Club 600


Well-Known Member
I try to eat a little bit before I smoke... that way I don't have an empty stomach. Seems to help a bit. Or I try to snack on 'healthy' things like wheat thins or something. Growing out of all your pants fucking sucks. Trust me, lol.
It sucks just as bad going the other way too bru. 80lbs in a year, and all your clothes look like dresses, lol.


Well-Known Member
sup 600 anyone made their own bho tube? I'm going to have a go n was wondering if you guys had any input. Im looking to use 1.5 inch steel tube threaded with 2 end caps, tube 16inch long. im either going to get a tap n die kit n thread it myself or if poss get a length pre threaded. which in the uk seems harder than you'd think.

I was going to use pvc as its a lot cheaper but it reacts badly to butane. i was wondering maybe the gas pipe spec stuff they put under the roads to your house maybe? i cant seem to find the exact type of plastic they use in the Honey Bee. its probably food grade but i cant confirm either way.

any input appreciated 600!
What exactly does the pvc do to the butane??


Well-Known Member
sup 600 anyone made their own bho tube? I'm going to have a go n was wondering if you guys had any input. Im looking to use 1.5 inch steel tube threaded with 2 end caps, tube 16inch long. im either going to get a tap n die kit n thread it myself or if poss get a length pre threaded. which in the uk seems harder than you'd think.

I was going to use pvc as its a lot cheaper but it reacts badly to butane. i was wondering maybe the gas pipe spec stuff they put under the roads to your house maybe? i cant seem to find the exact type of plastic they use in the Honey Bee. its probably food grade but i cant confirm either way.

any input appreciated 600!
I've been reading up on BHO lately too. From what I read stainless steel is the only great material to use. One guy I saw uses copper pipe, but that seems sketchy to me with the corrosion possible. Some people use PVC, you would have to ask the guy at the diy for pvc to be used for watering a garder using strong pesticides and fertilizers and you want to make sure the PVC will be safe and not have any bad chemicals leached by the chemicals inside.

Someone posted on the 600 I beleive that uses a big Mag light torch. Cut the torch end off below the button hole, then drill a hole in the battery cap end for the butane and voila... extraction tube (or whatever you call them).

Apparently at a couple store here in the us (walmart, bed bath & beyond) sell stainless steel turkey basters that work perfectly. I'm off to buy mine today. Want me to get one for you and ship it over? Let me know bru, wouldn't mind a bit.

EDIT: Here's the thread I've found usefull for BHO:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahahA i was just in there posting the same Q. I saw the maglight one n thought thats a sweet idea but maglights are pricey to buy one and just kill it lol. Jig your a sound man! but im going to go with a little bigger than the baster. I had a honey b and the only bit that pissed me off was having to reload the thing. i live in a flat and doing the whole thing outside is pretty unstealthy.

thanks for the reply jiggy +rep


Active Member
'sup c600!

Just finished out a multi-strain vertical 600 in a 4' x 4', flipped when plants were 9"-10".


untopped SSH


Final yield ~> 400gms

First time I've done vertical and won't look back.


Well-Known Member
Just to contribute to the bulb convo, I use Sunmasters and have never burned out a bulb. I do replace them every two years though, I mark them with the date of installation on the hood. I recently bought a Digilux 1000W intended for use with digital ballasts and I must say, it kicks ass; whitest HPS light I've ever seen. The are comparable in price to the Sunmasters too.


Well-Known Member
I'm not ruling out trying a higher end bulb, just not yet. I'd like to hear how that Digilux bulb works out for you shnkrmn, in comparison to the Sunmaster over the long run.

In regards to what I'm doing with my first trim, you guys rocked it with the ideas and I decided to do ISO oil. Can't get Everclear in my province, but in another I have a line that may get me some. I'm saving the hash run for some proper screen material. I gave it a quick shot with what I had and wasn't happy, thus the ISO decision. Not thrilled with the idea but it's not like I've never smoked it before.

Well, back to the grind.


Well-Known Member
250w MH or 250w blue CFL any ideas which 1 would be best for keeping a mother?
I don't think you need that much to keep a mum 3eyes, but if I were to run that much I would go with the MH. But again, I don't think you need that much, and think half that would work well, so I would go CFL. I keep my males going under 3 26W cfls and they do great. No reason vegging girls can't do the same. Again, just how I see it.



Well-Known Member
I don't think you need that much to keep a mum 3eyes, but if I were to run that much I would go with the MH. But again, I don't think you need that much, and think half that would work well, so I would go CFL. I keep my males going under 3 26W cfls and they do great. No reason vegging girls can't do the same. Again, just how I see it.

I've been using the same 125w CFL for about 6 years now but i need to grow my mams quicker so i can take a load of cuts so i thought why not replace it with a bigger wattage


Well-Known Member
cfls are good for keeping mums alive,they are just too slow though, mh is quality but you had better prune your mother from time to time. depends how many mums and how many cuts you want. i currently keep two bushy mums under 375w of cfl, about 10 days before cutting them iwill bang in the 400mh to give a bit of stretch, cfl nodes are too tight together for my liking


Well-Known Member
I've got 4 small clones under the 125 at the mo and i'm hoping to harvest 6 cuttings off each in about 5-6 weeks that's why I'm looking at more wattage to get them up that little bit quicker


Well-Known Member
Hey 600 crew. Lots of love out to whole group. Just wanted to share that I got me a package at the p.o today. I must say, I'm very impressed with Fdd's glass work. Real real nice. Thanks again to COF and I guess DST get's a little credit too, lol.

I ended up ordering a Glass BHO tube to extract my goodness. Should be here on Fri or Sat. Can't wait to show the 600 my first Honey oil. I'm stoked.... mmmmmmmmmmm. Also going to make some butter around the same time. Have some goodies to eat.

The pipe is real nice, but I really love the end. It's like this eye or something cool. Much props to fdd. (kinda hard to say, lol)