Judgement Day Is Coming

Crash, one of the main standings of Christianity is as Jesus Christ stated "it will come as a thief in the night"

No one will know or be understanding of the time or date of his return.

So with that said it kinda wipes out your idea that the 21st is when he is returning.
Crash, one of the main standings of Christianity is as Jesus Christ stated "it will come as a thief in the night"

No one will know or be understanding of the time or date of his return.

So with that said it kinda wipes out your idea that the 21st is when he is returning.

true you do make a valid point
according to the bible god sent that rainbow to show he will never kill anyone after that in mass quantity.

you know after he killed everyone with the flood way back when noah built that boat?

but that was old testament so i guess it's a nevermind...
god used the rainbow as a sign that he would never kill anyone by flood again not necessarily mass killing
if your interested in reading up...read book of job chapters 40 and 41 it tells ya about dinosaurs two of them the behemoth and the leviathan. i think its interesting
Crash, one of the main standings of Christianity is as Jesus Christ stated "it will come as a thief in the night"

No one will know or be understanding of the time or date of his return.

So with that said it kinda wipes out your idea that the 21st is when he is returning.

July 23, 1892. nothing poppin til The Lion of Judah reigns. done happened kiddos. have you ppl not been paying attention? THIS IS ARMAGEDDON!!!! the number of the Beast is on all you purchase (UPC code) every website you visit begins with the greek 666. and we're all just cruising along lalalalala FUCK!!! how is it not so fucking blatantly OBVIOUS to EVERYbody!?!?

And He did return as a thief in the night, as evidenced by nobody caring about it.
I swear if anything takes me away from here on the 21st and forget my plants ima be pissed. if im here on the 22nd smooov sailing
THIS FIGURES!!! I can finally smoke my weed and be all legal and stuff
And God comes along and messes it all up by ending the world.
This sucks! How long do we have, will I have time to finish this grow???
Should I stash a little just incase he misses me??
July 23, 1892. nothing poppin til The Lion of Judah reigns. done happened kiddos. have you ppl not been paying attention? THIS IS ARMAGEDDON!!!! the number of the Beast is on all you purchase (UPC code) every website you visit begins with the greek 666. and we're all just cruising along lalalalala FUCK!!! how is it not so fucking blatantly OBVIOUS to EVERYbody!?!?

And He did return as a thief in the night, as evidenced by nobody caring about it.

I have always been kinda enthralled by end of times issues.

Not very well versed in it though, read the Lahaye books, but have not heard of the 1892 issue.

Could you elaborate more on this. Be complete, because like I said I am not well versed at all.
July 23, 1892. nothing poppin til The Lion of Judah reigns. done happened kiddos. have you ppl not been paying attention? THIS IS ARMAGEDDON!!!! the number of the Beast is on all you purchase (UPC code) every website you visit begins with the greek 666. and we're all just cruising along lalalalala FUCK!!! how is it not so fucking blatantly OBVIOUS to EVERYbody!?!?

And He did return as a thief in the night, as evidenced by nobody caring about it.

Great Post man great..
THIS FIGURES!!! I can finally smoke my weed and be all legal and stuff
And God comes along and messes it all up by ending the world.
This sucks! How long do we have, will I have time to finish this grow???
Should I stash a little just incase he misses me??

lmao you had me laughin when i read this one..
you should deffly stash sum..haha
I have always been kinda enthralled by end of times issues.

Not very well versed in it though, read the Lahaye books, but have not heard of the 1892 issue.

Could you elaborate more on this. Be complete, because like I said I am not well versed at all.

My pleasure! His Imperial Majesty was born Ras Tafari Makonnen on July 23, 1892 of a lineage directly descended from King Solomon and Queen Makeda of Axum (modern day Ityopia {Ethiopia}) as foretold in Revelations ch5 v5 for it is written He will be of David's (Solomon's father) line. In 1930 he was crowned Emperor Haile Selassie I (Power of the Holy Trinity,) King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah in fulfillment of scripture. This Man is the Christ reborn to unleash His judgement upon the wicked. It's about to be soooo on.
My pleasure! His Imperial Majesty was born Ras Tafari Makonnen on July 23, 1892 of a lineage directly descended from King Solomon and Queen Makeda of Axum (modern day Ityopia {Ethiopia}) as foretold in Revelations ch5 v5 for it is written He will be of David's (Solomon's father) line. In 1930 he was crowned Emperor Haile Selassie I (Power of the Holy Trinity,) King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah in fulfillment of scripture. This Man is the Christ reborn to unleash His judgement upon the wicked. It's about to be soooo on.

So...this guy didn't die in 1975, and he's the second coming? I am not being sarcastic, I don't know the answer.
His body was suffocated in His sleep the story goes. nobody really knows the story. That notwithstanding, yes, He is the Second Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Ark of the Covenant is also in Ethiopia (the reason for the Vatican/Fascist invasions and colonization of Eritrea.) Ethiopia is the oldest Christain nation on Earth, predating Rome by 300 or so years in it's conversion.
So...this guy didn't die in 1975, and he's the second coming? I am not being sarcastic, I don't know the answer.

There is a spreading faction that believes His Majesty to be living in the flesh in a monastery in the Ityopian highlands. An old monk there named Abba Kedus bears a striking resemblance to His Majesty but, alas, His remains have been buried; according to Him. It diminishes nothing as the Bible clearly shows 3 Incarnations. Scripture also makes far more references to His being a King of splendor many times more than He is presented as a meek Lamb.
"But Bobby, why doesn't the whole world know about this?" you ask? two reasons, well three reasons: The vatican, freemasonry (illuminati), and apathy.