Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
hey hun, im good. my backs acting up so im gonna take the dogs for a walk soon to stay moving...just smoked 3 or 4 bowls by myself. to much for a wake and bake personally but its all good haha. the familys napping and the inlaws just left for there trip...i just got my trappers license from the state so its almost time to start running the dogs again. got a few people who want some hogs off there property and it just so happens my freezers almost empty :lol:
the license is to remove rodents and pests from peoples property and release them somewhere else, but you can hunt hog on private property here year round.

hows everything going with that client? thats awesome that hes all for mmj man!


New Member
well we waited hours for u to make a illiterate post
piss off and dont ever come back to this thread or i will ride your ass every time u post on riu punk

and u have a retarded avatar and screenname but it fits u

I waited for hours just for you to give me an illiterate story.

This thread NEEDS to be deleted. holy mother of hurl fuckin there are 60 pages in this motherfucking THREAD!!


Well-Known Member
well we waited hours for u to make a illiterate post
piss off and dont ever come back to this thread or i will ride your ass every time u post on riu punk

and u have a retarded avatar and screenname but it fits u
What things get interesting as soon as my computer dies:-(


Well-Known Member
On slim don't worry as you can see it always interesting when I'm around...ncg man I am working today 15 hrs no smoke gay!


Well-Known Member
fab whats cracking man? hows everything going? dont worry slim, this thread is always interesting man!
Rene that sucks dude, ill be burning one for you shortly..still havnt smoked since this morning lol, man i was baked!


Well-Known Member
not much bro i been sick
Don't mess with Rene, or Fab will sick you!

"Get em fab, Get em!!" ;-)

Was he just being an ass? I sorta thought he was being sarcastic...but...::shrugs::
I guess this thread gets it's fair share or trolls....(hates that word)


Well-Known Member
Don't mess with Rene, or Fab will sick you!

"Get em fab, Get em!!" ;-)

Was he just being an ass? I sorta thought he was being sarcastic...but...::shrugs::
I guess this thread gets it's fair share or trolls....(hates that word)
Lmao dude I didn't gather sarcasm but then again I just woke up when I read it but still don't see it lol and yeah well fab knows how stubborn I am :fire: ya piss me off I don't hesitate to say so but I get over shit quick :D


Well-Known Member
Lmao dude I didn't gather sarcasm but then again I just woke up when I read it but still don't see it lol and yeah well fab knows how stubborn I am :fire: ya piss me off I don't hesitate to say so but I get over shit quick :D
So do I, if I didn't me and april would still not get along.
But like I said, he could have very easily been trying to be an ass. I'm just not sure. Either way, Fab handles them all. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah he does the boys just know me too well so they just try to defuse shit guys tend to argue with me more and I can do it all day lol man I hate the city its nice here 70 sun feels great but only makes me want outta the city more! City=tan lines :lol:


Active Member
I don't give a fuck how long ya waited for me one its my thread and I will get back to it when I can I have a life apparently you don't not my problem.... 2 you don't understand not need to be a dick could have asked me to be clearer and as far as the thread being deleted its a toke and talk had no general point and isn't really meant to be understood :dunce: and if you don't like it kick rocks :finger: we don't need your negativity

Sure he was playing with the dog like he was gonna eat he treat but was damn near making out with the dog was rather disturbing... And sorry dude I would have tried to explain better but I was stoned and my attention was divided I typed quickly felt bad when fab called said yall wondered where I went
All I'm going to say is you just got trolled.

sounds to me like you NEED to take a walk. find somewhere else to run you mouth full of nonsense
Sounds like you NEED to mind your own business. I didn't even speak once when I wrote that.

well we waited hours for u to make a illiterate post
piss off and dont ever come back to this thread or i will ride your ass every time u post on riu punk
and u have a retarded avatar and screenname but it fits u
What is with all the illiteracy?? ride my ass?... nohomo
don't you even go there about my avatar AND screename, It's fucking awesome period.
Who are you.. the king of all avatars and screenames?
warning hazardly wasted?
would ya look at that eh
is that a biohazard logo?

yeah... cool I guess, I think I'd rather kick rocks.

Infraction: Personal attacks are not allowed in this site. This may serve as your warning.. Kindly used appropriate words in posting messages. You are free to say everything you want but always considered site rules.


