Shrooms at a Bonfire


Active Member
So it took a little searching but at last moment found some shrooms last night. My friend took them with lemon juice (we were at a light show) and had an amazing time. I'll probably forgo the juice because it smelled like the worst thing I have ever smelt. But I'm hosting a bonfire tonight as a get together for friends and figured this would be a great time to shroom and smoke. I was debating mixing them with 2cp but for a first time trip I'll just stick to the shrooms. I have 2g and I figure plus smoking I should be good. My friend said it was more life changing than acid so I'll see what happens. I'll post a report when I finally come back (5:30 now, bonfire starts at 9, I'll be shrooming at around 8 and smoking 30-40 minutes later. Summer has started, cheers!
acid shrooms dmt and mesc are all life changing chems but which one is life changing to you is diffrent than me ........i like mesc it changed my life but acid and shrooms didnt..its all about what makes your mind work better... i suggest try them untill you find wat works for you


Active Member
Well the things turned me blind with visuals for about 3 hrs, since I smoked I have a nice ride down. I can't really give a full report right now, too much buzz in the noggin, happy mothers day


Well-Known Member
Well the things turned me blind with visuals for about 3 hrs, since I smoked I have a nice ride down. I can't really give a full report right now, too much buzz in the noggin, happy mothers day
must of been some gooood mushies. i never get too many visuals.


Active Member
2cp is nuts. I agree with laurence, every psychedelic has a different effect on the brain. I exponentially got better with hearing notes and scales when I'm jamming now. We only use 10% of the human brain in rare cases! Start using that empty space, foo!


Well-Known Member
nice man, i remember a 13 hrr hard trip from boomers one time, dunno if it was something i ate or didnt eat but everyone else came up and wnet down after about 6-7 hrs, i was LIT all night and well into the morning.

started having bad thoughts about "oh no, im the guy that gets trapped in a trip"
but i noticed it start to decrease after 11 hrs and it was a nice and relieving ride down

havent done them since, not because i wouldnt, but becuase i havent had the time where i knew for sure i could trip for 12+ hrs and not have a problem.

as kat williams would say "nigga i got shit to do today"


Active Member
2cp is nuts. I agree with laurence, every psychedelic has a different effect on the brain. I exponentially got better with hearing notes and scales when I'm jamming now. We only use 10% of the human brain in rare cases! Start using that empty space, foo!
you only use 10% of your brain? did you have some kind of seriously head trauma accident or something?


Active Member
I'll give a brief synopsis, but I still have certain feeling in my head that is blocking me from writing like I have with lsd or 2cp. Mind you everything after I smoke is an estimate if you know what I mean. (edit, this note took like 4hrs to write so it changed from a small time thing to a full blown report lol.)

T-0:00 (8:30pm) : Take 2g of shrooms and start hauling wood down a long ass path to the spot where I do fires.

T-1:30 (10:00pm) : Finally get the logs down to spot and start waiting for other friends. At the moment it is me, two friends who took shrooms (one has been tripping for awhile since he took it with orange juice and the other is starting to feel it.) Me and the guy tripping smoke and by five minutes later I'm starting to get visuals. Before that time I had felt nothing in the way of a come up besides noticing that my lighter was brighter (it has a LED on it that changes colors.) The spot where we are is practically on the water, you stand on coral rock and sand, in the distance you can see a nuclear power plant and the lights play on the water. Amazing visuals looking at water, it was like my vision narrowed and the tree tops in the distance made it look like a mountain.

T-2:00+:20 (10:30-10:50pm) : Others finally arrive with the smaller twigs from my car and we start fire, which was one hell of a thing to do with every flick of a lighter blinding you lol. We get the fire started (it was pine wood that I had cut, hard wood, burns strong for the first hour or two but settles down nicely.) My friend starts playing a guitar and the guy I smoked with starts with his bongo type drums. I just sit and stare into the fire while enjoying the music, really good time there. You could see the fire rolling and it was sort of like playing the cloud game but with fire and wood.

T-2:20-3:30 (10:50pm-12:00am) : I decided I wanted to draw some and I hadn't peaked yet so I was feeling pretty good. I got my friend who hadn't smoked and we started walking back. Now this walk has got to be at least 1-2 miles. Not 30 seconds after walking my friend breaks down laughing his ass off, which pretty much set the mood for the entire walk lol. I remembered to bring my light show glasses from the night before (we had been wearing them before the others came) and we put them on again now. I literally couldn't see where I was walking with the glasses on, imagine splitting what you see into three vertical blocks but seeing only one of those blocks. Then I took out my lighter and shined the LED and all I saw was color flashing in my face. When I took off the glasses I still couldn't see. My vision now had a permanent static look to it, like the snow you get when changing to a bad channel on T.V. But this didn't really bother me as I was enjoying the trip with my friend. I could look out on the water and see reflections, shadows of trees on the ground, close my eyes. My friend started talking a lot about how war, fighting, and anger don't make sense. He never did explain himself, but to be honest he was kind of annoying. This was his first time and he talked too much, I'm more of the guy to enjoy the trip and do reflection/thinking on the come down.

Any who, it was one long ass walk there and along the way we passed two friends and I was surprised that we could hold it together. The way back was the same as the way there. Mind you that the only light was that in the distance so this was a night walk which made it all the more amazing.

