Help Needed


Active Member
I have 1 haze auto that is starting to flower but i dont have flower nutes yet...can i still feed this veg nutes till tues or weds when i can get to the store or will she get messed up and stop flowering???thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Yes, also i might suggest that you use some alaskin fish emulsion from wal mart in the beginning of flowering, and you can use just that all the way through and it will turn out good. I have used just the fish emulsion on my dynamite strain and that shit was the bomb.


Active Member
imma get floranova for flowering thats what i have now and well im very impressed plus its in just perlite in 16oz red plastic cups...tallest about 16inches the rest betweeen 10-12 and all are showing the pistils and bud sites forming now..24 days from seed out of package..Thanks tho for the reccomendation....


Active Member
Yes, also i might suggest that you use some alaskin fish emulsion from wal mart in the beginning of flowering, and you can use just that all the way through and it will turn out good. I have used just the fish emulsion on my dynamite strain and that shit was the bomb.
The fish emulsion is great, I used it for a while, but I grow in my bedroom and honestly just cant take the smell.


Active Member
imo the grow is not needed till a few weeks after flowering it needs less nitrogen during flowering i would just water with plain water till u get the flower nutes go to ur hydro store and ask if they have a sample of any bloom nutes most of them do and will be happy to let u try new products in hope that they will be able to push it


Active Member
when do u start and stop using the fish emulsion i have a bag of it the guy at the hydro store gave me out of a bag that ripped open,,, anyway no direction i am 2 week of flowering right now people on here said 1 tsp or tbls cant remember


Active Member
so basically i only need to use flowering nutes for like 2-3 weeks becuase u have to flush and stuff and flowering only takes about 6 weeks with autos..


Active Member
Yes, also i might suggest that you use some alaskin fish emulsion from wal mart in the beginning of flowering, and you can use just that all the way through and it will turn out good. I have used just the fish emulsion on my dynamite strain and that shit was the bomb.
ha ha this answers my question guess i need to put the pipe down and read before i open my mouth lol


Active Member
so basically i only need to use flowering nutes for like 2-3 weeks becuase u have to flush and stuff and flowering only takes about 6 weeks with autos..
on mine they are 8 weeks flower time and i flush with straight water a week before harvest so maybe 5 weeks of nutes for u ,,,, ime not an expert this is my second grow so take what i say lightly someone will jump in


Active Member
mine r autos finish in 10 weeks total im at week 4 and they just formed there buds so i figure 6 weeks of flowering then..