but of course they cant explain why many...many...other attitude customers have yet to recieve the email...they guess at it being attitude because they narrowed it down to that is all they have in common. not thinking "hey maybe we are all members of another forum, or have maybe say bought a pipe or bong online"...might have that in common also. but they just straight blame attitude without any proof.maybe because its flashing in their face as they type this ^^^^ or maybe they ordered a few seeds that didn't germ for them,whatever the case may be.they are a major seedbank and would not risk a TON of customers over selling your basic info for a price thats not even a 1/4 of what you buy from them in seeds.they are a business...if they openly piss off their customers, they go out of business...would they really risk their business for chump change compared to what we buy from them.