And So The Hysterical Bullshit Starts Again


Well-Known Member
Somehow we have reached a point where you cannot admit that seeing people in muslim religious garb makes you nervous or you will be called a racist and shouted down by the politically correct.
next time i see a pimply 16 year old with scoliosis on an airplane, i am going to tell the pilot that they make me uncomfortable and should be subject to extra searches and, having passed those extra searches, will not be allowed on the flight.

in case you are too dense to get what i am saying, i imagine you as a pimply 16 year old with scoliosis sitting in your parents basement, dreaming of all those awesome businesses you would have started if obama had not been elected.


Well-Known Member
Hey now Israel is my HOME! I love when Israel is used for a good example and that one is! Yeah I am fucking JEW! Muslims are not Muslims if they are peaceful, that would mean they do not follow the Q'uran. Anyone who follows the book is violent and will be violent sooner or later, I know trust me. I have many a friends who are Middle eastern like myself( but from egypt and palestine) and will say the same from first hand experience. The same scholars you speak of are teaching hate and death to all but Muslims. Not only that, they teach that lies and mis leading un-believers is acceptable so when they say we are mis informed about Islam they are lying. Read their books, play the role of convert for a while in Islam and see what you learn! I am tired of everyone saying that majority of Muslims are peaceful, they are not Muslim, get your facts right. Muslims support and want your death, Middle eastern people on the other hand are like everyone else and just want peace and to live happy. Damn I love how everyone is so ignorant sometimes....


Well-Known Member
Then they should be let on the plane. It's unreasonable and unconstitutional not to let them on a plane.

I'm just commenting on people who say we can't discriminate people because of their religion. I don't see that as wrong at all.
But these guys were screened, and let on the plane. Only to be kicked off because the piolt would not fly with them on board.

Religion? Fuck it, I don't give a shit about religion. But if people pass screening tests only to be kicked off because of how they look, then why screen at all? Why not just let pilots pick and choose who they want on their plane. And is it really theirs? Do they own the fucking plane? If you're a commercial pilot just do your job and fly the fucking plane. This is akin to a bus driver telling all "niggers" to get off of his bus.


Well-Known Member
Hey Buck, Israel has them as next door neighbors. We( Israel) know the difference between a Muslim and a average secular Middle eastern too. Most of you would be unfamiliar to that though..... We see and deal with it every day. I am in between Israel and the US for all of you who wonder how I know..... I live in both countries part time...


Well-Known Member
Hey now Israel is my HOME! I love when Israel is used for a good example and that one is! Yeah I am fucking JEW! Muslims are not Muslims if they are peaceful, that would mean they do not follow the Q'uran. Anyone who follows the book is violent and will be violent sooner or later, I know trust me. I have many a friends who are Middle eastern like myself( but from egypt and palestine) and will say the same from first hand experience. The same scholars you speak of are teaching hate and death to all but Muslims. Not only that, they teach that lies and mis leading un-believers is acceptable so when they say we are mis informed about Islam they are lying. Read their books, play the role of convert for a while in Islam and see what you learn! I am tired of everyone saying that majority of Muslims are peaceful, they are not Muslim, get your facts right. Muslims support and want your death, Middle eastern people on the other hand are like everyone else and just want peace and to live happy. Damn I love how everyone is so ignorant sometimes....
i only have about 300 jews in my family i can use for reference here, only about 2 dozen of who live in israel.

i can't say many of them would side with you. of course, i don't blame you for how you feel because you are sitting where you are, and confirmation bias is a bitch.

nothing about being muslim turns a person hateful and violent. that would be like saying cannabis is a gateway drug to cocaine. nothing about cannabis makes you want to try cocaine, and nothing about being muslim automatically turns you violent.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
But these guys were screened, and let on the plane. Only to be kicked off because the piolt would not fly with them on board.

Religion? Fuck it, I don't give a shit about religion. But if people pass screening tests only to be kicked off because of how they look, then why screen at all? Why not just let pilots pick and choose who they want on their plane. And is it really theirs? Do they own the fucking plane? If you're a commercial pilot just do your job and fly the fucking plane. This is akin to a bus driver telling all "niggers" to get off of his bus.
like I said, if they passed all security measures, they should be let on the plane. Not arguing there.

I was just commenting at all the people who were acting like it's wrong to discriminate against people for the religion they choose under any circumstances. That's something I disagree with.

