Renes Random Rambles!

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New Member
i know chicks dont dig this but us guys think it is cool they shot down 38 planes and he scored 5 himself WOW


Weed Modifier
i know chicks dont dig this but us guys think it is cool they shot down 38 planes and he scored 5 himself WOW
I was watching em ....when i was trolling your trolls , ha....but was to afraid to come out with them around!!! still watching some of the dogfights cool shit bro :)


New Member
bro i know u got a few trolls u been saving
lets breed them and make super trolls that only follow r command

I was watching em ....when i was trolling your trolls , ha....but was to afraid to come out with them around!!! still watching some of the dogfights cool shit bro :)


Active Member
If anything I was disappointed in myself that I laid off a bit.
But it was just way to easy to work you guys up, I felt bad.
My one comment got a whole page of reactions.
way more than I expected.

and I also loved the part you guys tried to "troll" my thread and make fun of the video.


Well-Known Member
Hey yall let's not drag this back ok yes I was offended still mad from my other troll i am defensive what can I say! But it did seem to me to go a bit far and then he appeared to be joking hence my smartass comments..sometimes it goes to far I got enough fight in life can we stop this one?
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