And So The Hysterical Bullshit Starts Again


Well-Known Member
Weed smokers aren't hijacking airplanes.

Why is all discrimination bad? Racial discrimination is wrong because you are discriminating against someone for something beyond their control. Being a muslim is a choice. Why is it wrong to discriminate against someone for a choice they make?
Dude, they passed all screenings. What else do you need?


Well-Known Member
Ill let you guys on a lil secret...the fun loving muslim that says hi to you every day in iraq or afghanistan is poorer thana mofo....the same dude you give food to and his kids chocolate will take a $20 bill one day and kill you and your buddies. So how do you really tell who is good here? You you just up the standards.
thats not in america....


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of giving up personal liberty for any US citizen. You guys can argue about that point but it's not something that I care to consider.

These guys have Post-grad degrees and will make a pretty penny off of publicizing this story. I'm pretty sure the 9 hour delay will afford them many more future options.

Claiming that Islam is a peaceful religion is like claiming that Christianity is a peaceful religion. Those two claims would both be false. Any time you have a psychological hold on your followers then you have potential for significant misdirection. Blind faith creates tunnel vision regardless of the catalyst with religion catalyzing the feeling behind this discussion.


Active Member
so jews are things now, huh?! lol
well. i guess i could have said people. but they did burn a whole lotta books as well as other stuff.

but ya, i consider people things i suppose. and they did burn a lot more than just people.

either way it was horrible.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
thats not in america....
no LOL but those same fuctards will take money to come here on an airplane and blow your ass they will die for their god for a pack of virgins...its just redicoulous to be upset that a couple hadjis couldn't fly in the first place.

And second of all..they bring their bullshit over here anyways...really they wanted to build a fucking mosque on the Trade Center ? Why are they all about trying to spread islam? Cuz they dotn think we are worthy as we are...if anyone is rascist in this sit, its the muslims.

Save up your pesos and board a flight to Korengal Valley..go knock on a few doors and report back to me how nice they are to you....ill see you CNN geting yur dome cut off with a fuckoff big sword


Well-Known Member
no LOL but those same fuctards will take money to come here on an airplane and blow your ass they will die for their god for a pack of virgins...its just redicoulous to be upset that a couple hadjis couldn't fly in the first place.

And second of all..they bring their bullshit over here anyways...really they wanted to build a fucking mosque on the Trade Center ? Why are they all about trying to spread islam? Cuz they dotn think we are worthy as we are...if anyone is rascist in this sit, its the muslims.

Save up your pesos and board a flight to Korengal Valley..go knock on a few doors and report back to me how nice they are to you....ill see you CNN geting yur dome cut off with a fuckoff big sword
and if they come in the airport with a bomb, we will find it in the security search, right? if not, whats the point of a security search? the one big thing we r searching for goes right by us.
and if security gets too strong for muslims, couldnt they just blow themselves up while standing in line at the security thing? thatd scare a lot more people than the plane thing. people would be afraid to stand in line at the airport, let alone fly the plane

edit: the point is, no matter how 'secure' you make things, people will always find a way to go around it. its the same with the drug market and smuggling. meanwhile, we spend ourselves into oblivion trying to defend ourselves from this 'enemy'

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Dude, they passed all screenings. What else do you need?
Then they should be let on the plane. It's unreasonable and unconstitutional not to let them on a plane.

I'm just commenting on people who say we can't discriminate people because of their religion. I don't see that as wrong at all.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
and if they come in the airport with a bomb, we will find it in the security search, right? if not, whats the point of a security search? the one big thing we r searching for goes right by us.
Ok lets paint a diff scenario for the people that dont get it.

Let say some hadjis got payed to come to the USA and take some flight training courses (but not how to land) and then hijacked some planes with boxcutters. Then decided to fly them into strategic targets and killing thousands of people?

oh fuck me..wait that already happened.


Well-Known Member
The Crusades part IV.
The problem is that the Crusaders are coming from both ends. We Crusade over there (for money and stability) and they Crusade over here (for Allah and profit). I'd rather reduce the impact of foreigners on the average life expectancy of American citizens. If they raise any form of arms against our citizenry, well, I hope that I'm not the only one with a reticle trained on vital organs.


Well-Known Member

We can tell where your opinion comes from. If I'm right I salute your service but I take it you were part of the force that went into their country and oppressed them.
For their own good right?
It is better to kill thousands and invade a whole country for non-existant WMD's, and spend 10 years and counting worth of american lives and money killing and maming people across the land supposedly to get a handfull of individual terrorists, while torturing and creating ever more terrorists ever single day than to admit it was all wrong.

