Well It has Ended

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Dude she cheated. the way it sounds is that this was not the first time. it seems to me she is bound to repeat this behavior, i would focus on finding someone who is into you and will not look else where for companionship. I love my wife, but she knows if she ever cheats (same goes for me) the relationship is over, no consoling, no working it out, WE ARE DONE! Don't be afraid of leaving your comfort zone, good things are out there!


Well-Known Member
She met the guy 2 days ago lied about all the chat logs. Messaged back and forth lovey dovey shit and every line was I love you <3 ect...
She cheated on her first bf with me
well first of all it was a frien that i said i love you too which is completely diffferent from the love i have for karma. He seems to think that i would cheat on him when i am not i work two jobs to support him cause he wont get one. He has stayed up until 2 in the morning talking to other girls online and not showing me the convo, but did i leave him no because when he said i should trust him i did. I left my ex for karma cause he was better and he thinks im going to do that same. there was no cheating he is overreaction. I love him so much this is my first relationship and it hurts knowing he is ending it over something so small. It would be different if i actually did cheat. I am sorry that he spilled it all on you guys but i wanted you too hear my side. i am not a cheater and i will never be i have been cheated on before, i know how it feels. It was a great relationship karma ill miss you tons, good luck with everything. ill always love you.
I think you guys need a long talk...

But PineappleChunk, you already said you have cheated once, and thats not the best impression for trust. If saying I love you to people online pisses your guy off and you love him so much maybe don`t do it?

I`m sure you two will sort it one way or another though...


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of emotional turmoil. There has to be complete trust for the relationship to work. You can't judge people for past actions. But you can trust your instincts with regard to the future. It is unhealthy to cast doubt into situations without cause. It is unfair to you and your partner to the ultimate destruction of your relationship.

If you feel the time has come to be gone then it is. If you doubt it, trust yourself. In my life I choose to trust people until they force ne not to. Occasionally this mindset bites me in the ass. But living my life without trust seems like a much worse way to live than dealing with the rare betrayal.

If you do leave, hit me up when you get to the desert... funny how things work.


Active Member
so pretend to take her back tape her giving you a blo job then send the tape to everyone in her fam and se la vie!!!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
My fiance (ex-fiance) was caught fucking around online with other guys, I rather not go into to much detail but it has been going on for a long time.

I met her online playing Left 4 Dead.. I decided to come up and visit. 1 year later we got engaged.

Then things went down hill... I just bought my plane ticket back to Arizona. She is currently begging me for another chance.. when this is like her 10th chance.

I am confused >.< this is my first serious relationship also. Just needed to vent.
sorry 2 hear that.. but most internet girls are like bar girls, just worth the fuck,, not a relation ship..


Active Member
contest rules? is it first to eat some or who eats most, or who handles it or who loses it, that wins?
The two have to eat a tab every 30 minutes, and cannot leave the room. They will be sitting at a table with their tabs layed out, and a xanax. Whoever takes the xanax first loses!


Active Member
You could get creative with it too.. There can be different rounds...Like first round is watching a trippy movie. Second is looking at creepy art, third is a discussion about the purpose of life and one's significance within the universe. Instead of taking the xanax and ending the competition, you can just leave the room to mellow out.


Active Member
My fiance (ex-fiance) was caught fucking around online with other guys, I rather not go into to much detail but it has been going on for a long time.

I met her online playing Left 4 Dead.. I decided to come up and visit. 1 year later we got engaged.

Then things went down hill... I just bought my plane ticket back to Arizona. She is currently begging me for another chance.. when this is like her 10th chance.

I am confused >.< this is my first serious relationship also. Just needed to vent.
She was not caught actually cheating, just carrying on with someone "ONLINE", right? You are the real person in her life, that online stuff is just for entertainment and to get her ready for you. Her reason for continuing and getting caught 10 times might be because of something that she's not getting from you. If you don't want her go back to Arizona, but if you want to keep her find out what these online affairs are giving her that you aren't. She might also like to flirt and this is her way of dealing with it without doing it with real people in her life.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
was yea whats up?
Listen ... You are both very young and I hope that everything goes well for both of YOU.
You are looking for something that Karma is either not offering or
does not want to give YOU. You are both learning about relationships .... and human relations.
And ultimately .... about .... what YOU need out of a relationship .... so this is about the journey.
There is No ONE to Blame ... that is the trip !

