Bah, AA has been all about the haterade in his posts.

Although very technical, it hasn't added much of relevance to the conversation, aside from we've already been through, and I don't trust the tone. The tech behind LEDs can and should be researched on your own, but these discussions of heat vs. power etc, have all been hashed through before, and the different manufacturers all have excellent PDFs displaying temperature/power/light so let Google be your guide if you want to know specifics on name brand diodes. A simple comparison of the 350mA vs 700mA can answer efficiency questions, and penetration has more to do with lens angle than output (see patent referenced below). But naturally more light comes from 3W capable chips, so given the same lens angle those will outperform, as seen in stoneyluv's great comparison pic a few pages back. Any discussion of misrepresenting wattage has also been soundly discussed a few months back.
SJ is also on the haterade. OG has been sipping, too.

To answer the person who asked, white LEDs have a strong peak in blue (usually ~450-460), with a hump in the green/yellow range, so they definitely help, not to mention putting out much more light per watt than their blue only counterparts. Someone also mentioned orange being crap, I would refer to patent 6921182 among others, but there is a peak at about 610nm which corresponds to caretenoids or something. We all know or should know the wavelengths used/desired by this point or you havn't bothered to respect the thread by reading it, although I don't blame anyone too much because of the size, just look for posts by dunit (experience/knowledge in LED field and 2 great journaled grows), jdizzle (who doesn't always know, but doesn't spout garbage, and once he finds out, he repeats it verbatim thus spreading correct and useful knowledge [on the whole]), HudsonValley82 and kush groove also added to the discussion back when, and kush's success (and others) with blackstar should cut naysayers short. For the Blackstar using Cree diodes question, I believe the white ones are Cree, and from previous dismantling, the blackstar has two 630mA drivers. Any discussion about heatsinks, thermal efficiency, yada yada, has all been gone over in a much more readable format than the pile of pages stacked in the last month or more, thanks to dunit especially for sharing the info first. On a side note, the flat aluminum heatsink in BS240 can be augmented with scrap heat-sinks from old projection TVs or other electronics and some Arctic Silver, if so desired. One of these days someone should bring together the no nonsense info we need from this thread and start a sticky so we don't have to add a couple hundred pages every few months asking the same questions.

p.s. If you have bad knees GTFO sitting (?) in front of the computer and go for a walk. Old dogs need new tricks.