Jesus Teachings


Well-Known Member
He believed that his teaching could lead people to heaven and yet he specifically instructed his disciples not to preach the Gospel to anyone but his own people, the Jews.
Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel (Matt 10:5-6).​
When a poor distressed woman came to Jesus begging for help he refused to help her simply because she was not Jewish. Teaching the Gospel to Canaanites was, he said, like taking food from children and throwing it to dogs. In conformity with the Old Testament Jesus taught that we must honor our mother and father (Matt 19:19) but on other occasions he taught and practiced the exact opposite.
If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple (Lk 14:26).​
This demand that to love Jesus we must be prepared to hate others, even our own parents, seems to be very much at odds with the idea of honouring parents - let alone with the idea of loving our neighbour. Once Jesus' mother and brothers came to see him while he was preaching only to be rudely rebuffed.
And his mother and brothers came, and standing outside they sent to him and called him. And a crowd was sitting about him, and they said to him, "Your mother and brothers are outside, asking for you". And he replied, "Who are my mother and my brothers?" And looking around on those who sat about him, he said, "Here are my mother and brothers!" (Mk 3:31-35).​

  1. Who went to the tomb? Matthew says that the two Marys went to the tomb (Matt 28:1); Mark says that the two Marys and Salome went (Mk 16:1); Luke says that the two Marys, Joanna and some other women went (Lk 24:10); and John says that Mary went alone (Jn 20: 1).Christians claim that the Bible contains no mistakes but surely there are a few mistakes here. They claim that those who wrote the Gospels were inspired by God as they wrote, but apparently not inspired enough to be able to count properly.
  2. Was there an earthquake? Matthew tells us that at that time there was a "great earthquake" (Matt 28:2), but why do the other three Gospels fail to mention it? Surely a great earthquake, especially occurring at such a significant moment, would be hard to forget. It is far more likely that Matthew just made up the story to add drama to his account, in other words he lied.
  3. How many angels? Next, Matthew claims that an angel appeared before the two women, rolled back the stone door and sat upon it (Matt 28:2). He also says that the guards were so frightened that they fainted (Matt 28:4). Mark's story is quite different. He claims that the door had already been removed before the women arrived, so they went into the tomb and saw the angel inside (Mk 16:4-5). And he doesn't mention any guards. Luke's story is even more inventive. He claims that the women went into the tomb and saw not one but two angels (Lk 24:4). Obviously someone is not telling the truth. John claims that Mary went to the tomb alone, saw the tomb open, ran to get the other disciples and when they went into the tomb she waited outside. After everyone went home Mary waited, and as she did two angels appeared to her, and then Jesus appeared although she could not recognize him (Jn 20:12-14)

Jesus' Last Words

According to Matthew, Jesus' last words were: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matt 27:46). According to Mark he just gave a loud cry and died. (Mk 15:37). According to Luke he said, "Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit" (Lk 23:46). According to John, Jesus' last words were: "It is finished." (Jn 19:30). Once again we have discrepancies and contradictions which make impossible to know what to believe.
Jesus Sinsay, you don't think you could have just merged them all to the same thread?

Your becoming an even bigger troll than our friend BrotherBuz!
I hate you guys and your enlighted jibber jabber.

Just because I dont like to be fucked in the ass, dosent give me the right to bash someone else s' right to be crammed in the pucker hole, it just isnt for me, but I am not gonna be a dick and start harping on them and showing them little imperfections in themselves or what they believe. :finger:
You dont know jesus's actual teachings because he was an illiterate son of a carpenter. he didnt know how to write, and if he did, he clearly would have written his own stuff. whats even worse is, the people who wrote the new testament decided to do so decades if not centuries after his death. Christianity like all the abrahamic religions is a long going ponzi scheme.
does that make Samwise Gamgee, disciple ? .............................. we at any rate it has less contradicts then some religions
& gandalf did say on to frodo "Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill before this is over. "
jesus was just a spoiled kid,,, a wannabe king or politician or something.
Jesus was the son of one of the seven kings of israel (the name of his real father was king Ishaf). His family and the roman emperors tried to prepare jesus to be the next king (after ishaf) so they would continue to control the main area.
When the citizens choosed the rebel 'Varava' (he was stealing the rich so the christians call him the thief) instead of the king of heavens 'Jesus' -----> they were choosing DEMOCRACY instead of REIGN. Since then those people never had a king again.
These stuff i write is the official history of Israel(history they teach today to the schools).

after all it doesn't matter for me what Jesus said when he died, more than what Colombus said when he was killing the first indian kids..

Another intresting opinion i recently heard from an iranian is that some old, almost extincted religions like zoroastrism (those wise people that the christian imperialists murdered), does not accept the existence of daemons!! They say that all this shit about sins and daemons is excuses to ourselves. Just because we are stupid and we prefer to avoid facing the TRUE REASONS OF OUR MISERY... i find this way of thinking really progressive. Every bigshit that happens today in this planet have been organised by christians


If the "others" had discovered a way to control our minds, it means that they have already found a way to control their minds as well. But if they could control their minds, then the would have found the way to be happy,, so they wouldn't need to control our minds.
You dont know jesus's actual teachings because he was an illiterate son of a carpenter. he didnt know how to write, and if he did, he clearly would have written his own stuff. whats even worse is, the people who wrote the new testament decided to do so decades if not centuries after his death. Christianity like all the abrahamic religions is a long going ponzi scheme.

Add in to the fact that the people who wrote it claimed they were talking to God himself. Well, this is before the time we knew about schizophrenia... lol
imagine a kind of schizophrenia that took us 2000 years to learn how to deal with it...... and i am not sure if we know how, even now..