We just supposedly got osama, but there will be no end because we are an occupying force who isn't exactly nice either, we condone torture if not do it ourselves.
The war will just get bigger and bigger and expand to more and more countries. Do you want our fellow soldiers to die in Iran next, maybe Syria, how about we all just blow the fuck out of eachother until the last man is standing, and then that guy can claim moral victory.

They are just humans defending their land and their shitty ass sand sucking poor as dirt lives and they'll fight to no end just as we would if someone invaded our land and did the same exact things to us. Yes they're ignorant, but they didn't exactly get the benefit of what used to be our standard of living and have less options in most cases. Plus according to their religion they can't even jerk off or have sex before marriage so they're naturally probably a bit wound up, you would be too if you fell for a religion that horrible.

But all excuses aside the only people that win in wars like this are no part of the action and just reaping the profits. The least you could do is refer to them as humans like yourself, defending their people and land like you would. Had you been put in their shoes when you were born, you'd see it differently, you need to see it from both sides like that none of this is right period.


Well-Known Member
Then they should be let on the plane. It's unreasonable and unconstitutional not to let them on a plane.

I'm just commenting on people who say we can't discriminate people because of their religion. I don't see that as wrong at all.
Could you explain to me how it is unconstitutional? It is not even illegal... You are not guaranteed a seat on a private airplane, they can deny anyone passage.

Somehow we have reached a point where a TSA agent can sexually assault a 6 year old girl in the name of security but if a couple of muslim men are inconvenienced then somebody needs to get fired!!! Somehow we have reached a point where you cannot admit that seeing people in muslim religious garb makes you nervous or you will be called a racist and shouted down by the politically correct.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Could you explain to me how it is unconstitutional? It is not even illegal... You are not guaranteed a seat on a private airplane, they can deny anyone passage.
My bad, not unconstitutional, but unreasonable.

I don't think we should go as far as to not let muslims fly on airplanes at all. But giving them extra security checks is fine by me.


Well-Known Member
Yes, being muslim is a choice. The quran says that everyone who does not believe in it is the enemy and should be fought.
i could go and find the same shit in the old testament. do us jews send the fear of god into you as well?

I don't want to be on an airplane with people who believe in the quran any more than I'd want to show up to a KKK bonfire if I were black.
what you mean to say is you don't want to be on an airplane with a terrorist. i'd wager you've been on a few planes with people who believe in the quran, yet somehow you are here conversing with me via the internet. imagine that!

The only difference between the kkk and Islam is that the kkk only discriminates against black people and jews.
nope, they discriminate against all non-white, non-christians (for your edification).

They can go to all the conferences about anti-discrimination all they want. How about some help catching terrorists? The Islamic religious institutions around the world offer no help what so ever catching terrorists. If they really aren't all terrorist supporters they need to prove it. They haven't done this. Coming out and claiming to be against terrorism publicly while quietly supporting terrorists or just letting it happen isn't good enough.
i haven't gallivanted about rounding up any KKK members lately, does that make me a KKK member?

sounds to me like you are rehashing the old bush bifurcation: with us or with the terrorists. false bifurcation, at that, as there are more options like 'neutral' or 'unaware'.

Is it really dumb to discriminate against people for the choices they make?
it is dumb if you do it the wrong way. if you just pick all the muslim-y looking people out of the line, it won't be long before the terrorists find some white looking dude to strap a bomb to.

how this escapes anyone is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
I still want to hear answers to the following questions:

Why is it wrong to discriminate against someone for the choices they make?

How many people here who are against discriminating against muslims on airplanes would let a random catholic priest babysit their kids?
it is not wrong to discriminate against someone for the choices they make.

but to call someone's religion a mere 'choice' is insulting. people aren't raised to eat fruit loops, their is no holy fruit loop communion, families don't celebrate holidays dedicated to fruit loops.

to compare someone's religion to how i decide what to eat for breakfast is not only insulting, it is retarded.

anyhoo, that point aside, it is not wrong to discriminate against the choices a person makes, it is smart. but to block out anyone who is muslim as an added security risk is dumb, not wrong.

take some lessons from israel here.


Well-Known Member
Interrogation , GITMO
i can't wait until someone that looks like you blows something up, then we'll see how fast you are to say that YOU need to be taken to GITMO, held indefinitely without being charged, and have some electric charges attached to your testicles.

that day likely won't come anytime soon, as i there are very few people in this world whose face bears a striking resemblance to a gigantic used douche.