Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
sure kitty would help she likes to eat? lmao

Me ive been in my shell!
I'm aware of that...hence the grr wtf did I tell ya about the shell when we met ;) and I got yelled at cuz I can't eat it wtf they always give me like 2days worth of food in a sitting who does that lol


Moderatrix of Journals
here's a good stoned OT:
how many people do you think you *already *know on riu? like in the RW?

(me, there are 2 that i suspect might be guys i know, and, ironically, haven't actually spoken words with either of them.....)


Weed Modifier
I'm aware of that...hence the grr wtf did I tell ya about the shell when we met ;) and I got yelled at cuz I can't eat it wtf they always give me like 2days worth of food in a sitting who does that lol
well ive just had a rough few days... is all .....and had a headache today( s.r.h.) sperm retention headache ;)
thats how i cook for an army even if there is only two??? haha so i do?

well yohoho and a bottle of rum, i just happen to be working on a non perishable item right now.
i'll keep you posted. ;)
Awesome can't wait hhmhmhmmhmmhmh


Moderatrix of Journals
*in the style of that creepy little girl from the horror movie who's name escapes me atm*

i'll never te~ll.

mmmmmm piiiiizzzaaa


Well-Known Member
well ive just had a rough few days... is all .....and had a headache today( s.r.h.) sperm retention headache ;)
thats how i cook for an army even if there is only two??? haha so i do?
Lmao your too much lime! I can and like to eat but that's not often that I do just not used to eating never anytime! Nice to see ya pop outta your shell :)


Well-Known Member
I lost all my data for this grow besides this thread so i have to wade through it and figure out how much longer i have i think its around 2 weeks left and i hella need advice on how to know when they are done:-) Ima noobie and dont want to cut to soon and im flat broke so i cant buy anything more any advice is greatly appreciated! On a good note i bought a new graphics card so one part down like 8 more to go next week im going to buy my hard drive and OP also i might be selling a assault rifle so then i can get my board and processor then a handful of parts and 200-400 more and i will be back on here 24/7 i cant sleep good at night without the sound of my computers loud ass fans it sucks:-( Cant wait till this grow is done so i can be back on 24/7 light and have fan noise to sleep to again:-) Also what would you guys suggest on harvesting and flushing methods i need to know everything its my first harvest Ive always gotten males before or animals got em or people.


Well-Known Member
good to see you guys on here, especially in the same night lol...we need to have another day when everyone is on and a big smoke session

hows everyone doing? its almost 4am here and i have a feeling it gonna be a lonnnnnng day

Lime, whats going on man? hows the spawns of charlie coming along? :wink:

Slim, what happend to your pc that you have to replace all that? did you have a custom built rig or something?


Well-Known Member
lol, well i took a "nap" at like 230 haha...woke up at 1 this morning.
long past couple of days and to many early morning bong rips set me back a bit lol. back hurts like shit right now so im sitting here trying to smoke myself back to sleep if you have aim or yahoo mess. and if its easier for you on ur phone pm me ur user name or whatever it is on those things lol


Well-Known Member
Ah well fuck me I finally fell asleep but my neighbor woke me up! I tried to ignore them lol but the kid walk all the way up here :wall: I stumbled to the door fell into the wall trying to put some pants on :lol: open the door hey what up did ya know there was a wall there! Sitting here smoking and the kid says hey I got a sewing machine I can make them that way! He goes the pants will be awesome! Got to love random rambles!


Well-Known Member
good to see you guys on here, especially in the same night lol...we need to have another day when everyone is on and a big smoke session

hows everyone doing? its almost 4am here and i have a feeling it gonna be a lonnnnnng day

Lime, whats going on man? hows the spawns of charlie coming along? :wink:

Slim, what happend to your pc that you have to replace all that? did you have a custom built rig or something?
Yup i build em but i have no idea what happend could be just about anything so instead of plugging in a couple hundred dollar part into a computer that might just fry the new part i must build all the way over also cuz my OP is ripped and microsoft wouldn't be so happy with me if they found out i've never paid for windows ahahahaha so i cant take it in to get fixed whatever ima build a beast already got a graphics card that i can run four of them at one time and im going to get another 23 inch monitor so i can have two screens going. Selling a gun or two soon so i hope i will have it up and running in no time.


Well-Known Member
Yup i build em but i have no idea what happend could be just about anything so instead of plugging in a couple hundred dollar part into a computer that might just fry the new part i must build all the way over also cuz my OP is ripped and microsoft wouldn't be so happy with me if they found out i've never paid for windows ahahahaha so i cant take it in to get fixed whatever ima build a beast already got a graphics card that i can run four of them at one time and im going to get another 23 inch monitor so i can have two screens going. Selling a gun or two soon so i hope i will have it up and running in no time.
I thought i was the only nerd on here who owns guns :lol:
sucks about the pc man, i dont pay for my OS's either man, win7 ultimate 499.99<FREE thank you...
Maybe i can help if you pm me with some details. I have an i7 quad core hyperthreaded to 8
2.93 overclocked to 4.1
8gb ddr3
crossfire with 2 ATI 5770 cards and hdmi out
YES, its a bad bitch and no you cant touch hit mu-hahaha let me know man, you game on your pc?


New Member
hey bro why dont u use linux i got a disk
or if u need windows COA i got some of those
or u can just generate one
but look on ebay for parts cheap there i used to build from parts there

Yup i build em but i have no idea what happend could be just about anything so instead of plugging in a couple hundred dollar part into a computer that might just fry the new part i must build all the way over also cuz my OP is ripped and microsoft wouldn't be so happy with me if they found out i've never paid for windows ahahahaha so i cant take it in to get fixed whatever ima build a beast already got a graphics card that i can run four of them at one time and im going to get another 23 inch monitor so i can have two screens going. Selling a gun or two soon so i hope i will have it up and running in no time.
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