Dr Greenthumbs G13

When Greenthumb's Cindy 99 was voted best of 2009 or 2010 at High Times, Attitude tried to expropriate it and sell the seeds even though they had none nor any prospects of getting any, until Doc chewed them out and they took their ad down but I agree with you Bricktop, Attitude wouldn't care but lots of other smaller distributors might and I'm sure do

I am sure that if some smaller seedbank could land Dr. Greenthumb seeds, especially if they were the only ones other than the Doc to sell them, it would make a big deal to them .. but they they likely would not be big enough to draw enough customers to sell enough to make it worth it to Doc.

I don't blame him for not wholesaling his seeds. When you do than you run the risk of counterfeit packs and beans being made, like were sold to Attitude by a wholesaler claiming them to be DJ Short gear and soon you have people questioning your quality. In some ways it is better to have total control. But if you look at big business in general, how many products are only sold direct to consumers by their manufacturer?

Say you have a product that has 100% markup in it if you sell it direct and only 80% markup in it if you wholesale it to others to then sell. Which makes you more money, if you sell 100 items yourself or if you wholesale 10,000 items for someone else to earn a profit on when they resell it?

Their are advantages to both routes and it just depends on which is of a higher priority to a businessperson.
On a more serious note............someone please straighten that picture out. It is totally crooked in its frame and bothers me. thanks
That would be partially correct, at least if it turns out that the strain that Dr. Greenthumb named and marketed as being the genetically pure original G13 is just that and not a hybrid as it seems far more likely to be. If it turns out to be what it most likely is, a hybrid, than you can purchase any number of G13 hybrids that they, or the G13 in them, did originally come from hybrids created by Nevil, and you can purchase them much cheaper and in regular seeds so you remove a large percentage of the risk of going through hermie Hell like you risk with any feminized seed.

And even if it is the original, the reason I said what you said would be only partially correct is the main reason for Dr. Greenthumb to release it would be profit and profit alone. It would not at all be like he would do it just because he is some magnanimous munificent human being who only or mainly wanted the tokers of the world to have the chance to grow and smoke true G13 and since no one else had his incredible generosity caused him to provide a product that no one else is providing.

Plus if he were positive it is genetically pure G13 he would not have said he gave that to the name of what he purchased or that only time will tell if it is the real deal or not and if it turns out to not be real he will change the name. Instead he would flat out say it is real true original genetically pure G13, period, thee end .. and he would stick with that and stand by that and not basically say maybe it is and maybe it isn't and it it turns out not to be he will rename it.

I thought It says "The original Nevils cut-First pure G13 seed ever"?

What dont you get? Hello? Bricktop are you there?

Doc bought what was told to him to be Nevil's G13 cut.

He bought it for a large amount of money, and he calls it What Nevil called it.

You would do the SAME thing.
Some people grow Mids, and some others dont care what seed cost, and explore the path to find the finest cannabis on earth.

I try many breeders, and want to grow many many strains, if I could find something over the top, I'll pay for it, seed cost is the least of my concerns.
anyone actually grow this g-13 out? like to get the opinion of someone who's grown it out and has a grow journal
I thought It says "The original Nevils cut-First pure G13 seed ever"?

What dont you get? Hello? Bricktop are you there?

Doc bought what was told to him to be Nevil's G13 cut.

He bought it for a large amount of money, and he calls it What Nevil called it.

You would do the SAME thing.

What is it about what Dr. Greenthumb said that you don't get?

05-12-2011 02:57 AM #1338

Ganja Smoker Pot Head
Join DateAug 2009LocationSligo, IrelandPosts368

Here's what Greenthumb said about it. Now lets just wait for the grow reports

"we are getting a lot of grief and hate about our naming this strain g13."

Right there that states that Dr. Grentumb, and presumably those who work for him, named the strain and of course Dr. Greenthumb would have final say in what name was given. It clearly states; "our naming this strain G13." Not calling it what it had already been known by, but instead: "naming this strain G13."

If someone were to name a strain that already had a name who would say, gee, I'll give it the same name? That would not be a case of naming the strain and it is clear that the strain was named, it did say; "our naming this strain G13."

the cut came from a very reliable source and we were assured over and over again that it was g13 or we wouldn't have splashed out so much money to aquire it.

