Led Users Unite!

You want to dry in space that is as dark as possible (light degrades THC). The only time you should ever need to change a light cycle is when switching to 12/12 for flowering

Hey budlover do you have a link or can you remember any more details such as from what distance that reading was taken? * or other stuff like diode wattage or lens angle?
Thanks for the info.
So ima start my second grow this time w.w. What LED would you suggest I use for a good yield? I was researching Led's and the best ones are the magnum 457 and the black star 400w. I really wanna out grow and prove to the hps growers that LED growers can grow better weed and save money at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info.
So ima start my second grow this time w.w. What LED would you suggest I use for a good yield? I was researching Led's and the best ones are the magnum 457 and the black star 400w. I really wanna out grow and prove to the hps growers that LED growers can grow better weed and save money at the same time.
If I were you and I had 500 I would get a 180w GLH Spectra (units uses 180w), if not then I would get a '240w' blackstar (really only 133w, most companies mislead on wattage) or the best Isis you can. If you want to aim for the best try to go for all 3w diodes that run on 1.5-2w each (LEDs can't run full power or they die fast), with lens angles less than 120 (ideally 90 to 60). And don't let anyone charge you much more than $3 per true watt upfront (so a 240w (133w) blackstar usually go for about $2 per watt).
If I were you and I had 500 I would get a 180w GLH Spectra (units uses 180w), if not then I would get a '240w' blackstar (really only 133w, most companies mislead on wattage) or the best Isis you can. If you want to aim for the best try to go for all 3w diodes that run on 1.5-2w each (LEDs can't run full power or they die fast), with lens angles less than 120 (ideally 90 to 60). And don't let anyone charge you much more than $3 per true watt upfront (so a 240w (133w) blackstar usually go for about $2 per watt).
Ima go for the 3w one cuz the 5w diodes sounds a little to real to be true. I been using the ufo wich is the 90w but the 240w sound like the one Im gonna get for my second grow thanks.


Well-Known Member
what light is the best for the price, where are the pictures and dry weight to back claims, does anyone see this market taking a dramatic fall in pricing anytime soon and if so why?, what is the biggest concerns with these lights that someone from experience has noticed and what are the benefits?, simply looking for the point of all our troubles can someone please break it down for us all in a paragraph or two?


Active Member
Yo Green Dave- you got one of these panels? Could you post of close up pic of one of the 5W diodes? Thanks in advance. astro

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
No man I have the BD220 just starting with the LED and couldnt take the plung on a 5 watt panel
Go to the web site and have a look


Well-Known Member
what light is the best for the price, where are the pictures and dry weight to back claims, does anyone see this market taking a dramatic fall in pricing anytime soon and if so why?, what is the biggest concerns with these lights that someone from experience has noticed and what are the benefits?, simply looking for the point of all our troubles can someone please break it down for us all in a paragraph or two?
Read the thread man


Well-Known Member
Is anyone reading the thread? That question was just addressed in the last 2 pages. dewski, jdizzle answered that. Go find it!

New posters - please give the posters on this thread an ounce of respect and read SOME of the thread before posting the same questions that have already been answered 7 times. I know its long, but thats what your girl said too!


Well-Known Member
I have been reading the last 12 pages and see nothing about spacing between the plant tops and the light...

It was discussed a bit recently, I would have bet within the last 12 pages but who knows. We aren't really sure, the most powerful panels that run 12 spectrum/wavelengths on 3w diodes run 1.5-2w each don't seem to give people trouble flowering at 12in, and with a panel that strong I would usually veg at 2ft unless maybe it was 200w total or less (actual watts so that would be 200/1.5-2w for each 3w diode)


Well-Known Member
How high do you have to keep the 1 and 2 watt panels off the plants?
It depends. It depends what light you have, how many watts youre running, and what stage of growth youre in. with my panel, I start higher in veg, about 18 to 22 inches above canopy. Then gradually lower the lights as the plant grows and responds accordingly. The in flower you can lower even more...i try not to let my girls get closer than 8 inches. But I'm also running 3w model. 1w/2w models might be able to get a little closer but I can't speak on them from experience


Im talking strictly about the 1 and 2 watt panels out there. It would be used just for flowering, veg would be CFL. Limited space available to Im trying to figure out if a lower watt panel could be within 6" of the plants with CFL to supplement the lack of power the LED would have.


Well-Known Member
Im talking strictly about the 1 and 2 watt panels out there. It would be used just for flowering, veg would be CFL. Limited space available to Im trying to figure out if a lower watt panel could be within 6" of the plants with CFL to supplement the lack of power the LED would have.
Which 1 and 2 watt panels are you talking about? As jdizzle pointed out in his post (if you had found it) each brand is different. What total wattages are we talking about here? A 500w panel of 1w is gonna be different than a 100w panel. Just like a panel advertised at 240w (actual pull 133) is gonna be less than a panel that actually draws the 240w. You need more specifics man. This is just all hypothetical pondering. If you'd found the original info, YOU could apply it to each individual light/brand/wattage/etc you wanted to look in to.

We give you a fish, you come and ask us for more fish. We teach you to fish, you get the idea.....


The Blackstar 240 panel for instance. I have been looking, but people arent giving answers relevant to my situation. The idea of a board is to share info and discuss topics, yet when people ask questions they are told to search more. I wouldnt be asking if a search had revealed anything.


Well-Known Member
The Blackstar 240 panel for instance. I have been looking, but people arent giving answers relevant to my situation. The idea of a board is to share info and discuss topics, yet when people ask questions they are told to search more. I wouldnt be asking if a search had revealed anything.
I think the '240w' (133-140w) Blackstar are the most proven LED units for under $300 (lowest I've seen is 250). I've never had one but I imagine even 12in veg would be fine since the whole thing is less than 140w counting fans, although you might want to back off to 2ft until they are a bit more than seedlings if starting from seed. I think there lens are a mix of 60 degree and 120 degree angles, and the sellers seem to all say 10-14 in for that model (which as ColoradoLove would probably point out you could have found with a simple google search).

I think I will stick around here to help a bit anyway. If at least to tell people to stick with 3w diodes run on avg. of 1.5-2w each at 60-90 degree angles with up to 12 spectrums. Oh and that more than 50w of good LED per sq foot is probably pointless, and 30-40 is a pretty ideal range for floor space)


Well-Known Member
ANyone familiar with this light http://stealthled.com/ or know if it's worth $325 used since it retails for $499?
Having never heard of them or seen them in action, it's hard to say. They list the "led power" at 130w and the spectrums seem good enough. id contact them first to ask about the wattage if it's 130 actual or truly less? I do like how they say you can connect upto 10 of them to one timer, kinda cool. At that price it might be worth testing out. Let us know what you decide about them