFTER he had already taxied out to the runway is because of the other passengers being "uncomfortable" with them.


Active Member
It's sad to see the new generation of racism brewing in this world as we speak. Our young generations being brought up to hate "middle eastern people" makes me sick, and to think it was pretty much all started after that somehow covered up 911 incident. what a shame!!!!!!! more people die from peanut allergies each year than terrorism.. when will the sheeple learn??


Well-Known Member
it's sad to see the new generation of racism brewing in this world as we speak. Our young generations being brought up to hate "middle eastern people" makes me sick, and to think it was pretty much all started after that somehow covered up 911 incident. What a shame!!!!!!! More people die from peanut allergies each year than terrorism.. When will the sheeple learn??

we need an international war on peanuts!!!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
It's sad to see the new generation of racism brewing in this world as we speak. Our young generations being brought up to hate "middle eastern people" makes me sick, and to think it was pretty much all started after that somehow covered up 911 incident. what a shame!!!!!!! more people die from peanut allergies each year than terrorism.. when will the sheeple learn??
Not middle eastern people, muslim fundamentalists. There is a difference. That's not racial discrimination.

I'm happy to share an airplane with anyone who will eat a slice of bacon regardless of their ethnicity.


Well-Known Member
Not middle eastern people, muslim fundamentalists. There is a difference. That's not racial discrimination.

I'm happy to share an airplane with anyone who will eat a slice of bacon regardless of their ethnicity.
Close enough... who is to argue with the politically correct eh?

Lets make pilots afraid to say anything against someone who looks middle eastern with a beard...

Yeah, that makes sense. (I wonder if some of these kids posting here were born after 9/11).