Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Can't you even fucking read!! Fuck man, you are too dense.
So I guess that means you won't (or more appropriately, can't) ]answer the questions. Call me all the names you want, you're only bringing more attention to your stupidity.
Quit being such a whiny dumb ass and explain to everyone what's wrong with those fossils. Use the proper Latin names so we can all follow along.
^^^ Read the thread man and stop dodging smart guy!!

Aren't you supposed to be burning witches, and not just melting down like them? =P

Your sounding like your in a corner. Post 57? Comments on fossils using real terms? How many other things will you be dodging and/or deflecting today?

God i feel like a McDonalds commercial...... "Im Lovin' It" lol
You know when you can't even post more than a sentence without stealing your words from someone else in a cut and paste, it's time to give up. Have you ever had an original thought?
Obviously not, because the only meaningful debate to come from his 'side' in the last 55 pages were from other people trying to defend him. Rather pathetic really.
It has long been known that the first backboned land animals or "tetrapods" - the ancestors of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including ourselves - evolved from a group of fishes about 370 million years ago during the Devonian period. However, even though scientists had discovered fossils of tetrapod-like fishes and fish-like tetrapods from this period, these were still rather different from each other and did not give a complete picture of the intermediate steps in the transition.

In 2006 the situation changed dramatically with the discovery of an almost perfectly intermediate fish-tetrapod, Tiktaalik, but even so a gap remained between this animal and the earliest true tetrapods (animals with limbs rather than paired fins). Now, new fossils of the extremely primitive tetrapod Ventastega from the Devonian of Latvia cast light on this key phase of the transition.


Obviously not, because the only meaningful debate to come from his 'side' in the last 55 pages were from other people trying to defend him. Rather pathetic really.
His only response is to accuse everyone else of dodging. Regardless of what they wrote, it's 'dodging.' Prolly 'cause he is too stupid to even understand the counter-arguments to his inane "no transitional fossil" bullshit, he cannot make any answer appear even somewhat intelligent, so instead he reflexively sticks with what he knows even if it becomes a non-sequitur.
Have you noticed he even has trouble using the quote feature here and instead relies on "^^^^" Not too bright if he can't even figure out how to post.
Have you noticed he even has trouble using the quote feature here and instead relies on "^^^^" Not too bright if he can't even figure out how to post.
I have! =D

I have often wanted to point this out to others but it would be lost on them. I see it like this: We clearly separate quotes, form complete and grammatically correct (mostly) sentences, and provide facts. 'They' reply with giant blocks of texts (that can easily be perceived as more of a rant than a rational response), then as you pointed out, accuse others of dodging the topics and ideas that you 'didn't catch' in the rant (or didn't interpret their way).
I provided transitional links in humans (ie. anyone reading this!) living right now and he ignored them.

Want to know of a transitionary species? Ever heard of a newt? Oh sorry, I forgot, God made them exactly that way on purpose.

EDIT: Heres some linkage, http://darwiniana.org/transitionals.htm You can verify it elsewhere too, this is just a good collection for disproving the traditional Bible obsessed Creationists.

Double EDIT: (Lets go for the double tap in the face...it seems to be doing well this week ;) )

Bet he ignores everything I posted and starts throwing the insults, even tho Iv said nothing offensive. Wait and see.

And you know the funnier thing? Im not even saying that a higher power didnt set the ball rolling and didnt set all the laws of the uinverse, I just think that as a human trying to consider an omnipotent being...I mean a human brain cant even contemplate the size of the Universe, let alone what some people claim made said Universe. So I dont speculate anymore, Ill just live my life as a good human being and if Im rewarded when I die, awesome, and if not at least I didnt build it up!

And to try put a name on such a potential being, now that is arrogant!
For the record agnostic is not equal to athiest

I dont know if there actually is a God or not, Im agnostic, Iv realised I can never really know (until I die, and theres a 50/50 chance I wont know then! ;) ) and that religion is a waste of time if people just treat each other well.

Athiests believe there is NO God.

Just making that distinction there.
For the record agnostic is not equal to athiest

I dont know if there actually is a God or not, Im agnostic, Iv realised I can never really know (until I die, and theres a 50/50 chance I wont know then! ;) ) and that religion is a waste of time if people just treat each other well.

Athiests believe there is NO God.

Just making that distinction there.
An atheist does not make a claim about the existence of a god, therefore an atheist does not say there is no god. Atheist is the label given to someone that does not accept the claim that there is a god.
An agnostic is one that doesn't think that we can know either way. Gnosticism is about knowledge. Theism is about belief. They are different answers to two different ontological questions.
A person can be an atheist and still be agnostic. In fact most atheists are also agnostic.
An atheist does not make a claim about the existence of a god, therefore an atheist does not say there is no god. Atheist is the label given to someone that does not accept the claim that there is a god.
An agnostic is one that doesn't think that we can know either way. Gnosticism is about knowledge. Theism is about belief. They are different answers to two different ontological questions.
A person can be an atheist and still be agnostic. In fact most atheists are also agnostic.

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