Renes Random Rambles!

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New Member
well then tell him to care for half and u care for others and see what grower produces a healthy and heavy with bud plant do a weigh in at harvest
then u can ask him which was better

Just a lot of little things, i'm trying not to let it get to me...get listen up, don't EVER grow for a parent. ;-)
They think they know it all. He fights me at every turn to do things you can't
"The lights will be fine to stay on an extra couple hours right?" "12/12, 18/6, it's all the same right?"
And when I say " doesn't work like that"
He shakes his head and laughs and says "Fine...whatever, I guess we just don't do the work in there then"
Me -"The lights go out in 15 are we supposed to do anything in there??"
Him - "Were not I guess. It just won't get done"
Me - ::Sigh::

Other gems include
"No, compact all the dirt in, don't leave it loose, i know what i'm tellin you"
"4 days between watering is WAY too much, the more water the better I say"
"What? I just moved all the plants around to help them get light..."

And everytime i try to teach him ANYTHING, he's not interested in learning. But he insists on trying to tell ME how it's done...


Well-Known Member
well then tell him to care for half and u care for others and see what grower produces a healthy and heavy with bud plant do a weigh in at harvest
then u can ask him which was better
LOL,. I tried that too, he said...
"No, thats not necessary."

And I have to stop myself from getting uptight when he says things that are wrong and he won't believe they're wrong no matter how much I tell him, I have to sop myself from saying "And from what VAST growing experience are you pulling this info from?"
No he knows little to nothing about growing. he grew when he was younger, but never for buds, just for leaves...and to my knowledge, he never completed a plant before.
Anyway, i'm off to get some Strawberry Cough, i'll be back shortly!


New Member
tell him bullshit put your money where your mouth is pop
im saying his advice is wrong
its not a tomato plant and to have the most effect as meds for him it has to be grown correctly
tell him i said that tell him u say that i got your back lol
tell him he can be incharge if he presents proof he can grow better i seen your plants and they are great if he had some they might look like renes charlie brown xmas tree she stole off the side of road just snatched it out


New Member
man i didnt know shit but myths when i started grow so sad what u hear when a teenager or dont do research

btw i think renes phone is jacked up again
she has shitty service:cuss:

i met a guy that was friends with my brother that said he always grew for the leaf too! how weird is that!!!


wtf i step away for a second and miss my brother
I'm still 'round....
The wife just finished her last online test for this semester, so I should be back around in the nights more often now...

for a side note; I harvested one of the few buds left on my salvaged plant today, n she looks a purdy :) ... now just gotta hold off on smoking it until it gets a good dry/cure going.

and to josh,...
I'm not growing for a parent, but I am dealing with much the same issues.... just old age and stubbornness I suppose...
I'm working on cleaning up my grandparents, soon to be my property, and I'm fighting my stepdad and grandpaw tooth and nail to get any of the junk/shit out of the yard...... They both want to keep EVERYthing, no matter how useless and worthless it may be, and I am ready to smash my head into a wall over it.......
Also been TRYING to get my stepdad to grow his own damn weed and stop paying out the ass, and making me source it for him; but I've been barking up that tree for about 4yrs now :(
Just hang in there, keep your cool and stick to your guns about the growing.... when that first good harvest comes in, he may just realize that maybe you do know what you're doing/talking about ;)


New Member
hey bro sending u pm dont go no where better not:bigjoint:

I'm still 'round....
The wife just finished her last online test for this semester, so I should be back around in the nights more often now...

for a side note; I harvested one of the few buds left on my salvaged plant today, n she looks a purdy :) ... now just gotta hold off on smoking it until it gets a good dry/cure going.

and to josh,...
I'm not growing for a parent, but I am dealing with much the same issues.... just old age and stubbornness I suppose...
I'm working on cleaning up my grandparents, soon to be my property, and I'm fighting my stepdad and grandpaw tooth and nail to get any of the junk/shit out of the yard...... They both want to keep EVERYthing, no matter how useless and worthless it may be, and I am ready to smash my head into a wall over it.......
Also been TRYING to get my stepdad to grow his own damn weed and stop paying out the ass, and making me source it for him; but I've been barking up that tree for about 4yrs now :(
Just hang in there, keep your cool and stick to your guns about the growing.... when that first good harvest comes in, he may just realize that maybe you do know what you're doing/talking about ;)


Well-Known Member
Alright so harold and maudy cutest little old couple ya ever did see! Everyday maudy would grab harold but his talliwacker and drag him around man did he love that! So one day maudy wakes up and harolds gone she searches everywhere and finally finds him and he's got some younger thing dragging him along but his talliwacker so maudy walks over says wtf does she have that I don't! Harlod says parkinsons! :D haha phones not broken I'm at the bar...


Well-Known Member
Haha she isn't yet only had 3 irish trashcans and a few jello shot not yet sweetie I drink like a fish and sorry fab but I've been a good girl lol


Haha she isn't yet only had 3 irish trashcans and a few jello shot not yet sweetie I drink like a fish and sorry fab but I've been a good girl lol
but it's only 9:30 over there... hold on, it's a comin ;)

Enjoy for me.... when I drink now, I have to limit myself well below the 'drunk' level or else I end up fucking up somehow :(

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
fab,i would love to but i gotta go now.i get back up for work at 245 am.i havnt even made to my shed/cab!! funny u r interested init.i was pretty embarresed of it for a long time! 6 lil chernobyls only yeilded 20g dry.very sad,but very good.mmy dominas are good yeilderz. all the clones were flowered as soon as they got roots.the chernobyls were monster cropped,and i thot i could single cola them.clones from harvest just wanna branch out,so that back fired on me.they needed to be vegged and probly would have done fantastic.the dominas i started in party cups from seed on 12/12,at same time i was rooting the chernobyls.i didnt think it would take 4 weeks to root good! so the dominas got roughly 2-2.5wks veg. doms were both topped at 4th node and made 4 main tops.1 dom i left that way& the other was lollipopped down to 2 tops&lst'd to the soil.from there i tried to make each side of the 2 colas seem like there own lil plant. workt very finished at 18"and yeilded 34.3 g dry. not bad! now im out for now fab! id love to talk about it more later my friend.hey,thanx for the offer to help me with my pix.btw,where do i find ur stuff?or do i have to work up to that?
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