Need Help


Hey Everyone,

Ok something happened a few days ago that I thought would never happen in my whole life. Let me begin.

I was hanging out with a few friends having a small party celebrating the end of the semester. With the bottle of vodka quickly killed 2 of my friends wanted a bag of coke, Their usual connect was out of town so they went through a friend of a friend (yes I know not the best idea) We ended up getting RIPPED off the bag was .6 short but we decided to just say screw it.
They started breaking out the lines of this white, sparkly powder they just didnt look right and smelt like chemicals way too much. My friend took the first like and fell over in pain, we gave him a minute he said it wasnt coke but it was good. We all started taking small bumps throughout the night.

Now the effects:
Completely different than anything I have tried.
Started with the feeling of a roll but you could tell it wasnt
A HUGE burst of energy. We started at 11:30pm one night and none of us went to bed till 24 hours later
a strong euphoria
teeth clinching/grinding
all of our pupils were the size of quarters
Strangest part is we all ended up having one on one talks with each other. They were very deep talks. We all noticed our thoughts were clear and it was easy to share them.
Of course with anything speedy things lose of appetite, small johnson, low libido, hot flashes, cold sweats, goose bumps

We have all done our fair share of rolling and we knew it wasnt MDMA. I thought that it was MCAT because the stuff is getting more common around my college and the presence of the roll feeling. A trusted source who we told our event to said it sounded like mostly meth, which completely freaked me out.

Off of what I have said can anyone at least give me a rough idea of what it was?

Thank you

If location helps you out please PM me


Well-Known Member
Sounds like bathtub meth to me. Made with all sorts of wonderful chemicals.
Before the war on drugs really got rolling in the early 70's we had "good" drugs like crosstops and qualudes proudly made in the USA.

Now the war on drugs has people snorting, smoking and shooting poisen.

God bless the USA


Active Member
Huge burst of energy
long lasting
teeth clinching
enlarged pupils

That all reminds me of my 2cp trip. The deep talks sound like something else but I've only done shrooms and acid otherwise, and I don't think you can powder those up into crack except I've heard of people grinding shrooms for joints.

Hot flashes and cold sweats I say might, MIGHT, be 2cp also as I remember I was very sensitive to temperature but if you just started burning up then cooling down, then beyond me it is. Goose bumps I would attribute to your temp changes.

Euphoria I didn't experience on 2cp, or not in the same way it could be said for acid or shrooms.

Loss of appetite I don't know about. 2cp I had no problem eating, lucy made me mad hungry, shrooms I didn't really notice anything but friends said they couldn't stomach food.

Hope this helps some.

Low libido and small johnson are just something I have noticed with my three trips and while smoking so I wouldn't weigh heavy on those.


Can you give me any more info on 2cp? How long does it take to kick in when snorted? How long do the effects last?



Well-Known Member
With the bottle of vodka quickly killed 2 of my friends wanted a bag of coke, Their usual connect was out of town so they went through a friend of a friend (yes I know not the best idea) We ended up getting RIPPED off the bag was .6 short but we decided to just say screw it.
A HUGE burst of energy. We started at 11:30pm one night and none of us went to bed till 24 hours later
I don`t have experience to speak, but your saying the bag was .6 short, what was the actual bag? Gram? Is that 400mg keeping... 3 guys up for 24 hours from 11.30pm?

Also maybe tell us how big a line the first one was?

Though sparkly white sounds like its not cut?

If it were to be meth, would it make sense for the friend of a friend of a friend to sell meth for that price, thats something that might rule somethings out..

Gotta love these mystery powders everyone asks about, good luck and at least it did the job eh? :)


Active Member
Can you give me any more info on 2cp? How long does it take to kick in when snorted? How long do the effects last?

I never snorted it, don't think many people have, check erowid maybe. I took it via pill after eating. It didn't kick in till four hours later when I smoked then the trip kept going till I went to sleep 13 hours later. Considering the fact that snorting hits faster, harder, but shorter I don't believe it by itself would have lasted 24hrs. But when you consider that you were mixing and you say you were taking small bumps throughout the night and mixing with alcohol.... this is just speculation though. Answer some of Ten's questions and it might help. My dose of 2cp was 10mg if it helps any.


