Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, your tellin me...I got a report cause of him :-P
Not that i know wtf that actually means for me ::shrugs::
Hopefully whomever comes across the report has enough sense to just ignore it and understand it was a retaliatory report, not an actual one.

lol @ his plants dying in FFOF. It's the soils fault right?
Totally the soils fault man lmao couldn't resist! And fab you are mistaken I didn't say shit about this thread I said my grow threads been fucked up by trolls haha my last one was too a bit wtf lol don't like my views stay the fuck off my thread! Simple right haha guess not! I need to smoke! How's everyone else


New Member
report or infraction or a warning and what the hell for shit he said worse thats why i tell u guys to report people like that

Yeah, your tellin me...I got a report cause of him :-P
Not that i know wtf that actually means for me ::shrugs::
Hopefully whomever comes across the report has enough sense to just ignore it and understand it was a retaliatory report, not an actual one.

lol @ his plants dying in FFOF. It's the soils fault right?


Well-Known Member
I did mean chill out just saying relax have some troll free rambles... Wtf my sister bf is such a fucking weirdo!


Well-Known Member
im just hanging out, got the bowl packed up. watching some fox special on seal team 6 and killing bin laden..i dont like fox myself but its been a long weekend and im hoping to pass out as soon as its over lol. have a good one guys if im not back


New Member
hey bro whats up come back

im just hanging out, got the bowl packed up. watching some fox special on seal team 6 and killing bin laden..i dont like fox myself but its been a long weekend and im hoping to pass out as soon as its over lol. have a good one guys if im not back


Well-Known Member
Hey guys sorry I got stoned and distracted lol anyway we were sitting there smokin while mom had the kids and he gives their pit a treat on the bed gross for one! Then as she is gobbling it down he is got his face in hers making noises like he's trying to eat it serious was like less than an inch I was mid post lol as I look up and see this and then had to yell at him for freaking me out haha so yeah fucking weirdo!


New Member

Hey guys sorry I got stoned and distracted lol anyway we were sitting there smokin while mom had the kids and he gives their pit a treat on the bed gross for one! Then as she is gobbling it down he is got his face in hers making noises like he's trying to eat it serious was like less than an inch I was mid post lol as I look up and see this and then had to yell at him for freaking me out haha so yeah fucking weirdo!


Active Member
I waited for hours just for you to give me an illiterate story.

This thread NEEDS to be deleted. holy mother of hurl fuckin there are 60 pages in this motherfucking THREAD!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys sorry I got stoned and distracted lol anyway we were sitting there smokin while mom had the kids and he gives their pit a treat on the bed gross for one! Then as she is gobbling it down he is got his face in hers making noises like he's trying to eat it serious was like less than an inch I was mid post lol as I look up and see this and then had to yell at him for freaking me out haha so yeah fucking weirdo!
Wanna try again? Since I have NO idea what your trying to say here...


Well-Known Member
I waited for hours just for you to give me an illiterate story.

This thread NEEDS to be deleted. holy mother of hurl fuckin there are 60 pages in this motherfucking THREAD!!
I don't give a fuck how long ya waited for me one its my thread and I will get back to it when I can I have a life apparently you don't not my problem.... 2 you don't understand not need to be a dick could have asked me to be clearer and as far as the thread being deleted its a toke and talk had no general point and isn't really meant to be understood :dunce: and if you don't like it kick rocks :finger: we don't need your negativity

Wanna try again? Since I have NO idea what your trying to say here...
Sure he was playing with the dog like he was gonna eat he treat but was damn near making out with the dog was rather disturbing... And sorry dude I would have tried to explain better but I was stoned and my attention was divided I typed quickly felt bad when fab called said yall wondered where I went


Well-Known Member
I waited for hours just for you to give me an illiterate story.

This thread NEEDS to be deleted. holy mother of hurl fuckin there are 60 pages in this motherfucking THREAD!!
sounds to me like you NEED to take a walk. find somewhere else to run you mouth full of nonsense

Whats going on guys? i just woke up, wife let me sleep...crazy weekend with people coming and going, kids all over the place. still trying to recover from it :sleep::sleep::sleep:

maybe this bongsmilie will help :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey ncg how's it going bud? I think that will definitely help ya just about to help my client his shit smells so yummy I'm jealous!
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