That only says that Dr. Greenthumb was reassured over and over again that the cut came from a reliable source, but why if he knew or fully believed or even was just fairly certain that it was G13 would he mention; "our naming this strain g13?"

Why would he need to name G13, G13? He didn't say something like 'we decided to stick with the original name of G13.' He saur; "our naming this strain G13."

we grew it out to confirm that in our opinion it was g13 and used our own experience combined with doubleds g13 as a yardstick since there doesn't seem to be any one cohesive description and much folklore.

He clearly states; "one cohesive description" and that in their; "opinion it was g13." opinion


–noun 1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

In simple English, Dr. Greenthumb and whoever else looked at the plant and sampled it made a guess that it was G13.

once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant from a reliable source we worked with the plant for a year before releasing it in S1 seed form.

He said he/they were; "convinced" that they; "were dealing with an exceptional plant," but he does not say convinced that they were dealing with G13, just with; "an exceptional plant" that they went on to name G13, as was clearly stated.

it is in the public domaine now where all strains belong and only time will tell if we were right or wrong

That does not sound like Dr. Greenthumb or anyone else was totally convinced that it was G13 since he said; "only time will tell if we were right or wrong." That more points to what I said above, that basically a guess was made and based on that guess the name G13 was given to what he called; "an exceptional plant," that he did not then say is/was in fact G13.

but either way it is a spectacular plant

Again that does not sound like Dr. Greenthumb, or anyone else involved in the naming of the plant was/is convinced it is in fact G13 since he clearly states; "but either way it is a spectacular plant," meaning it might be G13 and it might not be G13 but either way it is; "a spectacular plant."

and nobody can loose on it or we wouldn't sell it.

If it turns out that it is not G13, which is likely the case, then anyone who wanted true G13 and ordered what they believed was true G13 and paid the very high price to get true G13 would have in fact lost out. They could still end up with a good strain, but it would not be what they wanted, what they thought they were purchasing, what they were told they were purchasing, it would not be what they paid for and it would not what they expected to received.

we have a lot invested in this plant but if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it in a new york minute but not one second before.

If Dr. Greenthumb had been so; "convinced" it appears that he is less convinced now or else he would not be saying; " if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it." And did you notice how that sentence ended? He said; "change the name we've applied to it," which further proves that Dr. Greenthumb, likely along with his employees who all talked it over, gave the strain the name G13 and that it did not in fact come with that name and that Dr. Greenthumb was not fully convinced it was/is G13 ... or else there would be absolutely no reason for them to name the strain, to apply the name G13 to the strain because it was real and if it came with the name G13 it would just be G13 and not need to be named by Dr. Greenthumb, there would be no need and no reason to have to name it, to have to apply a name to it because it would already have one and he did not state that the decision was made to stick with, to go with, to keep the original name of G13 rather than name it, rather than apply a name to the strain, like was done.

This appears to be another case of his fake Acapulco Gold, though allegedly a higher quality fake strain or hybrid G13. His message comes across as preemptive damage control for when it clearly turns out that the strain is not pure G13. He will be able to point back and say the source was believed to be reliable and based on all we had to go on in his/their opinion it was what it was sold to him as being, but heck, he was fooled .. but that won't matter because it is; "an exceptional plant" and; "a spectacular plant" so even though he was fooled and 'unintentionally' misled everyone who purchased it believing they were going to receive true G13, in his opinion all's well that ends well and no one should have any reason to be upset or distrust him or say that he misled people or lied or misrepresented or anything at all like that.

If he were sure it was G13 he would flat out say the strain is G13 and he would not have said they named it G13 and he would not have said only time will tell or that either way it turns out, true G13 or not, everyone should still be cool and the gang with it and with him.