T-3:30-4:15 (12:00am-12:45am) : We finally got back, still tripping balls, and my friend went to talk or sit down and I started to talk with another friend who I've smoked with. Soon after practically everyone decided to leave, my friend and I had gone so he could have one last hit but my lighter was failing so we had to come back, so he just tok a hit after they left. I stared at the fire while my friend knocked the logs into the rising tide. We grabbed our stuff and walked back. Part of the walk back is on gravel and the part closer to where we parked is paved. Soon after getting on the paved part started the fun, I had brought my long board =P. That was probably a more fun ride than on acid. I had passed my peak and was still tripping pretty well thanks to the mary j carrying the trip. One of the friends left a bag of ice so after the others left me and my friend who hadn't smoked was depending on me for a ride home, but I was still tripping with time distortion so I put off driving.

T-4:15-5:00 (12:45am-1:30am) : He had come off his trip but mine was still enough that I didn't want to drive home. So I stood and looked at the nature around me, ate ice, and did some more longboarding to test my driving abilities.

T-5:00-5:30 (1:30am-2:00am) : Drove my friend and I home, had to call one of my other friends just to make sure I didn't space off.

T-5:30-8:30 (2:00am-5:00am) : I spent my time at home talking to some friends and watching my screen do the wave, contemplated trying to play a video game and instead drew pictures while listening to Floyd (That's in the other thread hovering around.)

Synopsis: This was by far the strongest trip I've had. 2cp was long and visual. Lucy was, as I put it to my friend, lucid lucy. 2cp and Lucy, while differing in strengths, I could still see, walk, talk, longboard, eat. Shrooms took it to a new level. I wouldn't do this when I had to walk some place or do large amounts of interaction. Could I hold myself together? Sure. But as far as controlling the trip, I couldn't. My friend said his trip at the light show just ended and I noticed a difference in my friend I was driving home before we left as he started to pace once he wasn't tripping. The end of my trip when I was at home was being carried by the mary j, but I would say it was as strong as Lucy (comparing the end to 2cp is hard as the visuals on shrooms were more wavy and 2cp is more patterny.) Something I also noticed on my come downs on Lucy and shrooms was that I become very emotional. The 2cp I didn't really feel any different it was like damn that's a nice show going on when I stare off. Lucy I felt happier and a connection that wasn't there before, then I had my writing spree of 800 words or so, and when I wasn't writing I was thinking about actions I had taken and the amount of emotion I felt was more at the come down time than when the event was taking place. Shrooms, shroom reflection amplified my emotions to a point that I would say was overwhelming. I remember thinking back on how I had spent hours chopping wood, transporting it to the spot, waiting for my friends who were 1 1/2hr late, then them leaving so soon when they said they wanted a long fire. My emotions went rampant and I'm pretty sure if I had been around them I would have been yelling. Will I do shrooms again? At this point I don't know. If it is the same amount of time again and I can find a spot to lay down and listen to music, I would probably enjoy it more and have less emotion after. But if I have a repeat or know I have to be around people I would rather stick to Lucy or 2cp depending on the day.

As a side question: How long do shrooms/lucy/2cp normally take to kick in for you guys? I've read plenty of reports, just want to see about ya'll because I never actually trip until I start smoking the peace pipe.


Well-Known Member
hour to hour and 30 min. and lasts about 3-4 hours. your trips sound pretty similar to mine.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
OP ... Excellent read Kind SIR ...
I am glad You had a fantastic time.
I also appreciated your comparison
breakdown ... bwn compounds.



Well-Known Member
Did you smoke?
ive done em smoking and not smoking a few times each. smoking on the come up definitely helps me relax more and forget that i just ate shrooms if im with a group of people, which is great bc the key for a good trip for me is a good come up. Living in the moment rather than waiting for the trip to kick in. waiting can be really creepy if you know what i mean. It also helps keep my mind from over thinking everything, and it's a must have for the comedown, bc i literally cant shut my mind up to the point where it's really uncomfortable. also helps with the stomach pain for me. Also it seems to prolong it, sort of like the weed is carrying the mushroom trip, and occasionally intensify the effects for me. Also i get super iron lungs when im trippin, and can smoke non stop lol. Although it depends for me if i want to smoke on the comeup, if it's gonna be laughs and a good vibe ill smoke on the comeup. if im alone or something i normally dont like to bc when im high i dont like the idea of other substances, so it's a tricky situation. so basically it depends if i want to smoke on the come up, but ill always smoke if it's available while im tripping. in conclusion: id rather be smoking than not while tripping. :)


Active Member
I don't have amazing puffing abilities, just enough to get me high. And I get what you mean by carrying the trip. But so far I haven't been able to achieve lift off without mary j

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Great read buddy!

Yeah im personally not a huge fan of shroom's either, like you, they are way emotional for me. I generally find myself getting down on myself for no good reason and overall it makes me appreciate life less, as with sweet sweet lucy generally the only emotion i feel is happiness, it allows me to see life as a beautiful gift..


Well-Known Member
i love smoking dank bud on acid, you can feel it flow through your body. so great... acid feels much more mechanial and forcefull than shrooms. theyre like the emotional/natural version of cid to me.
never done dmt or anything but weed shrooms and cid. they all changed my life, you know how you feel like you keep waking up un acid? i feel like the last one stuck hahah i live in a world of infinite possibilities now.
i reeeeealy want dmt, that the most powerful shit ever i hear. anyway, its great you had fun!


Active Member
I've smoked on both lucy and shrooms, I should probably try not smoking but what fun is that =P

For me acid isn't mechanical, its like taking a happy pill and being able to see the world through a magnifying glass. And trust me, when the emotion you feel on shrooms at the end is anger, and so much anger you're about to punch through a wall, it isn't the most enjoyable come down.