By your interpretation we would have to believe Doc payed $20,000 or so for an unnamed plant...kind of hard to believe wouldnt you say?
I have seen people say that Dr, Greenthumb paid $20,000.00 for the strain but I do not recall seeing a message that was, like the one OGMan posted, allegedly from Dr. Greenthumb where he himself said he paid that amount. In the message I am mentioning he only says; "
or we wouldn't have splashed out so much money to aquire it." when it comes to cost.
Lets remember that in posts and emails the standard of proper grammer and spelling, sentance structure, and such arent really a high priorty.
Evidently, in your mind, neither is accurate selection of words. If someone said that they named something, that they applied a name to it, that is the total opposite of keeping and using a preexisting name. If the Dr. can't write a more precise, more accurate message than that he needs to hire a publicist or someone to take what he says and reword it into what he tried to say, and failed miserably at, so he does not end up saying the opposite of what he means.
To me its very simple what he was saying and it seems you want to hold him to a standard that no one else gets held to in posting.
All I want to do is hold him to his own words, as they were typed/said, that's all. It's not like I did what some here do and try to read between the lines and search for things that are not there but I would like for them to be there and then invent them myself and twist and spin what was said and then base what I say on that. and that it means precisely what he said?
What is so difficult for all you Dr. Greenthumb groupies and pimps and apologists to understand about him clearly stating
"our naming this strain g13." and "the name we've applied to it" and that it means precisely what he said?
Doc was sold a plant that was called g13 by the person who sold it to him...the naming of the plant you refer to was when he put it on his site as DD"s cut, Pure G13. When you have to use words on a website to describe something are you nameing it? Well, yes and no.
He said;
"we were assured over and over again that it was g13." But he also went on to say;
"in our opinion it was g13," but as he stated, regardless of being assured they grew out the plant and formulated an opinion. That means assurances or not they were not sure, they did not know, they were dubious enough to feel the need to grow it out and then make an assumption, a guess, and formulate an; "opinion."
–noun 1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
In simple English, Dr. Greenthumb and whoever else looked at the plant and sampled it made a guess that it was G13.
He also said;
"once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant" and not once convinced we were dealing with pure G13. Along with
"and only time will tell if we were right or wrong but either way" and "if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it" None of that states it is pure G13, none of that states that Dr. Greenthumb was convinced it is pure G13, and only it being;
"an exceptional plant."
You want to say "these are his exact words", well how about we try for his meaning instead of nitpicking to make it fit our story.
OK, he said;
"about our naming this strain g13."
He said; "the name we've applied to it."
Take those two things and explain to me how in the English language they in any way state, say or mean that all Dr. Greenthumb did was to continue to call the strain by some original name it allegedly possessed.
Would you pay $20,000 for a plant that someone told you might be g13? Your interpratation has a major hole in it, called common sense.
Your argument has a major hole in it, it's called giving Dr. Greenthumb the benefit of the doubt on anything and everything that he says that points to the strain not being pure G13. in other words, a total lack of common sense.
Have you ever gotton into an argument where someone held you to your exact words and not what you meant?
In my entire life? Sure. Here though it is normally someone reading between the lines and attributing new meaning to what was said by what they themselves inserted between the lines and far less because of an actual word for word precisely as said message, or just totally attributing a new meaning to what I said that and virtually replying to nothing that I said.
You then tell them "no- this is what i meant" and they still say, " these are your exact words" because they dont want to know what you really meant.
I understand why you have a major interest in protecting the myth of Dr. Greenthumb having pure G13. You purchased it believing it is pure G13 and then went on and on about it and you don't want to be seen as being one of the suckers when it is made clear that it is not pure G13.
But how can you explain away Dr. Greenthumb saying;
"our naming this strain g13." and; "in our opinion" and; "there doesn't seem to be any one cohesive description" and; "once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant" and; "and only time will tell if we were right or wrong but either way" and "if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it" add up to in your mind? Why would he say those things if Dr. Greenthumb was/is positive that he has real true original genetically pure G13?
Dude, you are becoming transparent and I can see right through you.
The very same can be said about you. As I already said, you give Dr. Greenthumb the benefit of the doubt on anything and everything about the strain and what he says and you bought it and don't want to be seen as being one of the suckers he took in when the truth is made clear.
You despretly want to control this argument and make everyone play by your rules, but if you used common sense it would give you batter chance of convincing people.Its like a little childish game you are playing..."this is what he said and im holding him to it"...whatever. I know you can read, but can you set down your bias and try to comprehend for just a minute?
And you desperately want to defend Dr. Greenthumb for the reasons already mentioned and you want to blow as big and thick of a smokescreen as you can to try to help cover up the truth.
All I did was quote a message that OGMan said came from Dr. Greenthumb, and repeatedly quoted it fully and completely, and then broke it down just about line by line to point out his actual words and draw attention to how they are not anywhere close to being the words of someone who is positive they purchased and have pure G13.
What is so extremely difficult or impossible to understand about Dr. Greenthumb's own words, about what he said, that people are unable to see, understand and then accept?