Clearly he knows it is not pure G13 or he suspects it is not pure G13 and that it will come out or he would not be hedging his bet like he did with that message. He would not be preemptively covering his own ass like that unless he felt there clearly was a distinct need too do so.

they dont care about covering there ass ,
they can call it anything they want ,, you buy it or you dont buy it ,
you really think the seedcompanys/breeders care ,
its all about money
they can call it anything they want ,, you buy it or you dont buy it

Just try explaining one thing ... if Dr. Greenthumb purchased true G13, a legendary strain that if real would likely sell like hotcakes, why would he ever consider renaming it anything else. Clearly there was thought put into what to name it so even if it was real G13 there had to be a point where consideration was given to giving it a different name if in the end the decision was made to name it G13. And if it was true G13 it already had a name, that being G13, so why would be say that he decided to name the strain G13?

<b>05-12-2011 02:57 AM #1338

Ganja Smoker Pot Head
Join DateAug 2009LocationSligo, IrelandPosts368

Here's what Greenthumb said about it. Now lets just wait for the grow reports

"we are getting a lot of grief and hate about our naming this strain g13." the cut came from a very reliable source and we were assured over and over again that it was g13 or we wouldn't have splashed out so much money to aquire it. we grew it out to confirm that in our opinion it was g13 and used our own experience combined with doubleds g13 as a yardstick since there doesn't seem to be any one cohesive description and much folklore. once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant from a reliable source we worked with the plant for a year before releasing it in S1 seed form. it is in the public domaine now where all strains belong and only time will tell if we were right or wrong but either way it is a spectacular plant and nobody can loose on it or we wouldn't sell it. we have a lot invested in this plant but if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it in a new york minute but not one second before.

Try to make some sort of logical sense out of what Dr. Greenthumb said and see what conclusion you come to. What does; "our naming this strain g13." and; "in our opinion" and; "there doesn't seem to be any one cohesive description" and; "once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant" and; "and only time will tell if we were right or wrong but either way" and "if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it" add up to in your mind? Why say those things if Dr. Greenthumb was/is positive that he has real true original genetically pure G13?

"our naming this strain g13." "the name we've applied to it" Don't those two things alone cause you to question what the strain actually is? Who would do those things, who would even consider doing those things, as in, name a strain and apply a name to a strain that is allegedly a legendary strain with a legendary name?

OK, here's a hypothetical example: Tomorrow Serious Seeds is sold to some other seed company. Would the seed company that bought Serious Seeds need to name AK47, AK47 or White Russian, White Russian? Aren't they already AK47 and White Russian? Don't they already have names? Would there be any reason or any sense for the new owners to say they decided to name the strains AK47 and White Russian? Unless the owner of the seed company that bought out Serious Seeds was a complete and utter moron wouldn't he or she just keep the very same famous names that are known worldwide? There would be no need to name the strains just as there would be no need for Dr. Greenthumb to do what he did, name the strain he purchased G13, as he clearly states he did, not only once but twice in the quoted message.

If he knows that he has real true original genetically pure G13 there is no logic or rationale to most of what he said, none, none whatsoever. So why in the wide, wide world of sports would he ever say what he said?

Because when he purchased the strain he could have renamed it whatever he wanted.

But he kept "G13" .
Hell I would have named It "Drgreenthumbs Pure G13" if I was him.;-)

But I think ortega asked him to call it "DDs G13"
Because when he purchased the strain he could have renamed it whatever he wanted.

But he kept "G13" .

Your reading comprehension skills are a bit lacking.

He said; "our naming this strain g13." and "the name we've applied to it"

Nothing whatsoever is said about any name being; "kept," the keeping and using of an existing name. Nothing at all.

Sure he could have named it anything he wanted to but if a strain has a name and you will be selling it under that name then there is no need for; "naming it" as Dr. Greenthumb clearly said he did. A name was chosen that was; "applied to it." That is not at all the same as keeping and using an existing name, no name was; "kept." A name was chosen and; "applied to it,"

Dr. Greenthumb went through the process of; "naming it." It said so in a message from him and there would be no reason whatsoever for him to go go through the process of; "naming it" and choosing a name that he: "applied to it" if it was already named G13 since that is the name he sells it under.

His message was one of three things. A damn stupid mistake on his part for admitting what he admitted. A Freudian slip. Or he is laying the groundwork to cover his ass when it becomes clear to everyone that his original pure G13 is not original pure G13.
Your reading comprehension skills are a bit lacking.

He said; "our naming this strain g13." and "the name we've applied to it"

Nothing whatsoever is said about any name being; "kept," the keeping and using of an existing name. Nothing at all.

