600w 4x4 organic grow tent


Active Member
Holy cow man, are those foxtailing like crazy?? How do u rate them so far? What do they smell like, mine are getting quite big for my veg setup I have I might have to clone and find a spot for them in my flowering room shortly probably in the next 2 weeks.


Active Member
pic update, its day 41 today and pics were snapped after lights out, some are kinda blurry sorry... but you get most of it, and mostly all you can see on the pics are 2 plants and some colas, i have so much big shit growing on branchs but it looks small compared to some of my colas. what do you guys think, good for starting week6?2011-04-30 07.09.28.jpg2011-04-30 07.09.02.jpg2011-04-30 07.07.52.jpg2011-04-30 07.10.12.jpg2011-04-30 07.09.57.jpg2011-04-30 07.10.54.jpg2011-04-30 07.09.19.jpg2011-04-30 07.10.47.jpg2011-04-30 07.05.57.jpg2011-04-30 07.09.12.jpg2011-04-30 07.06.53.jpg2011-04-30 07.06.11.jpg2011-04-30 07.08.01.jpg


Well-Known Member
sweet. they look great man. that bomberry is fuckin huge. it has a real strong smell to it. just not sure of what. i think ill love it tho. its getting sticky now and startin to sho frost on the colas not much but am hopin it will pic up. tose bomberry u got look good. im assuming that wat the were. they look like mine did. the b/b clones i got back from my bud r doing good and will pull through fine. i actuall t/p 1 of em already. anxious for her to finish.


Active Member
yea one of those plants in the pic you can really tell but its just a foot long or 15 inch cola, its smack dab in the middle of the canopy and thats all the plant is lol.


Well-Known Member
Looking great! How's it smell in there? I put my res pump on and stuck my head into my tent and between the buds and the bat guano I thought I was going to puke. Smelled like straight dog shit in a weird good sickly way.

I'm loving the non HPS photos and those new guys are looking super healthy.


Active Member
Smell is extremly neutral possibly because I have the filter running 247, but when you rub the buds you get a nice rotten fruit pheno or a lemon berry pineish kinda pheno kinda undescribable but no doubt dank.


Active Member
Pissed... my buddy came over to snap some hd photos, he's cool and I trust him cuz we show each other our shit. So for shits I was gonna pluck a bud off and dry it, I did and the whole bottom half had seeds...probably like 4 or 5 little immature white seeds. I snipped a bud off the same canopy level different plant but in the general vicinity and it didn't have any I snipped the bud off the side adjacent to where I found the seeds and sure enough about 3 or 4 more. I don't know what to do...I think it might be localized to that general area cuz I searched around the plant and couldn't find anymore seeds, ill do a better inspection tonight but any tips? What are the chances I'm juust gonna have a couple seeds scattered about vs a full seeded crop? If this ever happens to you guys do you just lower the prices from say 50 to 40 or 35 or what. If I just have a couple scattered about I think ill just order bubble bags so I can salvage the thc and get rid of some hash.


Active Member
Shit sucks, they all are hermie, fucking bagseed. Well plan is flush tommorow till next Friday and chop at week 7 day 5... I really wanna do it on a fri cuz I know about the smell and I work m-f so any input would be nice but I think imma call this a dead thread. Choppin next fri and washing out and puttin in the bomberry to sex em, ill take clones the day I put em into flower and mother the clones of the respective female. I hope this is a one time only deal. As it blows monkey balls. From now on I'm buying all my seeds, I learned my fuckin lesson, as dis 90% on this site that grow bagseed their first time. FML I'm sure ill have a few nasty beans but hopefully not many.


Well-Known Member
that sucks bud. 1 of mine hermied and i didnt catch it in time. i chopped that plant and gave it to 1 of my patients. i looked and found a few small buds on bottom o 2 other plants thaT HAVE A FEW SEEDS IN IT. BUT I THINK I GOT LUCKY. if u close this thread keep in touch so i can see the bomberry grow. good luck bro


Active Member
I think I'm lucky too I'm not seein too many seeds formin, hopefully this bomberry doesn't herm and I may be getting some clones shortly, ill be starting a new thread when I throw my bomberry into flower ill post the link so stick around y'all.


Active Member
Unlucky...seeds formin I don't think in a whole shitload of places but enough to cause concern and enough little greenies to tell me to chop now. I don't wanna risk any mature/semi-mature seeds in my shit and I don't wanna risk em gettin to be those little white nasty bastards so I'm choppin tommorow to preserve as much quality bud as I can. I have to say even tho I've only smoked fast dried shit it gets me lit, nothing like the commercial indicas I'm used to but an amazing cerebral/mind lifting high. I can't wait to do the entire dry/ cure.
As for the plants I will chop tommorow, it sucks I know but I have to now. When lights came on today I saw a nanner on a bud and some hairs dieing slightly more and I figures I need to now before they start forming more. I turned off the light, they were also really dry and needed water so I skipped that so they dry faster...I hope this shit works out well, harvest report and new thread to come.


Active Member
Cut em manicured em, my tent is FULL of hanging buds, id like to have seen em get more mature but then the seeds would've gotten mature, the scissor hash blew my mind, haven't smoked hash in years. Can't wait till I can figure out a simple and cheap way to extract the hash from my trim. went to the garden store and bought my bomberrys the big boys, some 5 gallon smartpots.... let's see how big I can get these 3 bb. I have em all lstd and I lst every week I'm gonna have em trained real nice. Ill post pics soon, gotta bleach my tent and prefilter soon gd pollen, I don't want that shit to ever be around my room again.


Well-Known Member
I ended up cutting 4 of my 6 yesterday as well after detecting a bit of bud rot on one of my larger ladies.

Hope you have better luck with the bomberry and I'm sure they will appreciate the 5 gal smart pots. I just filled up 3 65 gallon smart pots, 5 5 gallon, a ten gallon and a couple others with my own super soil the other day. The bigger smart pots are fucking bad ass! At least one of my next tent ladies will be in a 10 gallon next go around and a couple of the others in 7 gallons.

I want harvest pics! :)


Well-Known Member
I ended up cutting 4 of my 6 yesterday as well after detecting a bit of bud rot on one of my larger ladies.

Hope you have better luck with the bomberry and I'm sure they will appreciate the 5 gal smart pots. I just filled up 3 65 gallon smart pots, 5 5 gallon, a ten gallon and a couple others with my own super soil the other day. The bigger smart pots are fucking bad ass! At least one of my next tent ladies will be in a 10 gallon next go around and a couple of the others in 7 gallons.

I want harvest pics! :)
7 gal smart pots. i want to try bigger pots. bigger pots, bigger yeild? i took a cut from the bomberry pics and report on my journal if ya get a chance. cath ya'all later


Well-Known Member
Where did you go Mr Organic? I want pictures and a smoke report regardless of how done/hermied it was :)

My spider goo threw a few nuts so now a couple of its buds pop when you smoke them - still amazing bud though. Hope yours turned out well.


Active Member
fuckin awesome smooth smoke great finish, sometimes fits of coughing but mostly smooth and very flavorful like pine and some like berries. its curing now, im gonna be getting off here for a while guys im about to move, i wont be updating anytime in the future. thanks for everyone that helped. prob about 6-8ozs i had off the harvest, very crystally...


Active Member
i think i cloned too much of the bomberry they are dieing and wilting, im scrapping everything at this point but i have something up my sleeve, see yall later