First Shr00m Grow BRF Log


Active Member
Started with 6 BRF jars innoculated with cambodian cubes. Took a whole MONTH to colonize:wall: but they were just dunked and rolled for 24hrs and placed into the shotgun chamber today. There's only 5 cakes now as one started looking cloudy/blotchy so I just left it in the jar and moved it.
I may have birthed too soon.. They looked fine and white through the jars but when I took them out they weren't completely white and probably didn't completely use all of the brf/verm. Worried about contams :-(. 12/12 light cycle mist and fanned 3 times a day.

Keeping my fingers crossed and hopefully will be posting more pictures with pins:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
So are you suppose to break the cakes apart once they are out of the jars or just leave them fully intact?

I see alot of people just leaving them as is, and some breaking them apart... I wonder whats the difference..

BTW looking good :) Hope to see more picssss


Well-Known Member
If he were looking to colonize a monotup or another substrate, he could crumble and do that. Otherwise, its merely the beginners BRF cake tek. It seems you went about it just fine, but i have a few tips =D

1. Glad to see you are using the sgfc (love to see better pics of it if you have em). Remember that with perlite, this tek is relatively foolproof when done properly. Meaning, you may not need to mist every time you fan, possibly only mist once a day and fan as much as you want. (FAE and water evaporation are some of your biggest pinning triggers).

2. I noticed you used full pint jars. This falls kind of into the opinion side, but next time i would use 1/2 pint jars. Your colonization times are cut in half (with some aggressive growth i had 7/10 jars fully colonized in about 10 days, others at around 14). The yield loss is negligible, as you can just do more cakes. Ive also heard good things about a 'stacking' tek.

Thought i had more, but maybe thats it ;D

GL and hope to see some more pics!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you are doing it right so far. It's hard to tell if you birthed too soon since you already dunked and rolled. Like KlosetKing said, PF Tek is pretty much foolproof. Although I feel the constant fanning and misting isn't really necessary. I open it up and fan once or twice a day, but only mist when the sides of the tub and the perlite look dry. Sometimes only every 2-3 days. I just like letting them alone to do their thing. My last time around I ended up with almost 2oz dry off of 6 cakes after 2 flushes.


Active Member
I used 1/2 pint jars they're the tall ones..
Thanks for all of the input I'll keep the misting to once a day at the most.
Can't wait to see some fruit:hump:


Well-Known Member
I used 1/2 pint jars they're the tall ones..
Thanks for all of the input I'll keep the misting to once a day at the most.
Can't wait to see some fruit:hump:
Ah I see, its always hard to tell in pics those tall 1/2's!

Hope your first go goes well buddy ill be watchin ;D (still checking my sgfc every 2 hours looking for pins lol)