Whats Gone Wrong ?


Well-Known Member
Have you done anything different to it, like feeding, etc....?(perhaps, without adjusting the PH first?)


Active Member
Yes i did feed and didnt check ph i have flushed them and gave them weak feed.Itook one out of its pot and the roots are just starting to grow around the bottom.Thanks


Well-Known Member
looks like you used too much fert's and the soil looks really wet. If you flushed them don't hit them with ferts again. wait until the soil drys out, then water lightly, then the next time you can use like 1/2 strength.


Well-Known Member
Then it seems we have a nute lockout issue. PH good when you water? How much are you feeding them and how often?


Active Member
PH the soil has got ferts added,i flushed with 6.5 ph until the run off was around 6.5,but i put 1/2 strength fert in last flush,do i need to flush again?


Well-Known Member
It has worm casings and those plants have used up anything that was there. No water normal with 1/2 strength and then start to up them to recommended levels. Start to floiar feed asap so the plant will start to get back to normal. Do not flush for awhile.


Active Member
yeah there's no need to re-pot, and sparka is right in saying the nutrients are gone from the soil. the brown spotting at the edges are phosphorous deficiency, the yellow leaves starting at the bottom are nitrogen deficiency. i'd feed it, but don't transplant it.