First Little Leaves on Sprout are Yellow


Well-Known Member
Well i dug my seed up last night... Because i thought it might've gotten pushed down deeper into the soil, which i was right, it was about 3-5 inches down. I replanted it little leaves up, barely under the top of the soil. And this morning she decided to pop up :P. But her little new leaves are yellow... Like pure yellow, is this bad :(?

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Well-Known Member
Fuckin dog hair, how can i keep it out of my grow room?? Lol, since my last grow i've seen dog hair in every single picture, irritates me lol.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin dog hair, how can i keep it out of my grow room?? Lol, since my last grow i've seen dog hair in every single picture, irritates me lol.
I would say its prob shocked a bit. and a way of keeping hair our is enclosing the room if yours is enclosed than I would say go into the room with a set close that isnt around your dogs.


Well-Known Member
I would say its prob shocked a bit. and a way of keeping hair our is enclosing the room if yours is enclosed than I would say go into the room with a set close that isnt around your dogs.
Thanks for the reply, Should i maybe do the same thing to my other seed if it doesn't come up? It's been 3 days since i planted it.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to really do about the seeding.. wait for it to perk up or die.

No animals in the growroom!!! Pet hair gets everywhere, and fuck smoking your dog.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, Should i maybe do the same thing to my other seed if it doesn't come up? It's been 3 days since i planted it.
I would say yes, bet depending on the strain i would do a little internet searching and try figuring out when it typically pops.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to really do about the seeding.. wait for it to perk up or die.

No animals in the growroom!!! Pet hair gets everywhere, and fuck smoking your dog.
I dont know if your doing this for commercial but if anyone at a co-op saw even one....9/10 gonna say no to it. If its personal than i would try to perfect not having it on my crop its nersty :p


Well-Known Member
I would say yes, bet depending on the strain i would do a little internet searching and try figuring out when it typically pops.
Well it's either purple haze or afghan kush x yumbolt, when i put the seeds in paper towels to germinate, i didn't really pay attention to which was which lol. But if a seed is really deep down will it eventually fight it's way to the top?


Well-Known Member
Way too deep

Marijuana Seeds Positioning in Soil

Marijuana seeds should be placed with the POINTED END UP into a prepared cannabis seeds germination bed or just good soil at a depth of 1/2 to 3/4 inch. The embryo tap root emerges from the pointed (stylar) end and the natural method of growth is for this root to make a turn and grow downward (see the illustration) This bend formed by the downward curve of the taproot is what emerges from the soil and the friction of dragging the cannabis seeds upward helps the new plant to loosen and cast off the seed case when it breaks through the surface. If the cannabis seeds are placed with the pointed end down, the embryo will be required to expend a great deal of its stored energy for twisting and turning to position the tap root when it realizes that it is heading the wrong way (see illustration of germinating marijuana seeds) The seedling will need this energy to exert the forces required to later lift its head (now enclosed by the two halves of the seed case) above the soil, cast off the seed case and then spread its two embryo leaves and begin the life-giving photosynthetic process. This is a critical stage in growth and carelessness in placing the marijuana seeds will exhaust even the most hearty seedling and result in a slow start and a feeble plant in later life. Cannabis seeds should be placed in a small hole at a depth of 1/2 to 3/4 inch. An excellent medium for germination is a mixture of rich humus and fine sand, such as the type used for aquariums. The soil needs a ph of 7.5 to 8.0 and should not be so moist that it sticks to your fingers. If the medium is too moist, the seeds will rot and ferment before they can sprout. A simple test for moisture is to stick a pencil into the soil and if soil adheres to it when removed, then it is too moist. Sort of like when you test a cake by sticking a straw into it to see if it is baked through to the middle. The ideal is not too moist, and not too dry - and be sure that the soil is well-drained. Research has shown that a soil temperature that is at, or slightly above, the air temperature promotes the best survival rates and growth.