Sure he could have named it anything he wanted to but if a strain has a name and you will be selling it under that name then there is no need for; "naming it" as Dr. Greenthumb clearly said he did. A name was chosen that was; "applied to it." That is not at all the same as keeping and using an existing name, no name was; "kept." A name was chosen and; "applied to it,"

Dr. Greenthumb went through the process of; "naming it." It said so in a message from him and there would be no reason whatsoever for him to go go through the process of; "naming it" and choosing a name that he: "applied to it" if it was already named G13 since that is the name he sells it under.

His message was one of three things. A damn stupid mistake on his part for admitting what he admitted. A Freudian slip. Or he is laying the groundwork to cover his ass when it becomes clear to everyone that his original pure G13 is not original pure G13.
By your interpretation we would have to believe Doc payed $20,000 or so for an unnamed plant...kind of hard to believe wouldnt you say?
Lets remember that in posts and emails the standard of proper grammer and spelling, sentance structure, and such arent really a high priorty.
To me its very simple what he was saying and it seems you want to hold him to a standard that no one else gets held to in posting.
Doc was sold a plant that was called g13 by the person who sold it to him...the naming of the plant you refer to was when he put it on his site as DD"s cut, Pure G13. When you have to use words on a website to describe something are you nameing it? Well, yes and no.
You want to say "these are his exact words", well how about we try for his meaning instead of nitpicking to make it fit our story.
Would you pay $20,000 for a plant that someone told you might be g13? Your interpratation has a major hole in it, called common sense. Have you ever gotton into an argument where someone held you to your exact words and not what you meant?
You then tell them "no- this is what i meant" and they still say, " these are your exact words" because they dont want to know what you really meant.
Dude, you are becoming transparent and I can see right through you.
You despretly want to control this argument and make everyone play by your rules, but if you used common sense it would give you batter chance of convincing people.Its like a little childish game you are playing..."this is what he said and im holding him to it"...whatever. I know you can read, but can you set down your bias and try to comprehend for just a minute?
i very rarely post here. i just browse and check out peoples grows and stuff. but, i've noticed that in many of the threads that i enjoy reading, brick top shows up with nothing but smart-ass comments and basically turns the thread to shit.
i very rarely post here. i just browse and check out peoples grows and stuff. but, i've noticed that in many of the threads that i enjoy reading, brick top shows up with nothing but smart-ass comments and basically turns the thread to shit.

thank you...............
Brick Top is super annoying !!!

You have the right to ignore his posts. Just go to his profile and add him to your ignore list and your problems are solved. If you keep reading his posts that's not his problem, it's yours.

BTW, I'm not defending him, his posts are getting repetitive (due to the Dr. GT lovers baiting him into the same bullshit over and over) and even considering adding him to my list as well. I can always just click on 'View Post' if I really wanted to read what he posted. It will also make the pages a lot smaller, lol
By your interpretation we would have to believe Doc payed $20,000 or so for an unnamed plant...kind of hard to believe wouldnt you say?

I have seen people say that Dr, Greenthumb paid $20,000.00 for the strain but I do not recall seeing a message that was, like the one OGMan posted, allegedly from Dr. Greenthumb where he himself said he paid that amount. In the message I am mentioning he only says; "or we wouldn't have splashed out so much money to aquire it." when it comes to cost.

Lets remember that in posts and emails the standard of proper grammer and spelling, sentance structure, and such arent really a high priorty.

Evidently, in your mind, neither is accurate selection of words. If someone said that they named something, that they applied a name to it, that is the total opposite of keeping and using a preexisting name. If the Dr. can't write a more precise, more accurate message than that he needs to hire a publicist or someone to take what he says and reword it into what he tried to say, and failed miserably at, so he does not end up saying the opposite of what he means.

To me its very simple what he was saying and it seems you want to hold him to a standard that no one else gets held to in posting.

All I want to do is hold him to his own words, as they were typed/said, that's all. It's not like I did what some here do and try to read between the lines and search for things that are not there but I would like for them to be there and then invent them myself and twist and spin what was said and then base what I say on that. and that it means precisely what he said?

