Sexing Help Needed


Active Member
I can sex just about any plant at the 7th or 8th internode,get you a magnifier or good rerading glasses and you can see tiny nuts at the internode after they reach the 7th or 8th node,the females have a splitt v with a tiny hair comeing out of it,it may be only on two internodes on the whole plant,some strains have plenty of preflowers and some have none or only 1 or 2
There are no nuts or tiny pistils. The only thing that is at the node is the beginnings of a new leaf. I dont know the strain since its bag seed. I think after a week if it looks the same Im going to have to figure something out, maybe change nutris to a stronger bloom.


Active Member
Ill take some pics tonight after work. Its not really something that came be down descreetly. Its a tiny closet that has no vents or anything. I am able to have a window fan, one with intake and one with exhaust put into thew door opening while im home to get air flow while the hps is on. I will up some pics tonight of area and the two babies so you can see progress.
got any pics of grow area so we can try to figure a exhaust out


Active Member
So I have had the hps on now for a week. I do have the startings of pistils on the top node but not really noticeable. The one plant is a lot taller and I was worried that the other is not getting enough light so I tried to bend it over a little so I could lower the light. I fucked up and got a little to bendy and ended up bending it to the point that it cracked a little on the side and I saw two tiny drops of water come out. I quickly let go and it still stood up but to be safe I wrapped it up where the crack was. Is the top part going to die now though or will it be ok? It did not snap all the way that it just flops I stopped before it got that far. :wall:
Here are some pics and one of the space im working with.

