Synchronized Hyperspace Event

Oh I'l tell its like dmt but better. Forgive me if this soudns retarded im tripping face right now.. Anyways its like being striken by mescalin lightning. Hapiness in the dmt oh my god the happiness.. And it lasts way longer and if you add he right flavors you will et a very nice tasting brew that doesnt make your stomach quinch just by the smell :D Then just sit back and watch as the stars absorb you and bring you into a land of eace and wonder.. Oh m god.. I ned to order some dmt RIGHT MEOW!
BUT when I drank ayahuasca it was with 2 other people, we all said bottoms up at the same time just to see what would happen, also had the history channel playing 'ancient aliens' terrrible show btw.. Anyways, I remember seeing some religious pictures on that show and it brought me to a whole new level of religios understanding during the trip.. Still not christian or anything but I did indeed have many great epiphanies that day specifclly about religionand the higher power whatevee that may be
Received, sir. I wanna try some aya. What are you tripping right now, high/guy?
Cann, if I may ask, whats holding you back from committing to the mission?
BUT when I drank ayahuasca it was with 2 other people, we all said bottoms up at the same time just to see what would happen, also had the history channel playing 'ancient aliens' terrrible show btw.. Anyways, I remember seeing some religious pictures on that show and it brought me to a whole new level of religios understanding during the trip.. Still not christian or anything but I did indeed have many great epiphanies that day specifclly about religionand the higher power whatevee that may be

I accept your explanation and LOVE it :D

I also accept your explanation ... In fact .... I love it as much as this MAN likes his Chocolate !!


Received, sir. I wanna try some aya. What are you tripping right now, high/guy?
Yes you do want to try ayahuasca lol but its quite obvious what I'm on, just took a larger dxm dosage than normal :)
Received, sir. I wanna try some aya. What are you tripping right now, high/guy?
Cann, if I may ask, whats holding you back from committing to the mission?

But cocoB, I AM committed!! The simple lack of precursors and resources atm prevents me from extraction.
Though now, A couple of generous Friends have come to my rescue as of late! In their debt till kingdom come!
Im glad that youre on board sir. I hope your friends come through for you in the clutch. That would be like fate..
Man, speaking of fate, our departure time is 11:11 if Im not mistaken. I see that time twice a day every day. Its ridiculous how often I randomly look at the clock at 11:11. That time pops into my life all the time. My nephew was born at 11:11 pm. My dads birthday is 11-11. This is the matrix. Holy shit.
Im glad that youre on board sir. I hope your friends come through for you in the clutch. That would be like fate..
Man, speaking of fate, our departure time is 11:11 if Im not mistaken. I see that time twice a day every day. Its ridiculous how often I randomly look at the clock at 11:11. That time pops into my life all the time. My nephew was born at 11:11 pm. My dads birthday is 11-11. This is the matrix. Holy shit.


11:11 is my 4:44 :D
Shes a 10 for sure. On nostalgia alone. Hopefully your friends will come through like the Zack Attack. Friiiieeeeends Foreverrrr. Kellys my main bitch.
kelly kapowski.jpg
Jesus, you're warping me back to the afternoons in front of the telly after school.. Good Times.

Remember this one?


Or FUCk, THIS one!! :

Man youre pulling out some good ones.

I used to run around driving my parents crazy with the Nintendo gun. The one that you use for Duck hunt. I hardly ever played duck hunt though. It was my sidearm as a kid.