Clones turning yellow/not growing


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am pretty new to growing and I recently took my first cuttings (I am growing indoors, btw). The cuttings were put in Rapid Rooter plugs and did well and rooted in about 2 weeks, at which point I transplanted them into this potting soil:

I watered them pretty good when I transplanted them into the potting soil, and it took over 10 days for the soil to start to dry out on top. It has been about 3 weeks since I put them into the soil and they are growing VERY slowly and have been turning yellow/brown over the last week. I have not used any fertilizer yet, just straight water. The soil is pretty dry in all of them now, but I'm afraid to water them some more because I don't know if they are turning yellow from too much water or something else. I also recently put a fan in blowing over the plants because I thought it would help if they were getting too much water (is this something that will help or is it not doing anything/hurting them?)
I am using two 4' fluorescent bulbs (one cool white, one warm white), and the light is about 2-3" from the plant tops. The tips of the leaves are also turning brown, does this mean they are too close to the light?
Below are pictures of the plants, I appreciate any advice on what is going on with them and why they are growing so slowly and turning yellow/brown.
No fertilizer, they turned yellow because they are rooting. Next time use a rooting hormone and trim the leaves. I always cut the clone at a 45 degree angle and gently "shave" the stem all the way around.
i am using the same soil to start my seedling in an there are doing the same thing only the botton leaves are turning yellow so whats up with organic mg
I have the same problem.... same soil also growing clones and the bottom leaves are turning yellow, although its growing pretty well its overall apperarnce is no longer vibrant green, now its pale and yellowing
I'm not a pro at this or anything, but from my personal experience... the little bit of nutrients that are in the miracle grow soil are too much for the young clones and seedlings... i maybe be wrong, but that has been the case for me in the past a couple times...
Thanks for the input guys. Here's an updated pic of one of the plants, it is getting more and more brown spots on the leaves, so it probably is the nutrients in the dirt. Is there anything else I can do at this point except transplanting to save these?

that guy dont know what hes talking about. the time release nutes that hes talking about are in most miracle grow soils. EXCEPT the one you used , the organic. it has no nutes. so you can count that out. most clones DO turn yellow and maybe a little brown. nothin to worry about just yet... keep them hydrated and ventilated.
Hmmm...I think I'm confused...on the soil bag (pic above) it lists nitrogen, phosphate, and soluble potash: 0.10-0.05-0.05 ratio. I thought these were the "nutrients" that everyone was referring to? Would that amount of the nutes be enough to cause the problems I'm seeing?
I Was using Scotts with the same mix of the nutes.... Eff that shit, today i just transplanted into Fox Farm Oceanforrest. Look at my link in my sig, I will see how they react tomorrow
check your ph. Dont use soil that has nutrients in it, find neutral soil so you can control what goes in better. Im thinking the nutes are burning them, hence the browning and your ph is off which is why they are not absorbing the nutes. DO NOT USE SOIL THAT HAS WHITE FERTS they will burn the roots and you will have issues constantly. You cant flush properly, and those ferts really hurt the plant.
Smokinj's is too high to realize what's going on here... read the bag there buddy... clearly states percentages of each nutrient in that "organic" miracle grow... think before you speak....
Smokinj's is too high to realize what's going on here... read the bag there buddy... clearly states percentages of each nutrient in that "organic" miracle grow... think before you speak....

.5 .5 .10 is not much nutes at all buddy. hence the name organic. there is almost 0 nutes in that soil he is using. def not enough to cause the yellowing and brown burn spots. ill bet the problem lies in your ph. clones need as close to perfect ph'd water to root properly. and little andy with 3 posts, i think you meant THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE. not speak cause i didnt say anything. just typing away. its ok though bud im not offended. newbs like you are always clogging up threads with irrelevant remarks. smoke on kiddo:blsmoke:
heres my 2 cents for whatever its worth. You overwatered them bigtime and the amount of nutrients in your potting soil (or lack thereof) is like feeding a hungry marine a jar of baby food after a battle. Your chlorosis, purple stems and yellowing of the older growth is due to NOT ENOUGH fertilizer(macro nutrients/micro nutrients) therefore your older growth is in essence dieing off to feed your newer growth. Feed them...theyre in a state of shock now. Its not bad they can recover Ive seen much worse but you do need to feed them. If what im reading on that bag of potting soil is correct and you say you havent fed them yet? They need food bro and go easy! they are in a recovery period. One day at a time tender loving care and you'll get these babies back into fine working order. By the way...whats your PH? almost forgot to ask you that. Im also thinking you flushed out what little nutrients that soil had when you over watered them.
man, i having the same problem, I have planted big bud, kahuna and white widow, all of em turned yellow and most died, the ones i have left are stunted, one plant iss 4 months old and wont grow and is pale yellow.

i transplanted 6 times in different soils., just put it in foxwood ocean forrest today, was glad to see someone mentioned that

whet the fk ? as a kid i popped a seed in any dirt and it grew, i spend a grand on lights and stuff and i cant grow 1 lousey plant.

i used the ocean forrest and no nuits.

booght ph up ph down for water, meter for fert, light,moisture and soil ph.

i've got all this stuff for a grow and cant get any plant past the 3rd leaves.

4 months now.
OK, well I transplanted them into the foxfarm ocean soil (before I saw your post Cheesy), and tested my water's PH, which was high, so I brought it down to around 6.5 or so. The foxfarm soil is supposed to be in the right PH range (I can't test it since I only have the liquid PH tester) so I think I've got PH under control now.

When I transplanted them I saw the roots had grown pretty well (to the edges and bottoms of their 6" pots) and they didn't look like anything was wrong with them.

Given that I just put them into the new foxfarm soil, do you still think I should feed them now? The foxfarm doesn't list any nutrients like the MiracleGro did but does it have enough natural nutrients in it that I should wait a bit before giving them food?

I have the FloraMicro/Gro/Bloom liquid fert set which has a measurement for seedlings/cuttings. Given that the roots have grown so much, should I still use the seedlings/cuttings measurement when giving them food?

One more thing: I'm using 2 4' fluorescent tubes to light these. One is a cool white and one is a warm white. Should I leave the lights like they are or change to 2 cool white tubes instead? I thought I had read somewhere that cool white is better for veg stage, but I'm not sure.

Thanks for the help!
i used my digital ph tester to test some reversed osmosis water fromthe gas station and it read an 8.8? how can that be when my last crop used the same water and turned out perfect? now i have these 9 clones that im fighting to keep growing and it makes it hard to test the ph when you have to let the soil dry for almost a week. could my ph tester be off?