I personally have no problem flying on an airplane with muslims. If someone tries to hijack a plane I'm on, there will be a fight. Security is more than sufficient. Flying is not dangerous IMO.


Well-Known Member
Could you explain to me how it is unconstitutional? It is not even illegal... You are not guaranteed a seat on a private airplane, they can deny anyone passage.

Somehow we have reached a point where a TSA agent can sexually assault a 6 year old girl in the name of security but if a couple of muslim men are inconvenienced then somebody needs to get fired!!! Somehow we have reached a point where you cannot admit that seeing people in muslim religious garb makes you nervous or you will be called a racist and shouted down by the politically correct.
Come on dude, really? If I buy a ticket I expect to get a fucking seat. Isn't that what airlines do? I pay them some money and they fly me somewhere. If I am on time and go through the proper procedures without causing a scene I should be able to fly. I smell a lawsuit...

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Come on dude, really? If I buy a ticket I expect to get a fucking seat. Isn't that what airlines do? I pay them some money and they fly me somewhere. If I am on time and go through the proper procedures without causing a scene I should be able to fly. I smell a lawsuit...
The city owns the bus, the airline is a private company. Owning a business you do have the right to refuse service to anyone without giving a reason unless there is a specific law prohibiting it.


Well-Known Member
like I said, if they passed all security measures, they should be let on the plane. Not arguing there.

I was just commenting at all the people who were acting like it's wrong to discriminate against people for the religion they choose under any circumstances. That's something I disagree with.
My bad, no argument here :)


Well-Known Member
I dont know about that Buck. I do see your point and it is valid. Like I said though, most do not follow the religion so they are not Muslim. They are just Egyptian or what ever. Like most Americans who are secular, they would say they are Christian but don't follow the book, so just American. That is all I am really trying to say! THe Q'uran just like my Tanach makes me pass judgement, and that is where the hate begins or violence starts to come out.... Fortunately my book is not read into literally word for word! Otherwise I would be out on the hunt to kill all Amalek( Arabs)! I am religious and all but, fuck even I know that it is bullshit, ALL OF IT! I wish they could do the same and we would not have this problem BRO!!!!! Peace to all

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I dont know about that Buck. I do see your point and it is valid. Like I said though, most do not follow the religion so they are not Muslim. They are just Egyptian or what ever. Like most Americans who are secular, they would say they are Christian but don't follow the book, so just American. That is all I am really trying to say! THe Q'uran just like my Tanach makes me pass judgement, and that is where the hate begins or violence starts to come out.... Fortunately my book is not read into literally word for word! Otherwise I would be out on the hunt to kill all Amalek( Arabs)! I am religious and all but, fuck even I know that it is bullshit, ALL OF IT! I wish they could do the same and we would not have this problem BRO!!!!! Peace to all
Discriminating against arabs is wrong, but muslim clarics? I'm not so sure.


Well-Known Member
The city owns the bus, the airline is a private company. Owning a business you do have the right to refuse service to anyone without giving a reason unless there is a specific law prohibiting it.
So you wouldn't be pissed if they refused to fly you?


Well-Known Member
Fortunately my book is not read into literally word for word!
fortunately is right. otherwise you'd be off on a hunt to kill A LOT of non-believers.

and not all that subscribe to the quran read into it literally and word for word, either.

i contend that those that do take it word for word are the ones not allowed to call themselves muslim, as they pervert the true lessons of that book. just the same as if you took the tanach word for word, you'd no longer be a jew, you'd be some nut on a killing spree.

edit - you say arabs are not muslim because they do not 'follow the religion', which as yo have described is reading the book word for word. if you held yourself to the same standard, you would not be a jew, as you do not follow the tanach word for word. true?


Well-Known Member
MUCH LOVE BUCK! Those words are so fucking beautiful bro! Truth in itself right there man! You hold true on your point and I shut up now! lmao!!!


Well-Known Member
MUCH LOVE BUCK! Those words are so fucking beautiful bro! Truth in itself right there man! You hold true on your point and I shut up now! lmao!!!
i mean, don't get me wrong, sitting where you are you have to be of a certain mindset.

i've always said, if they laid down their arms, there would be peace. if israel laid down her arms, it would cease to exist.

much love to you as well.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
i contend that those that do take it word for word are the ones not allowed to call themselves muslim, as they pervert the true lessons of that book.
That makes no sense. How can they be perverting the lessons of that book by following it word for word?

Maybe it's the book it self that is the perversion.