Kottonmouth's Multi Strain Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Holy shytsa, gopedxr. Jackson is bueno and "Quite" close to me. :) Let's get a holla goin for 209 + 530!

Heck yea I am down to get a norcal club goin well seems like me you and kotton mouth are real close. I will send you a pm and lets get a club goin. Let this thread continue with awesomeness.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
what it is girrrl! yep,still wont work.got email sent from photo bucket but it hasnt shown up! fhuket. i gota take new oix&emailem to my sister.then postem from her place.i guess.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
space jill! this is "lovlee" shes the first plant iv ever named! she was sikkly wen brought home,but shez recovering lovlee. ty photobucket!and growmoma&stoney &everyone else thats held my fhukin hand thu this no pic thing!


Well-Known Member
Sweet!!!! lovlee is a great name!!! that's exactly what she is!!! If you copy the direct link then paste it in the insert picture button on RIU your pics show up big....


Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
:wall:I HATE BEING A LAME! I DONT UNDERSTAND? where do i do this at stoney? attachments?it wont do it. when i hit upload file it clicks like i choose it,but it doesnt change the screen.somethins wrong with my explorer.:wall:


Well-Known Member
no worries dude!! give me a sec to lay it out. once I show you'll be good forever bro! I'll post it up in a minute....


Well-Known Member
KMK i got your back dude!!! here is how you can make your pics big and beautiful the way they deserve to be!!!! sorry all these pics are fuzzy... i took them of my monitor for speed.

Now the hard part you already figured out... that is how to upload your pics to photofuket. once you upload and save them to your album just click on "my albums" and you should see all your pics.

now hover your mouse over the pic you want to post. when you hover you should see a small pop up box that looks like this:

Then click in the box labeled "direct link" once you click it, you should see the word "copied" pop up for a second. like this:

now go to your RIU tab, and type your message. when you are ready to insert the photo, click in the icon that looks like this:

then you should see a pop up that looks like this:

now just hold down your Ctrl button and press V. this will paste the address you copied from photofuket. now just click OK or hit enter on the keyboard.

if you did it correct you should see a line code in your message with a [] then the address from photofuket, then another [[IMG]]

test it out bro... I hope this helps!!! if at any step you don't see what i explained let me know.... GL!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
u are tooooo f'n cool stoney! ima laugh if i still get it wrong1 bahahhaa here goes.dude!that cursor is the shiiiiiit! okay.i did everything just as u said.when i hit upload file it does nothing.also,when i hit the pic frame icon,my loader is diff than what urs looks like.i really think somethings wrong with my laptop.


Well-Known Member
Click on "my RIU" then, Go into your "general settings" on RIU. scroll to the bottom and make your settings like this:

That should make your RIU interface the same. then click on the insert image icon. Paste the link and your good to go!!


Well-Known Member
BlacKK Domina DWC

I know my plant is NOT an outdoor grow but I am sure you dont mind me posting this pic on your thread.....Does this pheno look like any of yours before??? Its taking a while for the roots to hit the res but once they hit, I am hoping the plant will explode with growth! I am guesstimating around 3-4 more days and then the roots should hit the res.





New Member
bro i bet when they hit water that plant will blow up
healthy looking

BlacKK Domina DWC

I know my plant is NOT an outdoor grow but I am sure you dont mind me posting this pic on your thread.....Does this pheno look like any of yours before??? Its taking a while for the roots to hit the res but once they hit, I am hoping the plant will explode with growth! I am guesstimating around 3-4 more days and then the roots should hit the res.

View attachment 1595697




Well-Known Member
KMK, looking good brother! Your plants are not small, and it's freaking May for crying out loud...lol...Just for your information, if you chose your biggest plant and I chose my biggest plant, and we threw them in the thunderdome(two plants enter, one plant leaves ;) ), I'd put money on yours...haha. Glad you finally got the picture issures worked out to brother! Man, it's good to have you guys for growing company this season!

P.S.-Shout to my favorite simpleton MasterBlaster...Keep living the dream!


New Member
hey bro we are kickng it on his other thread move on over there https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/401745-kottonmouths-chernobyl-single-colas-grow-104.html

KMK, looking good brother! Your plants are not small, and it's freaking May for crying out loud...lol...Just for your information, if you chose your biggest plant and I chose my biggest plant, and we threw them in the thunderdome(two plants enter, one plant leaves ;) ), I'd put money on yours...haha. Glad you finally got the picture issures worked out to brother! Man, it's good to have you guys for growing company this season!

P.S.-Shout to my favorite simpleton MasterBlaster...Keep living the dream!