Well-Known Member
It could be anything.... I was thinking BZP since that would be cheap, and most people selling other stuff as coke, are going to sell something cheaper than coke. I've seen some BZP powder once, and it was a tad bit shiney, but so is tons of other stuff. It could be some sort of meth cut with somethin else.... Anything really. Except obviously coke.

I love how everytime some people get super drunk, the first thing that comes up is coke and blowjobs.


ok the story about how we got the bag is really sketchy and even bugs me.

For starters I dont drink, I was on a little xannies and a lot of pot.
We all decided to throw in for a $60 gram of coke it was supposed to be some really nice stuff. One of the guy at the house got picked up by our friend and his dealer (who he normally gets it from). The dealer said he was dry but was going to pick some up from his friend. They went to a wal-mart parking lot and met up with a red van, the dealer got out and got into the van, after 2 minutes the guy came back to the car and said to follow the van. They followed the van down the road the dealer jumped out and got back into the car. After getting the bag they surprised the dealer by taking out a 0.00 scale and started to weigh it out. 3 bags should have been a gram but all 6 together (total was supposed to be 2 grams) weighed 0.42. After a short argument our friend who had the connect just gave us all 6 bags.

each line was probably the thickness of a credit card and no longer than a half inch. However each one did vary because it burn like hell.

Yea it did the job. Just wasnt what I was looking for. I never wanted to try meth, and it scared me that I liked it


Well-Known Member
Let me put on my medical gloves, grab my test kit, and possibly a scalpel to do some extensive research...

I'll be back shortly students ;)


Well-Known Member
Yea it did the job. Just wasnt what I was looking for. I never wanted to try meth, and it scared me that I liked it
Well to be honest I`m as far away from trying meth as possible, but I would propably like it if I tried :) Thats after all why its around...


Active Member
fuck when i use to fuck with that shit theres almost no way to tell if its real or bunk unless you have experience with it before i always put a little on my gums for the nummys , do a little bump , and burn a little in a spoon if it smells like burning rubber a little and just naste then you know its good i was lucky to have one of my childhood friends brothers to hook me up and hes only fucks with keys so i was always good but yep it sounds like they fucked your shit all up and just gave you some cleaning products or some shit.


Well-Known Member
Well to be honest I`m as far away from trying meth as possible, but I would propably like it if I tried :) Thats after all why its around...
It's like coke without the anxiety/ needing lines every 5 minutes. And it makes you want to have sex for 24 hours in a row, until your dick hurts. You'll call everyone on your contacts list... talk about nothing..... and no other drugs have any effect while on it. It sucks except for the sex.

Stick with molly =P


Well-Known Member
It's like coke without the anxiety/ needing lines every 5 minutes. And it makes you want to have sex for 24 hours in a row, until your dick hurts. You'll call everyone on your contacts list... talk about nothing..... and no other drugs have any effect while on it. It sucks except for the sex.

Stick with molly =P
I did ask someone for it in the past, I would tan a line if I could get one on a special occasion :) I have a feeling the girl has to be on it too though ;)

I do have some molly at the moment. I do want to take some, its itching me but I`m not going to after I treated myself to a midweek Lucy trip :D

But I came up with an idea today and was wondering, mabye I`ll make a seperate thread, but say you get students studying on Adderall and other amphetamines, what if I were to take a tiny dose of Molly? Say make it as small as this action requires, threshold? Does anyone think it would help my focus or at least stop me yawning whilist revising? :D


Well-Known Member
I have some molly I'm sitting on too for a first time, my friends mentioned a club so we'll see =D
Yeah, clubs are fun when rolling. I've been with a few people that get uncomfortable because of all the drunks. But I enjoy the loud environment on molly.

Tenner- I wouldn't do that if you had to do classwork or anything. It's always best to have fun on it. Molly is for having a great time IMO.

Although, I did stay up an entire night on it once, pressure cooking 200 PF jars. =P