Time Machines


Active Member
why would you say such a thing? or was this just what you were hoping for?

And too peacefulkid.

naw I wasn't talking shit. I believe forward in time is possible but going back in time? sounds like it would be pretty tough, pretty intense stuff

Nope I just haven't seen you post in awhile, I've had your fucking name stuck in my head for months.


Well-Known Member
why would you say such a thing? or was this just what you were hoping for?

And too peacefulkid.

naw I wasn't talking shit. I believe forward in time is possible but going back in time? sounds like it would be pretty tough, pretty intense stuff
of course of course i agree it would be very tought challenging and intense but would be fun :)


Well-Known Member
Physicists have another theory in traveling back in time instead of saying moving back in time, the possibility of closed timelike curves, which are worldlines that form closed loops in spacetime, allowing objects to return their past.


Well-Known Member
OK I jump into this time machine jump ahead 100 years, that makes me 159 years old. Did I die on my trip or do I get younger? Still think you need a TV to do it.


Well-Known Member
OK I jump into this time machine jump ahead 100 years, that makes me 159 years old. Did I die on my trip or do I get younger? Still think you need a TV to do it.
Well you will be the same age when you go to the future,but when you come back to if u do, time will pass by a little quicker then you think it would.


Active Member

Its a 4 part video that explains what we know is possible and what might be possible.


Well-Known Member
before i decide to view this video, also physcists believe these are the reasons how to time travel
1.travel faster then the speed of light
2.Use of cosmic strings and blackholes.
3.Wormholes which to put to the newbies what a wormhole is kind of like 2 blackholes at each end to travel time
i dont get my information from youtube i read and comes from my head.


Well-Known Member
there is no such thing as time in space.
What? No. Time and space are parallel. Of course there is time in space. Just as there is gravity and sound. They are all waves on the space continuum.

Someone clearly did not take Advanced Physics: Chaos Theory in college. Duh!


Well-Known Member
before i decide to view this video, also physcists believe these are the reasons how to time travel
1.travel faster then the speed of light
2.Use of cosmic strings and blackholes.
3.Wormholes which to put to the newbies what a wormhole is kind of like 2 blackholes at each end to travel time
i dont get my information from youtube i read and comes from my head.
Not true. No supported theory at the moment allows us to travel faster than light.
"Use of cosmic strings and blackholes." - Huh? Two completely different theories and arguments.
Ok, Ill give you the wormhole theory bit. Sort of. But wormholes are quickly being debunked. The concentrated energy to rip a 'hole' in space creating a tunnel is far beyond anything we can mathematically fathom right now. One idea was that 2 black holes at opposite ends of the space wave could create a tunnel... that is proving to be not possible..


Active Member
What? No. Time and space are parallel. Of course there is time in space. Just as there is gravity and sound. They are all waves on the space continuum.

Someone clearly did not take Advanced Physics: Chaos Theory in college. Duh!
I meant space doesn't go by 24 hour days


Active Member
it is not possible. the theory of relativity prooves this, for time is not a straight line einstein even brought this point up directly , to slow time by travelling the speed of light or maybee he said to view time but never to travel.