Judgement Day Is Coming

"King of Kings. In 1935 there was just one man who rose out of murky obscurity and carried his country with him up & up into brilliant focus before a pop-eyed world. But for the hidden astuteness of this man, there would not now be the possibility of another world war arising out of idealism generated around the League of Nations in behalf of Ethiopia. But for His Majesty Haile Selassie the year 1935 would have been a distinctly different year. If by some unhappy chance the Italo-Ethiopian war should now spread into a world conflagration, Power of Trinity I, the King of Kings, the Conquering Lion of Judah, will have a place in history as secure as Woodrow Wilson's. If it ends in the fall of Mussolini and the collapse of Fascism, his Majesty can plume himself on one of the greatest feats ever credited to blackamoors."
Time magazine, who chose H.I.M. as the person of the year in 1935
Arrgh... I hate getting worked over this kind of thing. But it's too early for judgement day... What about all the trumpets and seals and whatnot? Date the tribulation started? Too much to think about... sparking a joint...
Is there anything to watch for leading up to it, or is it just all of a sudden stuff happens sometime next Saturday?
Is there anything to watch for leading up to it, or is it just all of a sudden stuff happens sometime next Saturday?

you're brain just implodes at 2:00 PM us eastern time.

The ones that are saved have a giant orgy with jesus. I heard he has magic hands.
according to the bible god sent that rainbow to show he will never kill anyone after that in mass quantity.

you know after he killed everyone with the flood way back when noah built that boat?

but that was old testament so i guess it's a nevermind...

Was it a double rainbow? Sorry it had to be said ...

Eh I'm an atheist from Missouri, show me and I might believe, maybe. On the 20th I'm going to a Rave and will be rollin' balls with hotties in bikini's playing UV trippy laser tag, psychedelic bowling and listening to techno, I'm sure I'll miss it all, which is how I like it. :)
so will judgement day be a public/bank holiday dya reckon? and will we get double pay if we work that day? Also will hot refreshment be provided by anyone? lmao
...they think doomsday is coming and instead of partying, they are marching and telling people to repent.

is it any wonder alot of people actually want it all to end? lol
2 things:

1. Nowhere in the bible does it say we all go to heaven when we die. Show me a scripture that says we go to heaven when we die. There isn't one. The only mention of people going to heaven is the 144,000 anointed ones that will rule with jesus in heaven. The bible says we will inherit the earth and live forever on it. So you already fail on that OP.

2. Gadaffiduck, The rainbow after the flood was god promising he would never ruin the EARTH again. Not that he wouldn't destroy mankind again. If that were the case, then Armageddon, as mentioned in revelation, would be impossible.

If you believe in the bible and all that mumbo jumbo as I once did, then here it is. We were created perfect (adam and eve) in a paradise earth, Gods original plan for his creation. They sinned, we inherited sin through them. Jesus died as to save us from our sins, the wages sin pays is death (aka when you die, all sins are forgiven), however that does not mean you are going to be resurrected back into this paradise earth. God can read your heart and he is the ultimate judge as to who will be allowed to live forever (the book of life). After the end of this world (armageddon) everyone from the beginning of time that is in that book of life will be resurrected into a paradise earth and restored to our perfect state, which was what he intended in the first place .... The End.

Do I believe all that? Meh, something is coming I know that much. This world can't last much longer with the way things are going. There's no morals (Look at Carne for example) =D or love or just plain common decency in the world anymore. Iono tho, things ARE going to end and there are a lot of coincidences in the bible to ignore it completely, but either way, I think most people are just too self involved to care anymore.

EDIT: I also can't wait until May 21 when NOTHING happens and this kid looks like a complete retard hahaha.
christians really want a judgement day so they can watch everyone else suffer, its such a sadistic belief system. im glad i dont suffer from the mental illness called religion.

EDIT: there have been hundreds of these so called "judgement days" and none of them come to fruition. its like, whenever i hear end times, i have the immediate response of ignoring you and then you sound like one of those teachers in charlie brown. waaa waaah wahh??? whah!
LOL 200 million people? really? whered you get that number?
every week theres another dumbass saying the worlds going to end. what a waste of a human...
also, what reason do you have to believe that the world is ending? is it just your interpretation of the bible? just curious