What is so difficult for all you Dr. Greenthumb groupies and pimps and apologists to understand about him clearly stating "our naming this strain g13." and "the name we've applied to it" and that it means precisely what he said?

Doc was sold a plant that was called g13 by the person who sold it to him...the naming of the plant you refer to was when he put it on his site as DD"s cut, Pure G13. When you have to use words on a website to describe something are you nameing it? Well, yes and no.

He said; "we were assured over and over again that it was g13." But he also went on to say; "in our opinion it was g13," but as he stated, regardless of being assured they grew out the plant and formulated an opinion. That means assurances or not they were not sure, they did not know, they were dubious enough to feel the need to grow it out and then make an assumption, a guess, and formulate an; "opinion."


&#8194; &#8194;[uh-pin-yuh
&#8211;noun 1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

In simple English, Dr. Greenthumb and whoever else looked at the plant and sampled it made a guess that it was G13.

He also said; "once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant" and not once convinced we were dealing with pure G13. Along with "and only time will tell if we were right or wrong but either way" and "if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it" None of that states it is pure G13, none of that states that Dr. Greenthumb was convinced it is pure G13, and only it being; "an exceptional plant."

You want to say "these are his exact words", well how about we try for his meaning instead of nitpicking to make it fit our story.

OK, he said; "about our naming this strain g13."

He said;
"the name we've applied to it."

Take those two things and explain to me how in the English language they in any way state, say or mean that all Dr. Greenthumb did was to continue to call the strain by some original name it allegedly possessed.

Would you pay $20,000 for a plant that someone told you might be g13? Your interpratation has a major hole in it, called common sense.

Your argument has a major hole in it, it's called giving Dr. Greenthumb the benefit of the doubt on anything and everything that he says that points to the strain not being pure G13. in other words, a total lack of common sense.

Have you ever gotton into an argument where someone held you to your exact words and not what you meant?

In my entire life? Sure. Here though it is normally someone reading between the lines and attributing new meaning to what was said by what they themselves inserted between the lines and far less because of an actual word for word precisely as said message, or just totally attributing a new meaning to what I said that and virtually replying to nothing that I said.

You then tell them "no- this is what i meant" and they still say, " these are your exact words" because they dont want to know what you really meant.

I understand why you have a major interest in protecting the myth of Dr. Greenthumb having pure G13. You purchased it believing it is pure G13 and then went on and on about it and you don't want to be seen as being one of the suckers when it is made clear that it is not pure G13.

But how can you explain away Dr. Greenthumb saying; "our naming this strain g13." and; "in our opinion" and; "there doesn't seem to be any one cohesive description" and; "once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant" and; "and only time will tell if we were right or wrong but either way" and "if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it" add up to in your mind? Why would he say those things if Dr. Greenthumb was/is positive that he has real true original genetically pure G13?

Dude, you are becoming transparent and I can see right through you.

The very same can be said about you. As I already said, you give Dr. Greenthumb the benefit of the doubt on anything and everything about the strain and what he says and you bought it and don't want to be seen as being one of the suckers he took in when the truth is made clear.

You despretly want to control this argument and make everyone play by your rules, but if you used common sense it would give you batter chance of convincing people.Its like a little childish game you are playing..."this is what he said and im holding him to it"...whatever. I know you can read, but can you set down your bias and try to comprehend for just a minute?

And you desperately want to defend Dr. Greenthumb for the reasons already mentioned and you want to blow as big and thick of a smokescreen as you can to try to help cover up the truth.

All I did was quote a message that OGMan said came from Dr. Greenthumb, and repeatedly quoted it fully and completely, and then broke it down just about line by line to point out his actual words and draw attention to how they are not anywhere close to being the words of someone who is positive they purchased and have pure G13.

What is so extremely difficult or impossible to understand about Dr. Greenthumb's own words, about what he said, that people are unable to see, understand and then accept?
i very rarely post here. i just browse and check out peoples grows and stuff. but, i've noticed that in many of the threads that i enjoy reading, brick top shows up with nothing but smart-ass comments and basically turns the thread to shit.

Sometimes people do not want to know or hear the truth, and when they read it in blunt straightforward language they like it even less.