How Many of These LED Lights per Plant?


New Member
Hey guys, I'm thinking of setting up a "Green eco" grow box outside powered by solar panels... It sounds ridiculous, but i want to give it a shot... How many of these lights:

Would i need for 1 plant? Please don't give me comments like "Just grow indoors" or "it's not going to work". They really don't help...

Green Inferno

Active Member
i keep checking these LED threads to kind of gauge where the technology is
this looks very expensive to setup a grow with
Dollar per watt, these are some of the most expensive ones. $18.00 for 2 watts, $9 per watt.
For 90 watts worth of these, it'd be over $800.

For less $800, there are some pretty nice LED panels out there.

I'm kinda curious what these would do if used in numbers:[category]=4431&filter[color+temperature]=2750K&filter[lumens+initial]=485

A DIY panel using these, and basic e26 sockets (same used for incandescent bulbs) would be pretty cheap. I might try it just to see what it'll do.


Well-Known Member
CFL would be much cheaper per watt. Blackstar makes some decent low priced LEDs. Those lights you were looking at are useless for growing.