Salvia Talk Come!


Active Member
Iv smoke more salvia then I can rember, but I cant really forget my first trip with 40x out of a dry bong. I killed a full bowl in one hit, and rember thinking as I stared to feel the effect after a few secs, that this isn't so bad but it hit me right after that I rember seeing a giant wave warping around everyones bodys all mixing them together into the wave (except for their heads, just floting there.) I was not thinking straight at all I after that I felt the corner wrap its self around me into a ball, and took me out of the chair that I was in and shot me into the sky. At that moment I felt like I would never come down, like time had stoped. I quickly came down and the trip just seemed to stop never tripped that hard on salvia since.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I remember ripping 40x out of a bong and after I got done holding in the second hit I started laughing like no other and I felt like I was the puppet of someone pulling on strings that were attached to my limbs..I've never laughed so hard haha so I continued to rip wwhile my friend smoked the same 40x outta his pipe. After his bowl he got the blankest wide eyed stare and stood up and stumbled inside mumbling something about the world folding in on him and he was gonna be crushed by the pages of the book. Ah good times..however the next few times didn't make me trip just made me really hot and clammy idk why really.
You might not have been burning it hot enough, the active chemical evaporates at a much higher temperature than weed or tobacco (or so I read on the box it came in) so you really need to burn the shit out of it, otherwise it wont hit you hard enough for you to "pop through" to the universe beyond.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone who has posted on my thread,gave most rep for keeping it awesome,alive and sharing some wicked new stuff, ill give the rest i left over in some hours beacuse i cant give no more haha.


Well-Known Member
Everyone should try it at least once, just go into it expecting a short but way far out trip, put your mental "seat belt" on and ride it out!


Active Member
fuck that shit silvia it was a waste of time and money i smoked some 120x and was destroyed i seriously went retarded and drooled on myself when i snaped out i had no idea where i was, who where these people around me who where my best friends. i only took 2 fat ass hits and it was horrible i felt like that girl from saw that was in the pit full of rigs it sucked and even when the feeling was gone i still didnt feel right later that day and the next day it sucked ill never touch that shit ever again.
oh man when i did salvia i did some 90x that shit fucked me up it felt like my life was a book and pages were just flipping but each page was 100 years hahaha i loved it day i went and got some more and got even more fucked up hahah...the second time i hit it again i yelled for help cuz no one was with me .....then my friend came and i lost it haha i told him who the fuck he was .... after that i kinda blacked out and started to love it.....


Well-Known Member
fuck that shit silvia it was a waste of time and money i smoked some 120x and was destroyed i seriously went retarded and drooled on myself when i snaped out i had no idea where i was, who where these people around me who where my best friends. i only took 2 fat ass hits and it was horrible i felt like that girl from saw that was in the pit full of rigs it sucked and even when the feeling was gone i still didnt feel right later that day and the next day it sucked ill never touch that shit ever again.
holy shit man lol dude u played with fire man u should of knowed to buying the highest rate of salvia and thread it like ciggs that it will make u like that. i went retarted and same way you did with legal weed the herb shit,it wasnt my first time smoking it and like a month of using it i smoked half a blunt with my homie n it just hit me,soo not cool lol


Active Member
right right i smoked a blunt of some shit called "red magic" that legal weed with my friend and he started freakin out like crazy and it was my first time and i was just shwasted from that stuff but ya i had no idea what the shit does cause it was my first time so i was like fuck it LOL but NEVER AGIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
fuck that shit silvia it was a waste of time and money i smoked some 120x and was destroyed i seriously went retarded and drooled on myself when i snaped out i had no idea where i was, who where these people around me who where my best friends. i only took 2 fat ass hits and it was horrible i felt like that girl from saw that was in the pit full of rigs it sucked and even when the feeling was gone i still didnt feel right later that day and the next day it sucked ill never touch that shit ever again.
So you tell everyone its shit because you did way too much and freaked out? :roll:

EDIT: Salvia doesnt effect you the next day btw.