New Member
so she just got trolled for your info being a dick is not a troll try again
well stand by to be trolled all over this site
and your avatar suits u gaddaffi was a dick too

All I'm going to say is you just got trolled.

Sounds like you NEED to mind your own business. I didn't even speak once when I wrote that.

What is with all the illiteracy?? ride my ass?... nohomo
don't you even go there about my avatar AND screename, It's fucking awesome period.
Who are you.. the king of all avatars and screenames?
warning hazardly wasted?
would ya look at that eh
is that a biohazard logo?

yeah... cool I guess, I think I'd rather kick rocks.


Well-Known Member
All I'm going to say is you just got trolled.

Sounds like you NEED to mind your own business. I didn't even speak once when I wrote that.

What is with all the illiteracy?? ride my ass?... nohomo
don't you even go there about my avatar AND screename, It's fucking awesome period.
Who are you.. the king of all avatars and screenames?
warning hazardly wasted?
would ya look at that eh
is that a biohazard logo?

yeah... cool I guess, I think I'd rather kick rocks.
Haha seriously dude wtf your real issue here? As far as being trolled wtf else is new... Does someone need a bit of attention here? You seemed a bit irritated my threads are active... Do us and yourself a favor and go crawl back under your bridge


Active Member
Haha seriously dude wtf your real issue here? As far as being trolled wtf else is new... Does someone need a bit of attention here? You seemed a bit irritated my threads are active... Do us and yourself a favor and go crawl back under your bridge
I've used the bridge joke before. I thought it was kinda funny until you ruined it for me. oooo yeaaah ZING
my real issue? don't go all psychiatrist on me...
but yes, your right, your the reason I'm mad. Stop making such good threads!!

and attention is what I crave... and I'm getting my satisfaction from you and your internet friends.


Well-Known Member
I've used the bridge joke before. I thought it was kinda funny until you ruined it for me. oooo yeaaah ZING
my real issue? don't go all psychiatrist on me...
but yes, your right, your the reason I'm mad. Stop making such good threads!!

and attention is what I crave... and I'm getting my satisfaction from you and your internet friends.
sounds like you probably need to go outside and get some sun. make some friends, maybe a job...
Goals man. its what lifes about, get some. please...moving out of mommys might be a big step but you can do it big guy :wink:


Well-Known Member
I've used the bridge joke before. I thought it was kinda funny until you ruined it for me. oooo yeaaah ZING
my real issue? don't go all psychiatrist on me...
but yes, your right, your the reason I'm mad. Stop making such good threads!!

and attention is what I crave... and I'm getting my satisfaction from you and your internet friends.
Awe see how hard was that their are better ways to get attention like being polite for starters ;) not my fault my thread rock...maybe you need to rethink your attitude and people may want to post on your threads.. I almost did outta pity


New Member
no u just think u are u just dont realize yet u are the prey
but im the kind that will see to it u are banned from this site

I've used the bridge joke before. I thought it was kinda funny until you ruined it for me. oooo yeaaah ZING
my real issue? don't go all psychiatrist on me...
but yes, your right, your the reason I'm mad. Stop making such good threads!!

and attention is what I crave... and I'm getting my satisfaction from you and your internet friends.


Active Member
sounds like you probably need to go outside and get some sun. make some friends, maybe a job...
Goals man. its what lifes about, get some. please...moving out of mommys might be a big step but you can do it big guy :wink:
I find that funny. Would you happen to know why I was up at 5 in the morning writing that comment?
I'll just tell you.
It's because I do have a job. I just worked 13 hours thankyouverymuch. 13 hours in the long hot sun baby. ooo yeah.

and payday's tomorrow! thanks for reminding me! woooo!!!


Well-Known Member
I find that funny. Would you happen to know why I was up at 5 in the morning writing that comment?
I'll just tell you.
It's because I do have a job. I just worked 13 hours thankyouverymuch. 13 hours in the long hot sun baby. ooo yeah.

and payday's tomorrow! thanks for reminding me! woooo!!!
good for you, i used to sling kegs off the side of a truck for 13 hours a day, 6 years till my back took a shit...then i woke up and realized i can make 100g's a year while still in school only to make more...gotta think man :dunce:
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