Synchronized Hyperspace Event

Watching this video was like a DMT trip. My life flashed before my eyes.
Headed to the glass shop to pick up an oil pipe. Having trouble breaking through with the machine, figured I'd take a whack at it tweeker style... ;)
Im interested jealous. I hope it works for you, but I have a feeling the vapor will be too hot for comfort. That sucks about your machine, I have to intentionally NOT BREAKTHROUGH because its so easy. Do you inhale slowly at first to fill the bottle with enough vapor for 2 or 3 good rips?
Headed to the glass shop to pick up an oil pipe. Having trouble breaking through with the machine, figured I'd take a whack at it tweeker style... ;)

It works fine. This is the only method I've done. It takes some trial and error to do it properly.

I need to break down and make the machine. Looks so much more killer =)
Dam, still awaiting on my main ingredients, and I am so far behing on planting corn..

And it is raining again, putting me behind another day, if I am able to plant by Tuesday I think I can finish by Friday.

That gives me one night to do a unknown tek and be ready for Saturday. Geez that is cutting it kinda close.

I brought myself out to this carnival to see what was going on. I was sure that I would find fun and games, and good food to eat. But the doors were shut and the people had retreated to the safety of their social networks. My concern was more for the state of the evening than my own gratification, but I wasn’t sure how to establish my point of view without the proper venue. I didn’t really matter how I got the message out. There wasn’t time to react anyway. I just wish that we would have had more time. More time to prepare. More time to prepare for the future. I wished for a future that did not involve the hatred and tyranny of evil men, and would cease to inflict the daily pains and persecutions that the masses are now subjugated to. I felt as if it was my place to turn and shout at those forgotten souls that regularly wafted past the place where I was standing. But I am aware that popular philosophy condemns forethought and preparation. So I will keep this truth for myself, and only those who ask for advice will be prepared. :-(
Got half my order today. I am just one tek away from seeing the dark side of the moon, or my inner self.

Oh yeah and 1700 acres of corn to plant, crap.

The reason I am home at this time of day is somebody put a highline pole where it wasn't supposed to be.

Major bummer for my planter, heading out for new parts here right away.

They say it is supposed to start raining on Wensday, sooooooo I might actually have time to get my tek done.

Hey Karma screw the flying to Arizona, drive on down, it is only 24 hours from here to Arizona.

We can celebrate the 21st.
Might have to make that drive to AZ if there are gonna be that many people blasting off. I am only 4 states over lol!
Hey Alucinari... just a friendly reminder that things are going 'Great for US'... as I count down the days !


For OUR tickets.
I need a source and tek and i'm SO down for this. Fuck maybe i'm too late, unless i can overnight it...... If someone cares to share a source I would appreciate it. (Pm me of course)As some may know here in Hallucinatory forum, I like to get down. If not, i'll find it one day. NO rush, but this sounds like a fun first time experience.