Noob Grower's 2nd Freezer Conversion Crop


Well-Known Member
What's an easy way to get a good view of the trichs? I have a scope, but it's impossible to hold it steady enough to get a good clear view. If I could lay the buds down and do it microscope style, it would be easy... Any suggestions??


Well-Known Member
Do you just take the tips, the front half, the leaf where it meets the branch or where the branch meets the stem?

I just finished Riddle's Balls to the Wall thread and now it looks like I have another DIY project this week... I found a super clean mini fridge at the dump and I'm thinking of tinkering with a fermentation chamber for my little harvest. I'll post pics when/ if it ever gets off the ground!


Well-Known Member
Do you just take the tips, the front half, the leaf where it meets the branch or where the branch meets the stem?
I snip a 1/4" to 1/2" tip of a sugar leaf near the main cola, and 1 or 2 lower.
Good luck on the DIY and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips... I took a small leaf from the main colas and 2 from the lower buds on both plants and used my radioshack scope, like you said.... So much easier now. It looks like all my trichs are still clear. For a nice head high, I'm looking for mostly cloudy but not amber, right?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips... I took a small leaf from the
main colas and 2 from the lower buds on both plants and used my radioshack scope, like you said.... So much easier now. It looks like all my trichs are still clear. For a nice head high, I'm looking for mostly cloudy but not amber, right?
Yea, imagine the MS guy trying to hold a 'scope steady.
I go for more ambericity. BTW I love Lumi for that term.
But I think that's a good plan.
This is a good thread for when to harvest.Zeus's Take on Harvesting

Good luck.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
So I'm edging ever closer to harvest... Since I have 2 plants from mystery strains (bag seed), they don't follow the same schedules. Essentially, one plant is super ripe while the other has about another week. I decided to put my mini-fridge fermenter on hold for now and I'm moving forward with a drowning dark period on the one plant that seems the ripest. I'd say 99% of my hairs are red and leaning towards whithered, but none have fully receded back into the flower. The trichs on it are mostly amber and the plant just looks ready... Since I have stealth concerns and a single cab to do everything in, I was forced to make what I'm calling a "nighty night drowning box". Essentially, I got a cardboard box (22x24x24) and sealed up all the corners and bottom well. I put some left over rigid pink insulation in the bottom to help protect it from the colder cellar floor. I cut 2 12" long rectangular slots about 1.5" high about 3 in. from the bottom, and taped some landscape fabric over the opening to help block light/pests/molds. Also, I put a 3"-4" PVC reducer into the top back of the box and installed a CPU fan (it's a circular fan that attaches to the heat sink) that fits into the 4" end of the reducer. Using the same material I used in my odor control box, I covered the interior part (3" end) of the reducer and secured it with a duct clamp. With the fan on the one end, the 3" section going through a hole in the box, and the duct clamp crimping down the filter material, the makeshift fan unit stays securely attached.

I plan on submerging the plant in a shallow bucket of water (high enough to cover the side drain holes, but not tall enough to spill over the top of the container) and let it sit in the ventilated, slightly cooler, darkness of the box for at least 48 and as much as 72 hours. I've been doing my reading, and there is a good bit of viable scientific proof that suggests a good drowning combined with a dark period can help with smoothness of smoke as well as possibly increase the amount of cannabinoids... But as a "make it rain" grower, this notion isn't as "revolutionary" or "crazy" as it may seem; This is kinda what "making it rain" is all about, at least the way I understand it. By reducing/ eliminating the presence of oxygen in the medium, we are reducing/ eliminating the oxidation that occurs and forcing the plant to use up as much stored resources as possible...

Anyway, that's my update. Sorry I didn't post any pics of the nighty night box construction, but I had 45 mins to get it done and hidden before the house filled with people again!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan. I had to chuckle with hiding stealth style before the house filled. My house either smells of them growing, or drying, or hash oil evaporating. I'm cheering for you.


Well-Known Member
So, today is the moment of truth... I harvest plant #1!! My boss called out of work today, which means I'm flying solo and pretty much have the day to myself! This means I'll be able to get home with plenty of time to pull my one drowned, light deprived plant out of the nighty night box and trim her up. I'm hoping when I check on plant #2, she'll be close to done and ready for death by dark drowning because I'd like to use my cab for drying ( I have total environmental control inside the freezer... Drying anywhere else won't be as predictable). I plan on chopping the drowned plant and just trimming fan leaves for now. I'll leave all the sugar leaves and let them dry around the buds, hopefully to increase drying time. I'm shooting for a long, slow dry to encourage fermentation... With the 72+ hours of darkness and submersion in water, the H2O content of the plant should be pretty high and the O2 levels should be almost nil.

I'll try to post some pics, as well as give some wet weights on the first plant. Stay tuned!!


Active Member
this is beautiful moment to harvest your plant. You will be proud about any weight. I know that my little baby really is little baby but I feel very proud about her. This feeling is ass kicking to fly away with your own weed ;)


Well-Known Member
Wet weight of the full plant was well over 100 grams. As I did my first trim (just fan leaves and minimal sugar leaves) the whole plant is single stick of solid buds. My nodes are so close to each other, the whole plant is just a long series of bud sites.


Well-Known Member
Better late than never! Sorry I didn't update this with info when I harvested... For anyone that's interested, I ended up taking both plants (wet weights were well over 100 grams per plant) and gave them a long, slow drying period. Didn't take a dry weight, but filled 2 quart sized mason jars for curing... The bud is super sticky and is apparently pretty decent (I tend to smoke so much that I need to have friends sample it to give me an accurate picture of how strong it is... Unless it's super chronic, it just feels like herb to me!). My buddy took 3 hits and went to get his hair cut. Told me he almost had a freak out, so I guess it's decent herb for bag seed.

Anyway, I'll be out of the game for another 3-4 months (only 1 or 2 small crops per year for stealth reasons), so I'll probably be MIA until then. Thanks for all of the tips and assistance, especially Daniels, Gumball and Riddleme. Great tips, great advice and great inspiration!

Until next time, stay green!


Well-Known Member
ok so how do you make it rain exactly? do you do a flush then a feed then a flush all at the same time?? im really confused..