Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
*sigh* beautiful! I managed to get one pic of sam last night in her new home I'm worried that the guy who storing them (diff then who caring for them) is gonna chop them up and smoke them :(
What chop him up and smoke the fool who is watching them:-) Start with his fingers so he can watch blaze a thumb and i bet he will never think of doing something like that ever again:-) Dont even have to cut it off just stuff his thumb in a bong and toke hard on that sombitch:-) I can understand maybe giving him half but thats not cool im sry you have to go through that i wouldn't be able to sleep if there was some guy next to my babies with droll coming outa his mouth.


Weed Modifier
*sigh* beautiful! I managed to get one pic of sam last night in her new home I'm worried that the guy who storing them (diff then who caring for them) is gonna chop them up and smoke them :(
are we talking about the ones almost finished? you could have chopped them for yourself...still smoke-able weed??? ggggrrrr....why,why,why? dammit!


Well-Known Member
Hope not!!!!
Me too was the guy I was telling ya about that was freaking out said he should smoke my buddies plant (3 weeks) I thought well if you are going to smoke that wtf are you gonna do to my girls!

What chop him up and smoke the fool who is watching them:-) Start with his fingers so he can watch blaze a thumb and i bet he will never think of doing something like that ever again:-) Dont even have to cut it off just stuff his thumb in a bong and toke hard on that sombitch:-) I can understand maybe giving him half but thats not cool im sry you have to go through that i wouldn't be able to sleep if there was some guy next to my babies with droll coming outa his mouth.
hahaha naw think I'm cool! Btw I think I forgot to respond to your pms the other day been so busy!

are we talking about the ones almost finished? you could have chopped them for yourself...still smoke-able weed??? ggggrrrr....why,why,why? dammit!
I'm still supposed to but man you should have seen everyones eyes on my plants it was awful! Most of them will just be sold or given away...


Well-Known Member
tune into discovery channel at 9 in your time zone. these guys that are on right now are in Tampa :wink: you can catch a glimpse of some of my buddys inaction :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hahhahahhahah lmfao! So sitting here with lil bro he took the porn away from sis and I yesterday think we embarrassed him! So he keeps trying to just use my phone which is ok but I told him don't just grab ya never know what you may see on my phone! He says wtf you have porn in your phone? I'm like well yes actually so he says shit do I have to confiscate your phone! Cracked me up! Got to love the rambles ;)


New Member
now he will try his damn est to sneak and look

Hahhahahhahah lmfao! So sitting here with lil bro he took the porn away from sis and I yesterday think we embarrassed him! So he keeps trying to just use my phone which is ok but I told him don't just grab ya never know what you may see on my phone! He says wtf you have porn in your phone? I'm like well yes actually so he says shit do I have to confiscate your phone! Cracked me up! Got to love the rambles ;)


Well-Known Member
He is 18 and great I'm tying up a box with bondage ribbon! They didn't say they used all the tape damn it lol so yeah that's gonna look lovely when I hand it to the guy who's storing it!
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