Can I Dig a Seed Up with Damaging it?


Well-Known Member
I started seed sin 5 gallon buckets bad mistake, can i take them out and put them into small cups? Without damaging it i meant...


Active Member
Are they up yet, once a plant gets up and growing they are quite tuff.

Why is it a bad idea leaving them in the 5 gallon bucket. You may need to poke some holes in the bottom for drainage.


how long ago did u put it in there? if you scoop out enough dirt without damaging any roots you might be ok but if you CAN i'd just leave it be happy in 5 gal lol


Well-Known Member
Okay..... I'm just so fuckin........ Idk I'm going crazy, i dug it up... But what was in there was a root with 1 tiny little leaf on it, i put it back in there and sprinkled dirt on top... Did i just kill it........................... Ommggg i hate myself :(.

I shoved my hand down under where i planted it, scooped it up, put it back in leaf pointing up.


Well-Known Member
you should be ok I hope, lol dont worry about killing a few it happens....
Mannnn i bought these seeds...... I wouldn't be going so fuckin crazy if it were just a bag seed... But man i'm fuckin........... I regret everything :(.

As soon as i saw that root in my hand.... i was like fuck and my heart sank, i was trying to be as delicate with it as i possible can, the little leaf i was talking about is probably................... Idk extremely close to the surface. If it doesn't come up in the morning, i most likely killed it?

Anxiety is building up in my fuckin chest...... No weed, anxiety attack D:!?!!


give it a few days it might have a slight shock, when transplanting sometimes takes a few days to take off again...

what strain did you try?


Well-Known Member
give it a few days it might have a slight shock, when transplanting sometimes takes a few days to take off again...

what strain did you try?
I planted 1 afghan kush x yumbolt and 1 purple haze.... I don't know which seed was which, but i hope this 1 was the afghan kush cause i have 2 more of those... I really wanted to see that purple haze :(.

I really..... just wow i just hate myself for this. The seed/root/leaf thing was like... really deep down in the soil probably like 3-5 inches down, i can only imagine how deep my other seed is. Maybe i helped it... maybe i killed it.


well live and learn, beans can be replaced (hopefully)

I dont post much here anymore because my posts kept getting deleted but i'm always over at, you should do a grow report over there on your afghan and purples, its pretty dead there now and i'm a newb myself to all this but I wont be coming back to RIU anymore


Well-Known Member
well live and learn, beans can be replaced (hopefully)

I dont post much here anymore because my posts kept getting deleted but i'm always over at, you should do a grow report over there on your afghan and purples, its pretty dead there now and i'm a newb myself to all this but I wont be coming back to RIU anymore
Sorry bro, is the only place for me :). They've taught me so much........... Love you guys :D.


Active Member
Damn gmz, I remember talkin to you about patience just a few days ago in your other thread. All you had to do is wait! I think you should be fine though.


Well-Known Member
Damn gmz, I remember talkin to you about patience just a few days ago in your other thread. All you had to do is wait! I think you should be fine though.
I sorry!!! lol, i feel really fuckin stupid...


Active Member
Lol, chill man you'd be suprized how tuff those little sprouts are. Acouple days ago i dropped a cup on the floor that had a little seedling in it. All the soil came out and I replanted it. Now it's a healthy one week old seedling.


Well-Known Member
Lol, chill man you'd be suprized how tuff those little sprouts are. Acouple days ago i dropped a cup on the floor that had a little seedling in it. All the soil came out and I replanted it. Now it's a healthy one week old seedling.
Aaahhh that's what i wanna hear..... Should i leave my other seed where it is? It's probably deeper then this 1 was..... because i planted it deeper lol.

But curious... What exactly did i see when i dug it up? It was a root with a tiny 1 little leaf on it, when i was lookin at pictures of seeds that just popped out of the soil, it looked like the seed shell was still on it, what the fuck happened to this? lol


Active Member
It could have already shed the shell. What you saw is what looks like one tiny leaf, but it's actually two tiny ones closed up together. They will eventually open up. That little thing you saw should be above the soil where light can hit it.


Well-Known Member
It could have already shed the shell. What you saw is what looks like one tiny leaf, but it's actually two tiny ones closed up together. They will eventually open up. That little thing you saw should be above the soil where light can hit it.
Wait should i uncover it from the soil and turn the lights back on? I was going to leave the little leaf outside at first, but i saw that the little white root was showing, i was afraid the light or anything would hurt the root, because they're supposed to be under ground :(, was that just the main stem?