Lets Give it Another Go - Afghan Kush x Yumbolt & Purple Haze


Well-Known Member
I just got my seeds i ordered 12 days ago from the Attitude seed bank, i got 3 feminized afghan kush x yumbolt from world of seeds, and got a freebie g13 purple haze. I'm going to be growing 2 plants under 16 27w cfls, it might be changed up if it becomes too much risk of a fire in the future because I'm still not sure it's safe. I have 1 afghan kush x yumbolt and the free purple haze germinating right now, i hope they pop. How often should i check on them? I don't want their tails to get too long.

I'll be putting up pictures later.


Well-Known Member

I have the seeds in a few paper towels sprayed them and folded it up stuck it in a zip lock bag, the bag is in a drawer with a heater on it.


Well-Known Member
Haven't popped yet, gotta be more patient lol. Just so anxious to start up new babies :). They are going to be going straight into 5 gallon buckets with Earth Gro potting soil i bought from home depot with some perlite in it. I know people say not to grow small plants in big pots, but i did it last grow and all went pretty well, i just hate transplanting, it seems to brutal to the plant to me.

I also don't know which seed is which in the bag lol, so we'll just have to play the guessing game when they're bigger.
Looking again there's a barely noticeable tip of a root poking out of 1 of them, i think that 1 will be good to plant tomorrow morning :D.


Well-Known Member
I just checked again.... The little root as grown quite a bit in the past few hours, i'd say it's about half an inch but it's kind of growing along the side of the seed, should i plant it now or give it a little bit more time?

Edit: Planted anyway, hope she comes up to see the light :).

The other seed's root is just about showing now, i'll plant that 1 tomorrow morning.


Well-Known Member
Believe i made a mistake..... Not sure tho, i put the seed in not so deep in the soil, but when i watered it the soil kinda sunk, so i covered it to make it level. Should i not have done this? Can i just take a little dirt away from where the seed is? lol.


Active Member
Yeah..after a few days i scratch the top layer of soil off to the point where i can see the top of the seed sticking up. Helps it pop up.


Well-Known Member
When you ordered your seeds from World Of Seeds, was the packaging discreet enough ?
I wanted to get some Critical Jacks from this shop but I wasn't sure...


Well-Known Member
When you ordered your seeds from World Of Seeds, was the packaging discreet enough ?
I wanted to get some Critical Jacks from this shop but I wasn't sure...
Yeah dude, it came in an envelope and in there was another envelope, the package was check marked to be a gift, it even said it was from Cancun Mexico.


Well-Known Member
I'm obsessing over these ones so much, before i just threw seeds in soil and they grew. I guess it's just cause i bought these seeds and they weren't bag seeds. I'm afraid to drown the little seeds, but i'm also afraid to under water them :(.

Gave my fan to them, damn hot but as long as them little girls are happy, i'm happy :D.


Well-Known Member
Well both seeds are now in 5 gallon buckets, Does anyone know if it's easier to overwater a seed or underwater? I just can't remember how much i watered last time. I put seeds in 5 gallon buckets last time, they did fine so don't hate :(. Again i have no idea which seed is which, so we're gonna have to find out lol.



Active Member
Well, if you under water the root will shrivel up. If you over water it will be too soggy and suffocate. I'm not sure which is easier to do, but over watering can be sometimes corrected where as under watering is often fatal on a seedling. I wouldn't fret too much. Wiggle your finger in the top inch of soil. If it's moist down there your good. If it's dry, then water. If it's soggy then you probably over watered.


Well-Known Member
Dug 1 of the seeds up last night, thought i killed it, replanted it just under the top of the soil, and this morning she's come up to say hello... So say hello naow! lol... Her little leaves are pure yellow tho.... Is that bad :(?

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Well-Known Member
The other seed is gone, tried to dig it up to do the same i did to this 1, but i couldn't find it anywhere. Hopefully it wasn't my purple haze seed lol.... If it was, this will only ve a afghan kush x yumbolt grow :(. I'm germinating another afghan right now, i'm never putting a seed in a 5 gallon bucket again.