Well-Known Member
Way too deep

Marijuana Seeds Positioning in Soil

Marijuana seeds should be placed with the POINTED END UP into a prepared cannabis seeds germination bed or just good soil at a depth of 1/2 to 3/4 inch. The embryo tap root emerges from the pointed (stylar) end and the natural method of growth is for this root to make a turn and grow downward (see the illustration) This bend formed by the downward curve of the taproot is what emerges from the soil and the friction of dragging the cannabis seeds upward helps the new plant to loosen and cast off the seed case when it breaks through the surface. If the cannabis seeds are placed with the pointed end down, the embryo will be required to expend a great deal of its stored energy for twisting and turning to position the tap root when it realizes that it is heading the wrong way (see illustration of germinating marijuana seeds) The seedling will need this energy to exert the forces required to later lift its head (now enclosed by the two halves of the seed case) above the soil, cast off the seed case and then spread its two embryo leaves and begin the life-giving photosynthetic process. This is a critical stage in growth and carelessness in placing the marijuana seeds will exhaust even the most hearty seedling and result in a slow start and a feeble plant in later life. Cannabis seeds should be placed in a small hole at a depth of 1/2 to 3/4 inch. An excellent medium for germination is a mixture of rich humus and fine sand, such as the type used for aquariums. The soil needs a ph of 7.5 to 8.0 and should not be so moist that it sticks to your fingers. If the medium is too moist, the seeds will rot and ferment before they can sprout. A simple test for moisture is to stick a pencil into the soil and if soil adheres to it when removed, then it is too moist. Sort of like when you test a cake by sticking a straw into it to see if it is baked through to the middle. The ideal is not too moist, and not too dry - and be sure that the soil is well-drained. Research has shown that a soil temperature that is at, or slightly above, the air temperature promotes the best survival rates and growth.
Thanks for the very informational post :). So should i probably dig that other 1 up? and do what i did to this 1?


Well-Known Member
If you had the seed planted to deep and when you dug her up the leaves were yellow is because it grew out but was too far down to reach the sun. If you helped it get to light then you should be ok it will just take awhile to get some green in it. Do not freak out and fuck with it anymore.


Well-Known Member
If you had the seed planted to deep and when you dug her up the leaves were yellow is because it grew out but was too far down to reach the sun. If you helped it get to light then you should be ok it will just take awhile to get some green in it. Do not freak out and fuck with it anymore.
So what i did was the right and good thing to do? Because i'm talking about another seed now, that's most likely further down into the soil, and was planted a day before this 1.


Well-Known Member
So what i did was the right and good thing to do? Because i'm talking about another seed now, that's most likely further down into the soil, and was planted a day before this 1.
Go get it and be careful plant it just peaking out of the soil like half buried.


Well-Known Member
Well.... After about 20 minutes of sweating like a pig in my grow room trying to find the seed, i took it outside to continue my search with 3 buckets, i probably went through the soil at least 10 times...... My guess is the root probably rotted. and couldn't distinguish the difference between the rotten root and the sticks, because i am sure i would've found that root if it was white like the last 1 was last night. So i gave up on the search..... That would make it 1 seed down. I'm currently germinating another afghan kush x yumbolt. I want you guys to decide what container to go into once it has popped, because i don't want to fuck up any more, it's driving me crazy. Hopefully that seed wasn't my purple haze... Really wanted to try a sativa.

So guys, which pot should my new seed go into once it has popped? The 5 gallon bucket is out of the equation now, I'm never putting a seed in a 5 gallon bucket again.


Well-Known Member
Well.... After about 20 minutes of sweating like a pig in my grow room trying to find the seed, i took it outside to continue my search with 3 buckets, i probably went through the soil at least 10 times...... My guess is the root probably rotted. and couldn't distinguish the difference between the rotten root and the sticks, because i am sure i would've found that root if it was white like the last 1 was last night. So i gave up on the search..... That would make it 1 seed down. I'm currently germinating another afghan kush x yumbolt. I want you guys to decide what container to go into once it has popped, because i don't want to fuck up any more, it's driving me crazy. Hopefully that seed wasn't my purple haze... Really wanted to try a sativa.

So guys, which pot should my new seed go into once it has popped? The 5 gallon bucket is out of the equation now, I'm never putting a seed in a 5 gallon bucket again.
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That sucks but you learned something:) Are you going to sprout them and then plant or just stick in the soil?


Well-Known Member
That sucks but you learned something:) Are you going to sprout them and then plant or just stick in the soil?
I'm germinating them using the paper towel in a zip lock method, I just don't know which container it should go into next. I have that 1 gallon pot, the little yellow cup, and the even littler brown papery feeling containers lol.