New Recirculating DWC Hydro Setup with 357 Magnum Grow LEDS

IMAG0245.jpgHere's the purple Kush clones after transplant. I still have some stray clones I might give away or transplant. I'll know in a few days. So far I really like this light
IMAG0246.jpgIMAG0247.jpgFor some reason the last pic kept on coming out blurry no matter how many times I took it so I settled on this one =/
Oh yeah I'm also using the green co2 pads for co2 and from the readings i get from them I would have to say they work well. Yeah I still don't have a camera to use that will take out the blue except my ps3 eye camera lol The only downer is moving my Ps3 and Tv just to snap some pics. Anyone have any ideas how to get normal pics without having to switch lighting?
The system I ordered was damaged so I had to send it back. So for now I'm posting my aero pot grow until I get the replacement system. I'll be comparing dwc to soilless mix grow
What happened to the DWC?
Ok so here are the plants after i shaved them down and added rooting hormone to cause new root growth then buried up to the top of the plant. Already over night They put on an inch and are looking extremely happy. Sorry I should have took pictures before and after...I will next time I transplant to show the process. Anyway here's updated pics
I'm about to top my plants to start preparing them to grow for the scrog. I will remove the 5th leaf set to prepare plants for 4 way low stress training.
I went with 5x5 tent to have room inside for moving plants around and easy access to work on my garden =)
I might throw my t5 ballast in my tent to flood it with light while vegging. I'll have the other magnum inside before i flower. I would have 2 in there right now but I'm debating on if I'm gonna need a portable ac unit to maintain my climate in tent. I might just need a dehumidifier....but I was looking at acs with dehumidifier built in for the same price.
i might even need a portable heater on the cold days so I can keep the temps around 83 so that the co2 usage is maximized by the plants for photosynthesis
ill eventually have the dwc running side by side with the smart pots with a magnum for each side
I want to see how LED's turn out for you . You plan on doing DWC & soil ?
Nutes ?
Photo period ?
How do you control RH? I know when I tried LED, my RH meter would read 75%+
Yeah I'm gonna run both to compare then stick with whichever works out best. Right now I'm using general hydroponics nutes. I'm thinking of switching and growing my kushs with a nute called kushy kush thats made specifically for kush strains. Right now I'm on 18\6 lighting schedule. I might just throw on light 24 hrs a day.
I want to see how LED's turn out for you . You plan on doing DWC & soil ?
Nutes ?
Photo period ?
How do you control RH? I know when I tried LED, my RH meter would read 75%+
Oh yeah i also have a humidifier and a dehumidifier to control RH but I havent had to use them yet as my RH stays areound 45-50%
My first grow , I did soil & failed . Mold took over my plants as LED didn't thrown off any heat and they lasted about 2-3 flower . I'm doing a hydro ( DWC ) and in 30 days , my plants went from 2 1/2 inches to 18-21 inches with 24/0 no rest , lights on all day and they love me for it . From what I've seen and read , soil can't compare to hydro , its more efficient and you have full control . Like going from driving auto to stick .
Day 1

Today ( day 30 )

Trust me , hydro is the way to go . Im a rookie , but feel free to ask questions . Hope you don't mind the pics