To call someone a fiance at this age ... (As in We will get married) .... is humorous .... as .... what do you really know about love .... marriage .... and YOUrself .... and YOUr place in it ?

Also ... Consider Karma and where he comes from (I have) ... here I speak of his family structure .... what does he know about relationships and life and marriage !

Besides ... he just discovered drugs .... and I bet he is going to be doing some research for quite some time ..... that is certain .... drugs and relationships don't mix 2 well.

If he was to marry .... ONE day .... Which God would he declare his Love 2 ??

I had and have many girlfriends ..... love them all.
Enjoy the ride !
Love life !
And good luck to both.


New Member
I used to have a problem with the married ladies. Yeah, those relationships never ended well. Just noted that you helped her cheat on her previous boyfriend before you guys committed to each other...right? In my experience that right there is a guaranteed relationship killer. Means you are BOTH going to have commitment issues for a long time.
Good luck!


Moderatrix of Journals
i'm with bbb on this, there's a big difference between harmless flirting and a full-on cyber affair. it's not like you busted her making plans to meet up with the guy or anything, right?
you care about each other enough to have become affianced, do you care about each other enough to sit down and hash out what exactly constitutes 'cheating' in both your views? i mean, when i make some comment that invites some sort of lewd response from someone and i respond to that with anything but "well actually i'm taken" does that make me a cheater? (imo, no. but that's all subjective.)

for example: say i make some remark about how i have to take care of some business. some dude tells me he'll take care of it for me *wink wink nudge nudge*. the way i see it i have a couple choices. i could get all serious on the guy and be like "well actually i have a bf", OR, i could let him off easy with a "i'm sorry but i don't think i could handle your big thing." <- does this actually mean i actually think he has a big thing, or that i'm the slightest bit interested in it, or that i'm going to get on a plane/bus/train/tricycle and go right over? no, either way the conversation is over. and, if my own experience on internet forums is any indication, if you openly identify yourself as a female, you pretty much open yourself up to be flirted with. i was like "wth?" at one point and was told "well, duh. you're a girl. you're the football, and we're the team. get used to it."

if other dudes want to flirt with your girl online, it means she is sexy on the inside and that is so much more special than just plain lookin' good. you should take it as a compliment. ;)


Active Member
It is obvious that people define cheating differently. What do you consider cheating? Based on what I have read from both parties involved no one has cheated. She was dating someone before him, decided she like him better and when she had the opportunity she left the other guy and started seeing this guy. Where is the cheating in that???

In my opinion, cheating is when you pursue a situation thinking that you can hook up with that person, and actually hooking up with that person (sexually) is cheating. A kiss may or may not be cheating, it depends. Flirting and dirty talk may or may not be cheating, it depends on the expectation, if there are none it's not cheating. If you are expecting something in return that might be cheating. :roll:

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
It is obvious that people define cheating differently. What do you consider cheating? Based on what I have read from both parties involved no one has cheated. She was dating someone before him, decided she like him better and when she had the opportunity she left the other guy and started seeing this guy. Where is the cheating in that???

In my opinion, cheating is when you pursue a situation thinking that you can hook up with that person, and actually hooking up with that person (sexually) is cheating. A kiss may or may not be cheating, it depends. Flirting and dirty talk may or may not be cheating, it depends on the expectation, if there are none it's not cheating. If you are expecting something in return that might be cheating. :roll:
to violate rules dishonestly.

It depends on what your ground rules are. :)


New Member
I say lets all cyber fuck and the whole world can kiss our asses...cyber cheating...hey mr. insecure YYOU WILL BE VERY LONELY MOST OF THE TIME!!!! OP is an insecure idiot IMHHO!
