Why Are Oil And Gas So Cheap?


Well-Known Member
How is it possible for oil and gas so cheap? Do you believe the story about how oil is made of decaying dinosaurs? If so how is it possibly so inexpensive?
There were a shit ton of dinosaurs for a shit ton of years. Oil (and gas) comes from plant material as well. Again a shit ton of that over a long time too.
so cheap? 1$ was expensive for a gallon of gas only 10 years ago. Just cause it went down a few cents this is just a ploy or something or a fake drop, maybe they want to sell more to get people to fill their tanks, the 4$ a gallon shit is all a sham anyway it should be back at a dollar were it belongs.

decaying dinosaurs lol hell no...

mark my words its going to be 7$ a gallon within the next year or two, OPEC, devaluing of our currency, inflation, and their big oil scams arent out of the way yet, they are going to get every penny they can till they are humping our dry rotten corpses.
How is it possible for oil and gas so cheap? Do you believe the story about how oil is made of decaying dinosaurs? If so how is it possibly so inexpensive?

if you believe oil is made only from decaying dinosaurs you have much to learn friend. we can make oil from almost, if not, anything living.
hehe he's playing you all.
Not really....
I know gas prices have gone from 1$ to 4$ and I know we can make Alcohol to use as fuel or to mix with gas as a fuel and I know we can make synthetic oil, but they say oil is made from material that is millions of years old and that it is non renewable. They have to drill it pump it refine it and transport it so why does a gallon of gas cost less than a gallon of organic milk? seems strange to me. If you gave me 100$ I couldn't create a gallon of gas.
it cost so much only cause they make it so man, its all a big scam basically, they have a monopoly on the business pretty much, its what crooks do they steal all your money.
so cheap? 1$ was expensive for a gallon of gas only 10 years ago. Just cause it went down a few cents this is just a ploy or something or a fake drop, maybe they want to sell more to get people to fill their tanks, the 4$ a gallon shit is all a sham anyway it should be back at a dollar were it belongs.

decaying dinosaurs lol hell no...

mark my words its going to be 7$ a gallon within the next year or two, OPEC, devaluing of our currency, inflation, and their big oil scams arent out of the way yet, they are going to get every penny they can till they are humping our dry rotten corpses.

It's still close to the same price as the dollar a gallon you speak of, it's just that $1 used to be worth $4 in todays money, before we just kept devaluing the dollar by printing more and more of them.

Until they are humping our dry rotten corpses, now that's funny!!! More likely we'll be processed into oil ourselves. I'm going to seriously fuck up those peoples spark plugs I'm so full of marijuana tar already.
Not really....
I know gas prices have gone from 1$ to 4$ and I know we can make Alcohol to use as fuel or to mix with gas as a fuel and I know we can make synthetic oil, but they say oil is made from material that is millions of years old and that it is non renewable. They have to drill it pump it refine it and transport it so why does a gallon of gas cost less than a gallon of organic milk? seems strange to me. If you gave me 100$ I couldn't create a gallon of gas.

because there is so much of it and it is easy to get at (where allowed by law anyways). if i gave you $100 you wouldn't be able to build a 1000w HPS bulb either...
it cost so much only cause they make it so man, its all a big scam basically, they have a monopoly on the business pretty much, its what crooks do they steal all your money.
I think it is the oppisite, I think it is very cheap and that they keep it artifically low because of compitition, because we would use vegtable oil or alcohol or coal if they raised the price.
Not really....
I know gas prices have gone from 1$ to 4$ and I know we can make Alcohol to use as fuel or to mix with gas as a fuel and I know we can make synthetic oil, but they say oil is made from material that is millions of years old and that it is non renewable. They have to drill it pump it refine it and transport it so why does a gallon of gas cost less than a gallon of organic milk? seems strange to me. If you gave me 100$ I couldn't create a gallon of gas.

whoever told you oil is not renewable lied to you. I cook with renewable oil every day.
good luck doing that when so many forces are against alternative fuels - its more than then the price that keeps us from using alternative fuels.
Massive corporations extract it en masse all over the world. They have perfected it.

As is, oil companies are the biggest companies in the world and make the most profits. In reality, there is no need for it to go up in price. However it will because of aformentioned inflation and speculation and the general setup of the complete scam that is the world markets.

Gas costs penies a gallon in Venezuela and the people still manage to make billions off of it.
Contrast that with North America and you have huge corporations making all the money and paying very little for it.

If you want cheap gas forever, and you want everyone in the country to benefit from it then nationalize it.

Odviously it is to late to nationalize it. So where do we go now?

If we tax them they will just pass it onto the consumer in order to maintain profit growth.

So they will continue to be unchallenged on any single level for the foreseeable future.
About 40% of the light vehicles in Brazil run on 100% alcohol. The only nation to be essentially a sustainable alternate fuel economy. There aren't any vehicles in Brazil that run on Gasoline alone.
About 40% of the light vehicles in Brazil run on 100% alcohol. The only nation to be essentially a sustainable alternate fuel economy. There aren't any vehicles in Brazil that run on Gasoline alone.

they are also having problems with supply issues... in 1993 they required a 22% ethanol blend. this MONTH they dropped it to 18%...

backwards? or could they not substain the amounts?
Not really....
I know gas prices have gone from 1$ to 4$ and I know we can make Alcohol to use as fuel or to mix with gas as a fuel and I know we can make synthetic oil, but they say oil is made from material that is millions of years old and that it is non renewable. They have to drill it pump it refine it and transport it so why does a gallon of gas cost less than a gallon of organic milk? seems strange to me. If you gave me 100$ I couldn't create a gallon of gas.

dude, beardo... did you know that olive oil comes from a bunch of crushed dinasours named olivus bastonosaurus??


dude, beardo... did you know that olive oil comes from a bunch of crushed dinasours named olivus bastonosaurus??


If anyone read my posts you would have seen that I mentioned vegtable oil earlier as a seprate thing we could use as fuel and cited its possible role as a compeditor as a reason for gas being so cheap.
they are also having problems with supply issues... in 1993 they required a 22% ethanol blend. this MONTH they dropped it to 18%...

backwards? or could they not substain the amounts?

The Amount of alcohol in the fuel is directly related to the amount of sugar cane harvested, most refineries have their own sugarcane field to support them. Some years have less ethanol produced, then they put less in the fuel. This is by government mandate.
It's cheap because odumbass gave brazil 2 billion tax dollars to drill for oil so we could buy it. Of course that kills a few thousand jobs in this country and the lost revenue of not having to pay opec prices. Oh but WTF he is creating jobs overseas.
Is oil cheap? Consider what the stuff is worth - as a liquid at room temperatures, its energy density is unrivaled. A gallon of it can move a ton or so of metal 40 miles given an efficiency of 30 percent more or less. What is that worth?

What is the true cost of oil? No one actually knows.

To those who claim that oil is abundant but our government is making it scarce? Hogwash.